“You want to put me under supervision?” Silva asked.

“That’s the plan that the demon kings have come up with,” Elaine said.

“It won’t work,” Silva replied. “Take me out of here,” he continued.

Elaine removed them from the space of the fate lines, but she didn’t let go of Silva’s shoulder.

“It’s not up to you to decide, Silva. You are too much of a wild card to be left to do what you want.

Don’t you understand that some of your actions have effects on multiple races? You are a demon king candidate, and you took over a human kingdom.

If the humans wished it, they would have declared that a war move from the demon kings and all races under them.

Your actions, your decisions, they reflect on us as well, and not just you. Your life is not for you to do as you wish.

With power comes responsibility, and you need to show that you are ready for it and account for what you do,” Elaine said.

“Account for what I did? Of course, I account for everything that I do. It’s my decision and my choices. It is no one’s sin to bear—only mine.

You need to understand that everything I do should be pinned on me, not the demon kings, not anyone else.

I am my own person. I make my own choices, and I take the consequences of all of them. But to be tied down to any faction or group, I refuse that.

Like you said, my fate is in my own hands, and I can make the choices that I want, and that is exactly what I will do.

I’m not going to bend to any of the laws and codes you have. I’d rather die than do that,” Silva said.

“Hmm, I see. I might not be able to kill you because of the importance you have, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to keep you in line.

You will be having a meeting with me and the other demon kings. They won’t be here; they’ll only talk through crystals, but they will be able to watch you.

I’m sure that after the meeting, you will not have any choice but to come under our supervision. Like I said, we don’t need to threaten you to make you comply,” Elaine said.

“That sounds pretty much like a threat already, but don’t worry yourself too much about me, because I will not be listening to whatever you all have to say.

I am not going to be controlled by anyone, but I will follow you to wherever it is that you want to take me.

I’ll be in my room. Tell me when you are ready to take us to the capital,” Silva said and turned around.

Elaine watched him go. She had a smile on her face—it seemed she had other plans, different from what Silva was saying.

She wouldn’t be a demon king if she allowed a small boy like Silva to play around with her.

An hour later, Elaine gathered everyone: Silva, Drake, Lily, Amber, and Gabriel. She took her real form as the magnificent Fynrir so that she could use her magic fully.

She asked for all of them to place their hands on her right outside the hotel. When they did, her fur began glowing, and in a bright flash, they had left.

They appeared right in the castle of the emperor. Silva was shocked that she was able to directly take them to the castle.

Stay tuned for updates on empire

That sort of teleportation would take an absurd amount of mana. Maybe Lily would be able to do it, but it would deplete her mana greatly.

But from the looks of things, Elaine was barely affected by it. It made Silva curious about how much strength she possessed.

He used Dragon Eyes to look at her, but for the first time in a while, he couldn’t see anything.

Elaine sensed what Silva tried to do. She looked back at him and smiled.

Silva knew that she sensed it, but he didn’t care at all. He just kept a straight face while looking at her.

“Alright, I know you all have something to discuss with the emperor, and I’ll let you get to that, but after you are done, Silva has something to do with me.

So I hope you won’t try to run away after the meeting. The demon kings will not be happy if they don’t get to talk to Silva,” Elaine said and started walking away.

“We are finally here. Come, Silva, I’ll take you to my father,” Amber said and grabbed him by the hand. She dragged him into the castle while the others followed.

Because Amber was with them, no guards or elves tried to stop them. They just watched them pass.

When they arrived at the large doors of the throne room, Amber eagerly pushed the door and walked in while pulling Silva.

Her father was seated on the throne while talking to some elves about certain businesses. Immediately he spotted Amber, he dismissed them till later.

The elves left immediately, and the king came down from the throne.

“Daddy, I’m back, and I brought Silva,” Amber said.

“You already informed me he would be coming, Amber,” Greenwood said with a chuckle. He could see that his daughter was excited to show Silva to him.

He sized up Silva with his eyes before stretching out his hand to shake him. “Demon king candidate Silva, it’s nice to finally meet you.

You have been the talk of everywhere for a while now. I knew they said you were very young, but now seeing it makes me shocked.”

“I also didn’t expect Amber’s father to be this young and good-looking,” Silva said and shook his hand.

“Ah, a young flatterer. I like you already. But before I get into knowing you and whatnot, Amber said that you wanted to find someone. Is that true?” Greenwood asked.

“Well, yes. My friend here, Gabriel, had a love, a half-elf, but many years back, she was taken from him by elves.

For some reason, they decided that they wanted her back and they snatched her away from him. But I made a promise to him that he will get her back, and that is why I am here to ask for a favor from you,” Silva said.

“Hmm, I see. The only reason for an elf family to look for a half-elf and bring them into their family is if there is no heir and she is the only one that can take the place.

Honestly, calling it an heir is quite a stretch. Slave would be a better term to refer to her. You already understand that elves love pure blood.

So there is no way they would allow a half-blood to taint their family, and they have methods to ensure that it never happens.

The lady will be kept to reproduce, and whenever it is time to conceive, they will first use a specific magical ritual to ensure that her human blood is suppressed.

And trust me, it is not a nice procedure. It causes immense pain to her, and if she isn’t strong enough, it will break her mind for good.

She will be slept with while undergoing this ritual, and after the seed is planted, she will undergo a constant magical formation for the duration of the pregnancy.

She can’t move, she can’t go anywhere. She is cleaned once in a while, and fed whatever they want, when they want.

It remains like that until the child is born, a forced pure blood. And she will have to go through this for as many children as needed.

It is an evil process, one that I hate down to my bones, and I want to abolish, but stopping something like this is not as easy as it seems,” Greenwood said.

Silva glanced at Gabriel after they heard what would have happened to his love. Gabriel balled his fists in anger, his body trembling violently.

Silva placed his hand on Gabriel’s shoulder and spoke.

“You don’t have to get too angry. Allow me to take that anger for you and deal with those that have done it.”

“Her name is Rose. Is it possible to find her?” Silva asked Greenwood.

“If she is an elf or half-elf, we will be able to find her through the World Tree, but only Amber can access that information.

All elves, once they step here, have their memories tied to the tree. So if Amber takes what she knows about Rose and goes to the tree, she will be able to find Rose or any leads to her.

I promise that when you find out whoever it is that took her, I’ll give you the unlimited right to do what you want to them.

I have already done my best to abolish the practice amongst the nobles, so if it’s any of them, then they deserve to be punished for it,” Greenwood said.

“I couldn’t ask for a better privilege,” Silva said with a smirk on his face.

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