Secret Killer

Chapter 43 - Sadist Meests Masochist

After the lectures ended, it was break time. All the students left and went out to eat. Leon was thinking of doing the same, but he had to take care of something first.

Anna. The anomaly for Leon.

Leon was waiting for Anna to leave the room so he could follow her, but she wasn't moving from her desk. After waiting for a while, annoyed, Leon left the room and thought he would wait for her outside the room.

There were a few other students in the room, so he couldn't do anything to her. Besides, CCTV cameras were installed everywhere on the campus.

The break was about to end, and Leon was furious at Anna.

"I missed my lunch because of her."

The break ended, and the class resumed again.

After a few hours, the class hours were over, and the students were on their way home or to their dorm.

Leon knew that Anna wouldn't leave if he waited in the classroom, so he left early and waited for her to come out at the store near the university.

"Is she suspecting me?" Leon wondered.

After 2 minutes, he saw Anna leaving the campus. He watched her from the store to see which direction she was going. However, a car passed on the street and she suddenly disappeared from his sight.

Leon ran out of the store and glanced around, but he couldn't see her. It was as though she vanished into thin air.

As Leon was glancing around, someone tapped on his shoulders from behind. Leon looked back to see Anna standing there with a grin on her face.


"Looking for me?" she asked.

"" Leon tried to play dumb.

"Is that so? I could feel your gaze on the lectures. And I saw you glaring at me on the break," she stated nonchalantly.

"My face is like that," Leon replied with a shrug.

"Are we going to your place again?" she asked curiously.

"..." Leon sighed and thought, 'There is no use of playing dumb. She knows everything…'

"How did you manage to run away?" Leon asked with a frustrated expression on his face. So far, he has never failed in a task, and even if he did, he had something better planned for his victims. But Anna was different, and Leon didn't like that.

"That was easy," Anna scoffed. "I have been playing with toys like this ever since I was a kid."

'I want to kill her. I want to punch her face and break her teeth so she can no longer grin. I want to gouge her eyes out so she can no longer look at me. I want to pluck her tongue out so she can no longer speak.' Leon clenched his fists in anger and said, "Then I will show you something—"


Leon and Anna were standing in the middle of the street, and the traffic was jammed because of them.

Leon grabbed Anna's hand and dragged her into a secluded alley where he could end her. However, when they reached into the alley, Anna raised her hands in the air and said, "If you are going to kill me, then kill me in a clean and nice place. I don't want to die and rot with trash."


"Let's go to your apartment! That's the best place to die," she added. "You must have various types of torture weapons, right? Give me the best and the cruelest torture possible. Make me suffer!: she said with a flushed and excited face.

She was a masochist.

Leon was genuinely both freaked and creeped out by Anna. However, his rage for Anna was rising every passing second. He indeed wanted to give her the most painful torture and make her suffer before killing her.

Leon had two options. One was to kill her now and be done with it, and another one was to torture her to his heart content and make her beg for mercy, then kill her. Leon chose the latter one because he couldn't miss the chance to torture someone.

He was a sadist.

It was the meeting of the sadist and the masochist.

Leon took her t his apartment and got ready to torture Anna.

"Can I take a bath first?" She asked with a cheerful voice. "I will make you a delicious dinner after that."

"..." Leon stared at Anna in disbelief. 'Why is she calm about this?'

After noticing Leon's furious glare, Anna cleared her throat and said, "Shower is also fine."

"What will you wear after that?" Leon asked with a puzzled and curious look on his face.

"I have got spare with me." Anna took out a pair of clothes from her bag and showed them to Leon.

'Is this her plan to run away? But that doesn't seem to be the case.' Leon's bathroom was in the corner of his apartment, where one would need to pass through the living room to exit the house.

Leon pointed his gaze at the bathroom and said, "Go ahead."

Leon was hungry. Because of Anna, he didn't get to eat in the break, so starving. If he cooked, then he would make eggs, as always. He stood in front of the door to make sure she wasn't trying to do something. There was no way he would trust the girl who gave him chills.

"Where did you go on Friday after locking me into the closet?" she asked from the other side of the door.

Even when her voice was muffled by the door and overlapped by the noise of the water, Leon could hear everything thanks to his super abilities.

"What is wrong with you? Why aren't you scared?"

"Why would I be scared of something I want?"

"My neighbor said you even went to the market and bought groceries to cook dinner. Why would you do that?"

"To eat, of course. I was hungry, and you hadn't come back, so I thought I should cook something for you, and we would eat together when you come back."


"But you didn't come back until midnight, so I went home," she added. "Although, I left the leftovers in the fridge. Did you eat them?"

"Why would I eat something made by a complete stranger? Who knows what poison you might have mixed into that," Leon retorted.

"You should trust me a little. I trust you so much that I am in your house again."

"To get tortured and die," Leon added.


Author's note- Sorry for the delay!

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