She's My Sleeping Pill



The two of them talked at the rooftop for few more minutes but Cayenne decided to come inside after remembering Stefan's words. She needed to stay warm to avoid catching cold and infecting him. It wasn't long after she came back when someone knocked on her mother's hospital room.

"Delivery for ma'am Cayenne Ardolf." The delivery man stuck his head on the small opening of the door to see if he was in the right room.

Cayenne was dumbstruck upon seeing the small boxes inside the plastic bag. The name of the delivered items was Sweet Love. It was from the café that Stefan said he was at earlier. "I'm Cayenne." She walked to the door to open it widely for the delivery man to come inside. Luiz and Kyle took the plastic bags from the man while he was showing Cayenne the details of the order and the person who ordered them for her.

"Thank you." Cayenne mumbled while signing the delivery form. The delivery man left after making sure that everything's given to her.

"You bought all of these?" Luiz asked. They knew that their sister has a sweet tooth but they never expected her to buy so much in one day.

"Don't you think that's too much?" Arthur also said. He was still there since he dropped by to see her mother. He also knew that Cayenne didn't buy them. It was obviously from the man that she talked to earlier at the rooftop.

Cayenne just smiled without saying anything. She opened the boxes and found different kinds of pastries and cakes inside. There was a note as well. She immediately picked it up and placed them inside her pocket. 'What was he thinking leaving a note like this?'

If Luiz and Kyle noticed that small yet suspicious gesture, there's no way that Arthur and her mother did not. They were all looking at her but nobody questioned her. "Just choose whatever you want and eat." Last time, she told Stefan that she was health conscious because she needed to work and that she shouldn't risk her health. She avoided eating too much sweets as well even though she really likes them. This time, with their relationship getting better, she was starting to show him her real self. She wanted to be honest with him when it comes to small little things like her favorite and hated stuff.

She ate them happily and mentally noted to thank him later. Luiz and Kyle could see her happiness, too and somehow, they felt sad for their sister. She earned so much money but she would never prioritize herself. Even buying her favorite food and stuff would always be at the bottom of the lists of her priorities. Their mother came first and the two of them came in second, she would put herself as the last priority above everything else.

"Ma, is there anything that you're craving for lunch? I saved a little money here which we can buy the food you wanted to eat." Cayenne stated before putting another taking a bite on her macaron.

"How about I treat everyone to lunch? I haven't done it ever since I came from home." Arthur suggested which lit up Luiz's and Kyle's eyes.

"No, it's not needed. Don't waste your money on us. You should save it for your future needs." Cayenne responded, clearly expressing her refusal.

"I don't really mind. It's not like I'm going to pay for your living expenses. It's just a lunch meal. There's no need to be so concern about it. Do you mind it, too, Auntie?"

Cayenne's mother smiled. "I'm fine as long as you won't take it as a burden to your wallet."

"How can that be? You're like a mother to me already. Treating you to a meal is only natural."

"You are such a good boy. Your future wife will be very lucky." Arthur could only chuckle at her words while Cayenne smiled faintly. Her two brothers who knew about the story stayed silent just smiled like nothing happened. They didn't want their mother to have more stress added to her plate.

"I'll find a place for us to eat." Arthur took out his phone and searched for restaurants nearby.

While he was busy searching for restaurants and while her two brothers were busy talking to their mother and eating the pastries, Cayenne took this chance to take out the note and read it. 'Have a great day! I hope these sweets will give you enough energy. Fighting!'

Cayenne raised her eyebrow and laughed. There's no way he'd make such sweet note for her. Someone must have written it on his behalf. Her siblings, her mother and Arthur looked at her when they heard her laughter. How long has it been since they last heard her genuine laughter? I had been such a long time that they have already forgotten it. Now, she was laughing happily because of a simple note.

"Mona is really stupid." She used her colleague to make an excuse for Stefan. She couldn't let him know of his identity. Not now and not ever. So, she used Mona to be the scapegoat when she noticed that their gazes where focused on her.

She pocketed the note again and acted like nothing happened.

"It was Mona who sent these?" Kyle asked since he had seen the woman several times in the past when his sister started working In Clover Hotel.


No one was convinced with her answer but no one argued with her either.

When lunch break arrived, the doctor allowed Cayenne's mother to go out and have a lunch date with her family. They chatted over food and Arthur was clearly having a good time knowing that Cayenne's mother likes him so much. In order to win her over, he needed to start with her family. He needed to gain their trust and eventually, he would gain hers.

He had planned everything from the moment he came back from States. This time, he won't let her go again. He will take things slowly but surely.

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