Chapter 308 – So Lovely

News of Paveluc’s death took some time to spread. Both internally and externally, it was believed that he was currently leading an army towards the border.

As soon as his death became known, the war quickly ended.

The first to abandon the campaign was the Kelt Kingdom, as they had no reason to continue the war without Paveluc. Without the Kelt Kingdom’s support, the state of Lunen was forced to surrender under Carlisle, and was brought back under the control of the Ruford Empire. Although Paveluc—the main instigator of the rebellion—had died, all of his supporters would be duly punished.

Carlisle organized all this as quickly as possible, then led his soldiers back to the Imperial Palace in the capital post-hate. It was for one reason: His wife was pregnant.

Carlisle and Elena sitting next to each other in a gleaming carriage that was rapidly headed towards the capital. Soft cushions were placed on the seats for Elena’s comfort, but Carlisle continued to fuss over Elena like a mother with a sick child.

“Are you uncomfortable?”

“I’m fine.”

“Is there anything you want to eat?”

“I just had lunch.”

“But you should be eating a lot when you’re pregnant. If you’re hungry, tell me immediately, alright?”

Knowing that she couldn’t stop him, Elena replied with a smile.

“I know. You don’t have to worry over me too much.”

Even in the early stages of pregnancy when she was deprived of proper food and sleep, Elena remained strong until now. Compared to her time in prison, this was truly heaven. Carlisle kept asking if she was lacking in anything, but she couldn’t help but feel overly pampered.

“Don’t say that. If there’s anything you need, just tell me. It is my greatest pleasure to give you anything you want.”

Carlisle leaned over and stroked her forehead. Ever since their reunion, he used every moment available to feel her warmth in his arms or touch her, as if to reassure himself that she was still by his side. Elena gave a faint smile every time she felt his gentle touch.

“You’re already here next to me. What more could I want?”

Carlisle’s brow crumpled, but a moment later, he tried to suppress a teasing smile.

“When you say that, I almost want to take out my liver and gallbladder for you.”

Carlisle cupped Elena’s face with both his hands, then kissed her—on her forehead, nose, cheek, lips. His hot mouth tickled her face, and Elena’s head shook as she giggled.

“That’s ticklish, Caril.”

She looked cutely up at him with pink cheeks, and he almost wanted to devour her... but Elena’s health was the top priority, and he lowered his hands again.

His wife was with child, and they couldn’t have a passionate skinship. A constant desire burned through Carlisle’s skin, but he held it back, fearing that Elena’s body would be overwhelmed.

“Don’t look so cute, my wife. It’’s painful for me.”

Carlisle smiled, then pecked Elena’s cheek for the last time and settled back into his seat. His voice was a soft murmur as he spoke.

“I can’t wait until the baby is born.”

Elena nodded understandingly at Carlisle’s words.

“Neither can I. I can’t wait to hold our child in my arms.”

Carlisle had a different reason in mind, but Elena gave a chuckle, as his idea wasn’t a bad one either. He wanted to touch Elena because he loved her, yet at the same time, it was because he loved her that he didn’t touch her.

There was a knock on the carriage door. Carlisle turned his head, where someone’s presence was obscured by the closed window curtains.

“It’s time for Her Majesty’s health tonic.”

As of late, Elena took a daily tonic for pregnant women. Because Carlisle was so concerned about Elena’s health, he made sure that she took her medicine and reported it no matter what.

“Stop the procession. We’ll start again after she takes her health tonic.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

At Carlisle’s order, not only did the carriage stop, but the entirety of the column marching outside. Elena was flattered that her husband cared so much about her, but she couldn’t help but be embarrassed.

The carriage door opened soon after, and a maid arrived bearing the tonic. Carlisle took the bowl, then scooped the tonic with a spoon.


Elena had done this several times already, but her face still turned beet-red.

“I can drink it myself. My hand works fine, and you don’t have to spoon-feed me, Caril.”

Carlisle had a light, mischievous smile on his face.

“You’re saying that today? Because I’m not going to give in.”

“If you keep doing this, other people will—”

“If you don’t like me spoon-feeding you, then how about I use my mouth? Actually, I’d prefer it that way.”

Carlisle’s blue eyes squinted with laughter, but Elena understood at once that he wasn’t joking. He wasn’t the type to suggest things he didn’t mean. However, Elena had been almost killed by a poisoned arrow once, and she felt stronger than she did then.

In the end, Elena opened her mouth with an “aah”, and Carlisle gave a wry smile.

“My wife knows me too well.”

He scooped the tonic with a spoon and carefully placed it in Elena’s mouth. She accepted the drink like a baby bird as she glanced furtively up at him through his lashes. Her heart swelled to see the Emperor feeding her with a careful expression on his face.

How could she describe this feeling? The mere fact that Carlisle was by her side turned every moment into a happy one. She couldn’t say this out loud though; if he knew about this, he would act more like this from now on.

“Hmmm. I taste it every time, but it’s too bitter.”

“Is that so?”

Carlisle glanced at the nearly empty bowl, then suddenly leaned in close to Elena. Then, with his tongue, he swiped the liquid that clung to her lips.

Elena looked startled at the sudden kiss, but Carlisle continued to stare at her in a casual manner.

“Yes. Just as you said, it’s too bitter.”


“Of course, it tasted sweet to me because of your lips.”

Blood rushed to Elena’s face, and her naked reaction broadened Carlisle’s smile even further.

“That kind of face only makes me want to tease you more.”

“...What face?”

“This lovely one.”

Once again, Carlisle drew Elena’s body towards him, and he planted a soft kiss on her eyes. Her heart felt like it would burst from her husband’s constant affection. Each moment was almost too sweet to bear.

