Chapter 27: Chapter 27

The sun was almost gone now when two luxurious mana stone carriages glided to a stop in front of the king’s castle. Carl got out from the smaller one first and opened the door of Edgar’s carriage. Carl would never let servants from the castle serve the duke.

“Your Grace, are you alright?”

Without replying, Edgar moved his long and strong legs to step out from the carriage.

“What about the meeting?”

“It is dinnertime, so they are taking a one-hour break.”

“I arrived early.”

“Will you join the feast as well?”

Edgar shook his head at the servants’ offer. Going to such a crowded occasion only made him more tired.

“Then let me escort you to the resting room.”

He led Edgar to the resting room that had simple refreshments and sofas.

As the feast would take about an hour, he would probably be able to use the room alone during that time.

“Your Grace, should I bring you some food?”


Edgar sat down on the sofa and stretched his long legs. Then, he tilted his head to look up at the ceiling. His head was full of thoughts because of the meeting that would soon take place.

“Then please, rest.”

Carl left the room so that the duke could be alone. Edgar just stared at the stars through the windows and tried to clear his mind.

‘When the cannon I invented this year will be tested by the adventurers and sold...’


The sound of a door opening broke the silence. It wasn’t the direction of the main door through which Carl had left. Edgar looked toward the sound and found a woman in a pretty dress, but he couldn’t see any door near her.

‘Secret door.’

The palace was ancient, so having a secret passage was nothing weird.


Before he could ask who she was, she leaped forward and hugged him. He didn’t like the sudden contact.

“Let me go!”

He brutally pushed the woman away who went back. Tears ran down from her green eyes. She was beautiful and knew how to cry pitifully, but it couldn’t rouse any feeling on Edgar.

“It’s nighttime and you are a mature lady. It would be bad for your honor to be alone with a man, so leave.”

Edgar thought about calling someone, but he decided to take care of it quietly for the both of them. Then, her crying eyes glared dangerously at him.

“Then will you marry me?”


“You must take responsibility for dishonoring me.”

Edgar started to now get a headache.

“I have done nothing to you, and I don’t even know your name...”

The woman was disappointed, but she soon boldly raised her head.

“It’s Helena Leofold.”

Marquis Leofold. He was the reason why she was so confident. But Helena? I’ve never heard of her.

Edgar looked confused. So, Helena continued to speak, “We danced together in this year’s New Year’s Eve ball.”

Still, it didn’t ring any bell.

‘I dance with so many ladies at balls.’

The king was kind. He insisted Edgar had to dance with the ladies as the poor maidens were about to die of love, so Edgar always danced with many ladies when he went to balls.

Edgar had enough power to refuse to go to balls and do as he wanted but, as the king held his secret, he had no choice.

“Do you remember complimenting my beauty?”


He didn’t. He had been in a bad mood at the ball. All the compliments he had said back then must have probably been sarcastic.

“You took my heart, and now you are getting married? You can’t do this!”

It had been only a few days since Edgar got permission to marry from the king. Had the word already gotten out? Well, Marquis Leofold was, of course, capable of getting that kind of news.

“I never took your heart. Stop making things up.”

However, no matter what he said, Helena continued to say what she had to say.

“And she is only a baroness? It is the king’s scheme to stop you from getting more power, isn’t it? Such an uneducated girl from such a lowly family will not be able to assist you well. She will be made a laughingstock by her peers.”

She was impossible to convince.

Edgar sighed, “It is my business. Don’t mind it.”

However, Helena grabbed his pants and said, “I can do well. I also have a huge dowry.”

Edgar almost said he already had more than enough money.

“I am good at embroidering and bookkeeping. I am very healthy, so I will be able to bear you healthy children. I will not bother you. I will not care even if you sleep with other women, I promise.”

She had come to him at night and was holding his pants, and thought that promise meant anything? Edgar pressed his temple hard. There was no need to cause trouble.

“Miss Leofold, please come to your senses.”

