Reverend Insanity

Chapter 410: Dang Hun Mountain’s Gutstone

Chapter 410: Dang Hun Mountain’s Gutstone

Translator: ChibiGeneral Editor: ChibiGeneral

Fang Yuan counted, the golden bowl had seventy-eight pieces of green grape immortal essence. Adding in the layer of blue-green immortal liquid essence at the bottom of the bowl, it amounted to seventy-eight pieces and a half.

There was ample immortal essence, a hundred times that of the three kings blessed land.

Fang Yuan took out one bead of green grape immortal essence, holding it in his hand, willing and summoning fixed immortal travel Gu.

Fixed immortal travel Gu was like jade, a meticulously crafted butterfly, it was brilliant and elegant, flying over smoothly.

Fang Yuan’s face paled as his body shook, cold sweat emerging on his body as his vision turned dark. If he was not holding onto the golden railing at the side, he would have fallen.

"Master, be careful. Your soul injury was severe, do not summon an Immortal Gu so carelessly, otherwise you would fall into another coma." Little Hu Immortal shouted, her tone anxious and her expression concerned.

"No worry, I know." Fang Yuan gritted his teeth, waving his hand as he spread his palm for fixed immortal travel Gu to land.

fixed immortal travel Gu sensed the green grape immortal essence’s aura and fluttered its wings, gliding in the air and landing in Fang Yuan’s palm.

Next, it laid down on the green grape immortal essence and slowly consumed it.

Fixed immortal travel’s name contained an "immortal" word, that was not for show. Its food was immortal essence.

A moment later, one green grape immortal essence was expended.

Gu Masters refine Gu, use Gu, and nurture Gu. After Fang Yuan succeeded in its refinement, he had not fed the fixed immortal travel Gu yet.

He slept for seven days and seven nights, the fixed immortal travel Gu was starving and its lustrous wings had dimmed.

This was Fang Yuan’s first feeding session for it.

After fixed immortal travel Gu had its fill, it spread its wings and flew in the air. The bright green light appeared again, like dust particles in the air, every time it flapped its wings, it would be a beautiful light show. The unique aura of an Immortal Gu continued to radiate.

"Immortal Gu are expensive to feed, fixed immortal travel Gu consumes an entire piece of immortal essence every time! But after this, I would not need to feed it for six years."

The higher the rank of the Gu worm, the heavier the cost to feed it, but the interval between each feeding session would increase greatly as well.

Rank one and two Gu worms needed to be fed every few days. Rank four were fed one a few months. Rank five were fed every one or two years, and each time they ate, it would be extremely expensive.

Aftering feeding fixed immortal travel Gu, Fang Yuan left it alone to roam Dang Hun palace, as long as it did not leave Dang Hun mountain and get killed by that lightning shadow.

At this moment, Fang Yuan’s aperture was still rank four upper stage, it could not contain a perfectly healthy Immortal Gu.

The reason he could keep Spring Autumn Cicada was because it was too weak. Other than that, it was also his vital Gu.

Problems are classified into important and trivial, after understanding his situation, Fang Yuan confirmed that he was safe for the time being. After settling fixed immortal travel Gu’s matter, he had to fix his soul’s injury next.

"Let’s go, little Hu Immortal, go find the gutstones with me."

"Yes!" Land spirit answered quickly: "Master, you should’ve done this long ago, come with me."

Little Hu Immortal brought Fang Yuan to Dang Hun mountain.

The two moved on the uneven mountain rocks, Fang Yuan’s body was swaying, causing the land spirit to feel worried: "Master, shall I teleport you over?"

"Teleport for what? We have to save immortal essence!" Fang Yuan stared with wide eyes.

Little Hu Immortal stuck out her tongue, frightened by Fang Yuan’s words, thinking: This master is so domineering, even if he is injured, he is still so scary.

"Master, there is a gutstone here." After walking for a while, land spirit stopped and pointed at a rock below her feet, shouting.

This stone was like a person’s gallstone, it grew on the mountain rocks, having mixed colors. If one did not look properly, they would think it was an ordinary stone.

Fang Yuan quickly walked over, squatting down and smashing this gutstone with his hand.

Once the stone shattered, a Gu flew out and turned into a grey eerie light, entering Fang Yuan’s body.

Fang Yuan felt his brain turning clear, a new type of strength had entered his soul, and the buzzing in his ears had lessened.

Dang Hun mountain could shook souls, it was the death grounds of all living beings. It was only because of the land spirit’s suppression that Fang Yuan could move around with ease.

But Dang Hun mountain was not a simple death ground.

The souls of living beings break into pieces on the mountain, scattering and fusing with the mountain. As time passes, gutstones are formed.

And in some gutstones, guts Gu are found, it could strengthen a person’s soul.

This is like how the resting place of a poisonous snake has the herbs to create an antidote. All living beings compete, and the world is fair; where there is life, there is death.

Dang Hun mountain might look like an absolute death ground, but a chance of survival was hidden in it.

But this guts Gu can only exist for an instant, after that, it would either disperse or be broken down by Dang Hun mountain again. Although the land spirit can suppress the mountain, the gutstones cannot be moved, they can only be used on the spot. Thus, Fang Yuan had to go there himself and walk around Dang Hun mountain.

After being rejuvenated by this guts Gu, Fang Yuan was like a thirsty traveller in the desert getting a mouthful of fresh water.