No matter how much time had passed, the only man who made Elena’s heart beat like this was Carlisle.

And so it would be for the rest of her life.


When the sun set, the procession stopped again. They had planned to travel quickly to the Imperial Palace so Elena could relax, but Carlisle’s concern over Elena’s physical condition slowed their schedule.

After the troops made camp, a few soldiers approached the imperial carriage and gave a brief report.

“Your Majesty, camp is ready.”

“I see.”

Carlisle stepped out of the carriage first and reached for Elena. She took his hand, and walked carefully down the steps. As soon as Elena’s feet touched the ground—


Carlisle swooped her up in both arms and carried her bridal-style. It happened in the mere blink of an eye. Elena opened her mouth in surprise as she jerked her head towards Carlisle.


“I think it’s safer for me to carry you to our tent, just in case you fall.”

“It’s only a short distance, so I’ll be fine. I might be too heavy.”

“Do I look so weak that I can’t carry my wife?”

Of course not. It wasn’t the first time Carlisle held her in his arms like this, and she knew how safe she was in his embrace.

However, the gazes of the surrounding soldiers would naturally fall on them. Their eyes seemed to be envious, but...Elena was embarrassed to be the center of such attention. They also stopped the procession so she could take her medicine, and there were rumors that Carlisle was spoon-feeding her. Elena felt that being carried around like this was too much, even if she was pregnant.

“I’m afraid other people will stare at me.”

“I dare them to.”

Although his reply was short, Elena grasped the nuance behind it. She knew his personality well, and gave a small laugh. She could read Carlisle’s thoughts without him having to say much.

“You’re enjoying this.”

“My heart wishes to do more for you.”

“No more. This is just too much.”

“Considering what you’ve been through, nothing is enough. I want to do everything so you needn’t even lift a finger. Just allow me this.”

Elena had been kidnapped when she was pregnant, and her body had suffered many hardships. She did not have the heart to tell Carlisle that she was also violently beaten by Paveluc, but Carlisle seemed to have some idea. While Elena was satisfied and grateful for her current state, Carlisle wanted to more than make up for past hurt.

They arrived at their tent, and Carlisle carefully deposited Elena on their bed. He got down on one knee, then took off the shoes she was wearing. Her eyes widened at the unexpected gesture.

“Get up quickly! What if someone sees you?”

“As I said earlier, please allow me this.”


“What’s wrong with a husband taking off his wife’s shoes?”

If they were an ordinary couple, then it was possible. But Carlisle was the emperor of the Ruford Empire. He couldn’t kneel in front of Elena for any reason. He had done it before, but he was only a prince at the time. If he was seen by anyone else now, it would undermine his royal authority.

Elena hurriedly reached out and caught Carlisle’s cheek. She looked straight into his eyes and spoke in a firm tone.

“I feel the same as you. But I don’t want anyone to see this and have a reason to cut you down.”

Carlisle only grinned at her reply.

“You might not know it, but your husband is so scary that no one would dare talk about me that way.”

“I may not know as much as you, but I’m not one to be lax.”

“That’s fine. Who cares what they say?”

“There’ll be rumors that you’re blinded by a woman...or something like that.”

There was already much talk after the soldiers had seen the black-scaled Carlisle on the battlefield. Elena didn’t want to add more fuel to the gossip.

“I’m not doing anything wrong.”

He neatly laid her shoes on the floor, then leaned forward and kissed Elena’s knee.

“Whether I’m kneeling in front of my wife, standing upright, or walking shoulder-to-shoulder, it won’t change the fact that I’m your prisoner.”


Elena was momentarily speechless. She had worried about Emperor Carlisle’s reputation after the war, but she didn’t realize that his words would evoke such marvelous feelings in her. They really were too the point where it felt like her body would melt.

Carlisle resumed speaking, his blue eyes glowing hotly as he stared at Elena.

“You saved my life, and it’s unfair for you to say no to me. You are obligated to accept as much love as I give you.”

“...I might not be able to adapt if this arrangement changes later on.”

“Are you worried things will change? Then don’t worry. I will do even better in the future.”

At those words, Elena couldn’t hold back anymore, and she threw her arms around Carlisle’s shoulders. Even when he was emperor, he hadn’t changed at all since he met her. No, that was wrong—he was becoming more thoughtful as time when on. She didn’t know that such a kind man could exist. It was as if he was born to capture her heart.

“Don’t keep saying things like this. I feel like I’m going to cry.”

Elena knew inside that all of her hardships so far led her to this point. The rosy future Elena had always dreamed of was not far away.

Everything was for this moment with Carlisle.

Elena closed her eyes, unable to contain the overwhelming happiness inside her, and she held his body. Carlisle also had a blissful smile as he hugged her back.

Then, a familiar voice from outside broke the moment.

“Your Majesty, there’s something I need to tell you.”

It was Zenard. When Elena tried to unwind her arms from Carlisle’s body, Carlisle only tightened his grip on her waist.

“If it’s not urgent, come back later.”

“A-ah, yes. There is a letter for Her Majesty the Empress, so please tell me later when you have time.”

Carlisle’s brow furrowed at Zenard’s unexpected reply. He turned towards camp with a displeased look on his face.

“Who sent it?”

“It’s from the heads of Krauss and Astar.”

When their names were mentioned, a memory suddenly slipped in Elena’s head. She had asked them to do something for her before she was taken to Lunen.

It was related to the child in Elena’s stomach.

It was about the clan that served the dragons.

Elena beamed at his confession of love.

Carlisle, Elena, and their child. Now it seemed that the only thing left for them was to live happily from now on.

The thought of a future different from a grim old life made Elena’s heart soar.

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