Silva sat on the throne, Dawn stood on one side, and Elsa stood on the other.

“It’s nice to see you all here. There are questions in your minds right now, like what’s happening, where am I, who is that, and lots more.

Well, I’ll get into the details as to why you are here, all of you. So listen closely, this is about to be a long story.

I am Silva Terron, a boy born with the legacy of a dark dragon. A legacy that changed who I was, making me become the heir to a dragon.

I’ve grown up part human, part dragon for all my life, keeping this secret hidden. This place where you are all standing is the home of the dark dragon, and as the heir, I inherited it.

Now, the most important part, I am a demon king candidate as well. Oh, it seems the story didn’t take as long as I expected,” Silva said with a small laugh.

“Silva, what are you saying? You can’t be serious here, right?” Michael yelled at Silva.

“Oh, but I am, Michael, I am. I’ve lived hidden because I had things to do and things you set up. But now, it’s time to come out of the dark.

To my parents, to my siblings, and to everyone who cared for me and is standing here. The Silva you know is half a dragon and also half a demon king candidate.

I am sorry that I never told you, but I feel that you can already understand the reason why I would have to hide something like this until it was the right time.

The questions that are boiling in all your minds are valid, but if you think about it truthfully, you will find the answers,” Silva said.

“So, are you a spy for the demon kings?” Michael asked.

“Nope, I couldn’t care less about them. I am simply the demon king candidate in name; I have no connection or friendship with them.

Sure, I met with one demon king candidate who tried to drag me there, but I beat him up and sent him on his way,” Silva explained.

Silva’s mothers stepped forward, and Sarah spoke first.

“Silva, are you still Silva, our son? That’s all we need to know. If you say yes, then whatever you are or claim to be has nothing to do with us,” Sarah said.

Silva looked at them for a while, then he smiled and responded, “I’d never change a thing about myself. I’m still the child you both know.”

“Then that is enough for the both of us. We will learn more about you later. We are both sorry that we couldn’t see the real you despite being your mothers,” Sarah said and tried to bow her head.

Silva used Flash Step, moving with almost teleport-like speed, and held her head up, not allowing her to bow.

“You both are my mothers; there is no way I’d let your heads go down when I was the one who hid it from you all. I beg your forgiveness,” Silva said and bowed his head to them.

Immediately after he raised his head, he saw Lia’s fist coming for his face. He saw the blow and didn’t react; he even reduced his defenses.

The fist connected, and his head shot to the side like it would snap.

“Thirteen years, how could you keep this from me for thirteen years?” she asked and threw another punch, but this time he dodged by stepping forward and grabbing her in a hug.

Like butter, her defenses melted and faded away. He started whispering into her ear, “Because you are dear to me, the things I’ve had to do and carry out are things I don’t want for you.

I wanted you to enjoy a good and comfortable student life, learning magic happily, making friends along the way.

I was going to tell you one day, but whenever I thought about it, I decided not to. I just couldn’t make you stop smiling by telling you,” Silva explained while still hugging her.

“Idiot, you idiot, why would I lose happiness when you are my happiness? My life changed from the day we met as little kids.

You started off as the brother I loved, but now, you have become the man I love, and there is nothing you would do that would keep me away from you.

If you wanted to burn the world, I’d stand by your side and do it,” she said, then released him from the hug and walked back.

Silva stood there a bit stunned by what she had said.

‘She confessed so easily? She had completely thrown away the notion of brother and sister that we once lived as,’ Silva thought.

“Hey, kid.” Silva’s father spoke, and Silva looked up at him, waiting to hear what he would say.

“The sword on your hips, what do you swing it for?” he asked.

Silva subconsciously touched the sword, looked up, and spoke.

“I am no noble hero. I wield my sword not for the good of the world, but to protect what’s dear to me, like the people in this room.

And to be honest with you, I would set this kingdom ablaze to save one of you. I don’t care if you see me as a devil, but I’d reap as many lives as it takes to save even just one of you,” Silva said.

“You have a smart head on that neck, kid; you always did. Everyone can swing their heroism around, wanting to look like the good guy that saves all.

But in reality, we are all selfish and self-centered, but still, selfish people make good heroes. I love the fact that you stated the truth about what you would do.

But I want you to hold this little piece of information and add it to your mindset: saving the happiness of the person you love comes before saving their bodies.

So you must learn to also listen to that person. Would he be able to live a guilt-free life, a happy life after finding out that hundreds of lives were taken for his sake?”

Silva understood what his father was saying, though his pride was hindering it, not allowing it to really take root.

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