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Chapter 617 617 - More monsters

Chapter 617 617 - More monsters

"I also know that president but I wanted to help those dark humans to recover them. It is unimaginable for me to think how much they have suffered and also they are losing their life. While those Abyss humans just use them as their puppet.

This makes me very angry and if it is possible then I really want to open the gate between our world and the Abyss world. I wanted to kill those people but it is just that we are unable to go to the Abyss world."

The Blade King said that with a frustrated tone. Actually not only he but everyone present in the meeting room even you can say Andrew the president of the warrior association and Philips, the array master also angry at those Abyss humans.

Those people just did not care about the lives of those warriors and turned them into puppets. The most Unimaginable thing is that they would never have known about this if those Warriors or you could say those dark humans had not suddenly come to the danger zone.

Because of this, everyone present in the meeting room really wanted to kill all those masterminds who were behind all of this. It is just that day unable to open the gate between Terraria and the Abyss world. To open the gate they needed dark spiritual energy and unfortunately, they did not have the dark spiritual energy and because of this, they were unable to open the Gate.

On the other hand, those Abyss humans use dark spiritual energy that can also help them connect with Terraria and because of this, they are able to travel to Terraria. Unfortunately, no Warrior present in Terraria currently has the power to prevent those Abyss humans.

"Sigh, I also have the same motive as you but currently we have the more important thing and that is to save those Warriors. But at the same time as I told you, you need to stay in the human Kingdom. This is a very important matter and we cannot reveal it to anyone until we have found a way to help those warriors to return to normal.

As you can guess not everybody will keep this secret among them and the moment it will spread around all the warriors they will immediately get terrified because of this. Nobody will expect when they will get kidnapped by those Abyss humans.

Fortunately, all the warriors present in the Viet kingdom also did not know anything about this as they only knew that they were facing some dark humans. Because of this, I am also thinking that we should carry on these missions without telling those warriors. Because I also did not want to reveal these to them."

" President I also think this is a good idea if we try to do this inside of the Viet kingdom, those Warrior from the Viet kingdom will get suspicious about this and if they are somehow able to know about this naturally there is a possibility that every other warrior will get to know about this by them."

" Well don't worry about that as doing these in the outer area of the danger zone would be safe. But really at the same time we need to stay alert so that we do not interfere while we will be extracting the spiritual energy from those dark humans."

Andrew and all the elders of the Warrior Association right now discussing What to do after going to the Viet kingdom. First of all, they already decided that they would not carry out these missions inside of the kingdom as those Warriors from the Viet kingdom would naturally get to know about this and they did not want to risk anything.

lightsnοvεl.cοm Fortunately, the outer area of the danger zone would be a safe place to do this and they already decided what to do. So Andrew wasting no time already selects all the elders who will be going with him inside the danger zone alongside Philips while the remaining elders will stay inside the warrior association.

"Oh… I forgot to contact Sam. This boy is really a miracle child and because of him we can get to know about all of this. It is hard to believe that without his help most likely we still won't be able to get to know about this and also we will not have any guesses about the motive of those Abyss humans."

Andrew says that. Not only him but everyone in the Warrior Association is very grateful to Sam. First of all, every one of them also knows that Sam has a pretty weird technique that makes him completely invisible to anyone. Even using their full power they won't be able to find him.

Also in this 6 month same used his techniques to do many things for the warrior association that also said life of many Warriors. Naturally, only some of those missions were known by some warriors but those Warriors did not know the full details about all those missions.

Because of this everybody from the warrior association also trusts Sam and they also know that he is the person who will not reveal something like this if they do not tell him to do that.

The Blade King, wasting no time, contacted Sam and asked him about the situation. He already begins to hear the details that Sam is telling him but the thing is that the situation isn't looking good. Because he put the phone on the loudspeaker everybody present in the meeting room can also hear that.

"Actually more energy fluctuation appeared in the danger zone and every time I went toward those places I could see more Monsters that had the same weird symbol appearing in those places.

This time I naturally did not approach them as I wanted to inform all of you before approaching them. Also, I am really worried about the destruction rate if the mastermind behind all of these also decided to explode those Monsters that just appear.

One thing I can tell you is that if something like that happened then every one of those dark humans would also get killed by the explosion. So because of the risk, I did not approach those Monsters right now."

The Blade King naturally has a serious face and he already looked at the president and waited for him to say anything.

"Sam… good thing you did that. I am guessing that the mastermind is also waiting to do something like this if he somehow feels that one of the monsters got Attacked by someone. So naturally right now you needed to observe those Monsters.

Also, the good news is that my friend has already arrived in the danger zone and we finally have a way to save those dark humans. Me and seven elders will go to the danger zone using our teleportation array. We will immediately start our project with those dark humans.

First of all my friend already confirmed to me that we were able to break those Hion symbols from those dark humans but the thing is that me and all the elders will be busy extracting all the spiritual energy from those dark humans.

Naturally, it will take us much time to extract the spiritual energy. It isn't a fast process and as we did not have control over their full spiritual energy we also won't be able to do that quickly.

Until then if something like the previous explosion appeared naturally the life of those dark humans could be in danger. With this, we will not have any way to protect those Warriors. So until then, you should just observe those dark humans and those Monsters."

Andrew quickly told all of these to Sam as he could tell some were most likely pretty confused at this moment and also feeling very helpless. First of all, Sam also knows that those dark humans were normal Warriors a few days ago.

So naturally he also wanted to save every one of them and because of this, this time he did not recklessly attack those Monsters. Good thing he did not attack them as the result would make him much more guilty than this.


Sam, after hearing the word of the president, relaxes a little and both of them hang up the phone. President already told all those seven elders and Philips to go with the teleportation array. Naturally, they said the location to the danger zone, and using their spiritual energy they already activated the teleportation array.

Normally if any Warrior uses the teleportation array then they would be able to appear in that place where a second teleportation array is present, but in the headquarters of the warrior association, a different teleportation is also present that was also created by Philips. Using that they could appear anywhere until they have spiritual energy present in their body.

Going to random places like this naturally costs much more spiritual energy but nobody cares about that. One by one the president and all the other elders of the Warrior Association already disappear from that place. The Blade King also just sighed and then used the different teleportation array to go back to the human Kingdom.

Even though he is pretty what he is right now at the same time he is relaxed a little as the President's personality is taking action. He has full confidence in the president so because of this, he also simply accepts the suggestion of the president.


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