Silva returned to the throne room with Aris, Dawn, and Amber. Aqua and his maid had been healed up and were waiting for him.

He got on the throne and then looked at Aqua.

“You three will go back to wherever you came from and tell them that this demon king candidate is busy, so I can’t come, and I don’t plan to come for a while. If that doesn’t sit well with them, they can come see me. I’ll be here in my little corner of a kingdom,” Silva said.

“Why do I have to go? I want to be here with you, Silva,” Amber said.

“No, no, I don’t want to get on the bad side of the elves yet; you have to go. Maybe after you go, you’ll realize that I’m not what you like,” Silva said.

“It’s funny how you think you’ll make me go away. I’ll be back, Silva,” she said with a smile.

“Lily, send them to the surface as far from here as possible,” Silva said to Lily quickly. He was tired, and he didn’t want to stress himself further.

Lily did as he said and teleported them. They would handle themselves there.

After the meeting with the families, the next day, they all had to go to school, and today was the day they would have to show their magical formations that they had been working on.

Everyone in the class of advanced magic would have to show their formation. They had been given an ample amount of time to work on it, so if they failed, they would lose points. story source m vl e mp yr

Silva sat in the class with everyone. He could notice that Oliver, his brother, was glancing at him from time to time.

He knew what was happening. He understood that Oliver was up to something, but he couldn’t say when Oliver would do something.

The class kickstarted, and the teacher came into the class and asked all of them to head to the training field.

Some people would be showing off some destructive formations, and so they didn’t want to have the classes destroyed.

Simple formations were getting shown, well, until the S class started getting called, with the first person from S class being Aaron.

He walked out of the group and stood a few meters away from everyone.

As a fairy, he had good access to a good amount of elements, but the one he decided to use today was air; it was what he recorded as his main element.

He raised his hands into the air, and a massive green formation started forming, with intricate circles and designs.

It finished forming, but did not stop there. A smaller one formed under the bigger one, and then a smaller one, and then another smaller one.

Until there was a total of five, and then they shifted into the open field. The formations began rotating.

The first and third ones rotated in one direction, and the others rotated in the opposite direction.

And then, like a black hole, the biggest formation sucked in a mighty amount of wind. It passed through the first formation, powering up and becoming more compressed.

The compressed air shot through the next formation at high speed and got more compressed. The same thing happened until it shot through the last formation.

It became a very small, highly compressed beam of wind. It blasted into the ground with a very loud bang; the ground exploded in all directions.

The teacher immediately made a massive barrier to block the debris from hitting the students.

Aaron turned and faced the teacher after he finished his presentation. He saw the look on the teacher’s face and smiled wildly; he knew that he had done well, the pride of the strong.

“Uh-huh, the next person is Michael.” The teacher shook out of his stupor and called out the next person, who was Michael.

Michael passed Aaron as he got to the clearing. He spoke to Aaron as they passed each other.

“I’ll surely beat yours,” Michael said.

Michael stood, and like Aaron, he started. A blazing red formation formed up in the sky, and then a fireball started coming under it.

The fire was not ordinary, because it looked like liquid fire swirling around, creating a massive ball that still grew in size.

It kept growing until it was over three meters wide. When it reached that size, a formation appeared underneath it, and it sucked the fireball in a stream-like method.

Converting it and firing it as a flame beam, it was like a laser beam made of fire, tearing through the floor and melting sand and rocks.

Like with Aaron, everyone was shocked at the sight. But this would not be the best presentation yet, because up next was the one who wanted to prove himself at all costs, Oliver Terron.

His formation was the triple-layered flame formation that created a very massive flame tornado.

At the top of the tornado was one formation, at the center was one, and at the bottom was one. These three formations were what he used to control the heat and direction of the tornado. freeweɓ

His presentation was perfect as well, and he received a smile and approving nod from the teacher.

Up next was someone Silva had not really paid attention to, because she just turned out to be a normal genius. She was one of the girls he saw during the entrance exams, but he lost interest in them.

She came and used a wind-type formation and did a very massive and beautiful wind formation that fired a massive wind sword from the sky into the ground, creating a massive crater.

This was what a genius could do, but sadly for them, people like Silva existed in their world and stopped their genius from shining.

The best person up was Lia. And everyone knew she was number three in the class and the first year.

They had seen her present a peaceful formation once, and so now they wondered what she would do this time.

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