Return of the Female Knight

Chapter 217 - You Don’t Know Anything About My Wife (2)

Ch. 217 You Don’t Know Anything About My Wife (2)

Elena was grateful, of course, but even though she was family, she didn’t want to take away this opportunity for Derek to be involved with someone else.

Sensing Elena’s hesitation, Derek spoke again.

“If my request was unreasonable, then I take no offense if you refuse.”

“What will you do then?”

“I don’t need a handkerchief from any other woman. I don’t mind participating without one.”

It wasn’t against the rules of course, but Elena was worried that Derek would be the only one that didn’t have a good luck token. She yielded to his request and finally nodded her head.

“Very well. If my brother truly wants my handkerchief, I’ll give it to you at the arena.”

Derek’s expression subtly lifted.


“Yes. I would be honored for my brother to accept my handkerchief. Though I might cause the other ladies to become jealous.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. That’s not going to happen.”

Elena gave a soft chuckle at Derek’s answer. He didn’t realize his immense popularity with women, and Elena felt somewhat sorry for the ladies that had a secret infatuation with him. Derek was a man who would never notice a woman’s feelings unless she directly confessed to him.

“His Majesty the Emperor said he would personally cheer for you. If you win the tournament for the Blaise family, you will be highly rewarded.”

“I’m grateful for his words.”

In truth, what Elena wanted the most for her brother was for him to simply be safe. Whether it was in an arena or a battlefield, accidents happened when one took up the duty of the sword. She looked up at Derek with warm eyes and spoke in a soft voice.

“I wish you good luck, brother.”

At her words, Derek’s suddenly got up from his seat and fell to his knees before her. Elena was startled by his sudden move, and he looked up at her with a determined expression.

“The reason why I want to win is because of you, Your Highness.”


“Not just this one time. In the future, I will fight for my sister, the Crown Princess, a member of the Blaise family.”


“I had made up my mind since you told me you wanted to marry the Crown Prince. I will be your strongest ally, and no one else.”

Derek was already loyal to his family and the Ruford Empire, although he had his reservations about Carlisle. But the moment Elena became a crown princess, the depth of Derek’s feelings changed. When Elena chose Carlisle, Derek also became the prince’s faithful ally.

All of it…it was for Elena. In the future, the Blaise family would continue to grow in power and become the pillar that supported Elena.

“So please tell me anything. No matter how difficult your request may be, I will do it for your sake, Your Highness.”

Elena’s eyes began to grow moist at her brother’s words. The memory of him rushing towards the enemies at Blaise mansion that night so she could escape flashed in her mind.

‘Are my brother’s eyes the same as then?’

She looked at Derek’s strong eyes, and thanked God in her heart for her family. She smiled as she held her brother’s rough hands.

“…Thank you, brother. You have truly helped me.”




Carlisle remained busy in his office. He had put off some work due to Elena’s injury, and recently began catching up on it. His eyes were fixed on the documents before him, and he was speaking in a low voice to Zenard standing across from him.

“Are you sure you have the evidence?”

“Yes. The Casey family has proof that it was the Empress that attempted to destroy Flower Bridge.”

“What about a witness from Redfield’s party?”

“It was difficult to find the guest list for such a secretive event, but I managed to persuade a noble, whose fortunes have recently been declining, to give me information.”

“We finished investigating the components of the drug. Are you ready to prove it in front of everyone?”


While the Empress was working to wipe away evidence, Carlisle was preparing to snatch her by the collar.

Carlisle signed the document he was looking at and spoke again.

“Have you also secured Lady Selby?”

“Yes. Since you’ve sentenced her to life imprisonment, we’ve been waiting for the Empress to make a move. You don’t have to worry about it.”

Tak. Carlisle closed the documents with one hand and massaged his temple with the other. He hadn’t mentioned Marquis Selby’s death to Ophelia at the family meal. He needed to distract her gaze until all his preparations were finished.

“The soldiers on the periphery need to be kept as secret as possible.”

“Yes. But with so many people, there may be leaks.”

“Make sure there isn’t, but I suppose that’s to be expected.”

Carlisle stood up and put on his coat. He had yet another matter to attend to.

“‘The day’ isn’t until the end of the tournament. Do not forget it.”

“Understood. I will make sure it will proceed smoothly.”

After the competition, Carlisle would set off a figurative explosion of everything he had been investigating to bring down the Empress. He would exploit her greatest weaknesses and ensnare her in a net that she could not escape. Armed conflict was inevitable, and Carlisle was fully prepared for it. If everything went as planned, it would only be a short time before Carlisle took over the throne.

Before Carlisle completely left his office, he suddenly stopped and looked back at Zenard.

“Ah. As I said before, don’t let Elena know as much as possible.”

“Are you worried that Her Highness may make things worse?”

Carlisle chuckled at his remark.

“You don’t know anything about my wife. Elena is remarkable. You don’t have to worry.”


Zenard looked at Carlisle in confusion, but the prince didn’t care to explain anymore. He continued his step forwards.

“Let’s go.”

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