He continued on his way, and with this land spirit acting as a dutiful guide, they found another dozen gutstones, smashing them open one by one.

Thus, Fang Yuan gained another eight guts Gu to replenish his soul. Not only did his injuries heal completely, it even improved compared to before.

"Hahaha, with this Dang Hun mountain, I have a mountain of gutstones. As long as I continue to consume guts Gu, one day, the foundation of my soul will reach a stage where no one has ever gotten to!"

Standing at the mountain waist, Fang Yuan became spirited as he laughed loudly.

Hu Immortal was a lucky person, because of an opportunity, she managed to obtain Dang Hun mountain, like she won lottery, and moved it into her blessed land.

But she was an extremely unlucky person, dying during the fifth earthly calamity.

"If it was not for the blue charm lightning shadow, she would eventually become the strongest enslavement path expert! Unfortunately, Hu Immortal only had Dang Hun mountain, but did not manage to use it for herself. But fortunately, this Dang Hun mountain is mine now!"

The most valuable part of Hu Immortal blessed land was this Dang Hun mountain!

Of course, the soul could not be strengthened endlessly with guts Gu. Once the soul was not concentrated enough, using large numbers of guts Gu would cause it to over-inflate and trigger a certain-death disaster.

But Fang Yuan had his five hundred years of experience, all his ups and downs after rebirth, constantly struggling at death’s door, his soul was already tempered like steel!

Keeping calm at the face of death, a heart of ice at impending doom.

To Fang Yuan, a few hundred guts Gu was no problem at all.

There were a lot of benefits and implications in having a strong soul foundation. Be it refining Gu or enslaving beasts, it would make it much easier. Other than these, once the soul becomes stronger, Fang Yuan would not have to worry about killer moves like Mo Wu Tian’s purple eyes.

Dang Hun mountain is a forbidden ground, first appearing in <>.

Legend says that Verdant Great Sun flew towards the sky, and ended plunging to his death.

Ren Zu, as his father, was extremely upset after receiving the news, finding wisdom Gu for an explanation.

It was wisdom Gu who taught Verdant Great Sun to drink, causing the series of events thereafter.

Wisdom Gu quickly said: "Ren Zu, oh Ren Zu, don’t find trouble with me. Although your son died, it is not impossible to revive him. As long as you enter the door of life and death, and lead him towards the road of life, walking under the sunlight, he would be revived.

Ren Zu was shocked, before becoming overjoyed, and then extremely furious.

He grabbed wisdom Gu and questioned: "Wisdom Gu, oh wisdom Gu, do you still think I am that ignorant boy from before? The door of life and death is a dangerous place, once I enter I will never be able to leave. After harming my son, you want to kill me too?"

Wisdom Gu quickly said: "Other living beings do not know the secret of the door of life and death, thus they cannot leave. But I can teach you all of these secrets."

"You are a living person, to enter the door of life and death, you have to enter from the road of death. This road is extraordinary, it was the road left behind by destiny Gu when it left fairness Gu. The road left behind was called path of destiny. There are many suffering Gu inside the path of life, you have to enter from the road of death, and you need to own courage Gu. That way, you will not fear the torture of suffering."

"When you enter the door of life and death, and see fairness Gu, you are already dead. But at the same time, you will see your eldest son, Verdant Great Sun’s soul. You will bring him away, and go out from another road, the road of life. Road of life was the path treaded on by destiny Gu when it visited fairness Gu, it is also called the path of destiny."

"But during this path, you will meet three obstacles. One is Dang Hun mountain, another is called Luo Po valley, and lastly the reverse flow river. To climb past Dang Hun mountain, you have to smash the gutstones on it, and obtain guts Gu’s help. To get past Luo Po valley, you need to find faith Gu to help. To get through the reverse flow river, you have to move forward continuously, not stopping for even a second during the process."

Ren Zu heard wisdom Gu’s words and let it go.

He quickly found faith Gu.

Ever since he became blind, faith Gu’s light was the only light he could see.

"Oh Ren Zu, I can feel your determination in getting back your eldest son. I am willing to help you, but I urge you not to give up on this goal. Because when you give up, I will leave you for good." Faith Gu said with concern.

Ren Zu found courage Gu next.

Courage Gu and hope Gu were good companions.

Ren Zu had hope Gu, and thus saw courage Gu occasionally, he had a decent relationship with it.

After getting courage Gu’s help, Ren Zu came to the door of life and death, entering the road of death.

The road of death was pure darkness, the large number of suffering Gu were like yellow fireflies, swarming towards Ren Zu. At this time, courage Gu shone brightly, chasing away the suffering Gu for Ren Zu.

Courage was needed to face death.

Ren Zu succeeded in going down, his body turned whiter as it turned hollow, gradually turning into a ghost.

He could "see" again.

When he got to the end of the road, amidst the calm darkness, he saw fairness Gu.

He was extremely shocked by fairness Gu’s huge body, exclaiming: "You are fairness Gu? Why is your body so huge? A mountain is a speck of dust compared to you. The sea is like a droplet compared to you."

Fairness Gu’s voice was grand: "Life and death are the greatest fairness in this world, when I am inside the door of life and death, my body will become enormous. Oh Ren Zu, you are here for your son right. Feel free to go, he is right there."

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