“If you are hesitating because of the king’s special permission, it will not be a problem. If rumors get out about how you dishonored me...”

“I can’t hear it anymore. You want me to become such a bastard for you when I don’t even remember your name?”

Edgar finally exploded. Then, Helena, who had been wearing that sad and pitiful expression, got rid of it and stood up.

Then, she found the hidden ribbon in her dress. The dress she was wearing had been made by Christopher, a famous designer in the capital. It looked like an ordinary dress, but it was for secretive meetings between lovers. It fell down when the hidden ribbon on the wrist was pulled.

“What are you doing?”

She had been sick because of love for three months. She wanted to scream and call people, but unlike what she had told Edgar, she wasn’t ready to discard her honor like that.

“Please give me a memory.”

However, she was ready to discard her morals. It just had to be done without others knowing about it.

“A memory?”

“Your Grace, I will marry an old count in a month. Just once, just once will be enough. I will keep that memory for the rest of my life. I love you.”


It was disgusting.

If this was a nightmare, he couldn’t wait to wake up. He could barely manage to restrain his anger. He really wanted to avoid someone coming and seeing the situation. Then, Helena’s life would be destroyed if he refused to take that ‘responsibility’.


He called a name, and a man appeared from the dark.


Helena’s shriek was soon muffled. Stephen soon brought a blanket and tied her. He also covered her mouth.

“Marquis Leofold, come out.”

A bookshelf in the corner moved at this, and Marquis Leofold came out with a sheepish smile.

“I’m sorry, but my daughter said it was her last wish.”

And, it would be even better if things went well and your daughter became the duchess, right?

Edgar wanted to say that, but he restrained himself once again. Instead, he glared at the sly marquis.

“Leave with her.”

Helena had finally given up and was crying. So, the marquis embarrassedly took her.

“I apologize once again for my daughter’s rudeness. But... she does like you. Um, actually, I am not that glad to make my precious daughter marry that count.”

If she was really precious to him, he wouldn’t have accepted such a marriage proposal. Edgar snorted.

“Duke Claymore, I know this isn’t right, but I must ask. Can’t you at least kiss my daughter once?”

“If you know it isn’t right, why are you asking?”

The marquis’ face turned red. He blamed Edgar for coldly refusing his plea.

“I asked even though I knew it would be embarrassing, but they are right, you really are a cold-blooded man without any kindness. Just one kiss would cost you nothing! No, no. Helena, look. I told you, you shouldn’t fall in love with such a bad man.”

Edgar looked at him without any emotion. He had been insulted too many times to get hurt by that. Of course, the marquis didn’t even think of that as an insult.

“Get out of my sight.”

He just wanted to provoke Edgar. His daughter was afraid of people coming in, but he wasn’t.

As soon as Edgar said that, Stephen dragged both of them into the secret passage.

Stephen would take care of them on his own.

Edgar was finally left alone again and sighed deeply. He was really tired. The fatigue of the travel, that he hadn’t felt when he had just gotten out of his carriage, now hit him.

‘How would that daughter think of her father?’

As a kind father who threw away his pride to give her a chance? A father who truly loved his daughter would not have done such a mad thing. Even old men in the market wouldn’t have done what the marquis had done.

‘Can’t you at least give her one kiss?’

Edgar scolded. That kiss would have never ended as one kiss. Marquis Leofold had tried not to give up on his plan until the last moment.

‘That kind of forced marriage would have never made his daughter happy.’

He recalled Helena begging to marry him, saying she didn’t mind him having an affair with other women. Now he felt even worse.

How could she shamelessly say she loved him when she could also say that?

Was love, no, were people in love that irrational?

He was tormented.

He had done the right thing, nevertheless, he felt tormented.

He was furious, but at the same time, he pitied Helena. The woman who could accept her husband having an affair. Who had taught her that as a virtue?

He couldn’t forget the way she had looked at him as she returned with her father.

Such great sorrow and resentment.

When people looked at him that way, he felt tormented even though he had done nothing wrong.

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