Lia’s fight had helped increase the confidence of the candidates, but it also made the third years stop holding back at all.

And for the next ten people, all that was recorded were losses upon losses. Even the flame mage that Lia had defeated returned to the stage multiple times and took out her opponents with malice.

It became evident that the test was not simple; Lia was just strong.

Time slowly went by, and finally, a person of interest came on, the red-haired boy. His battle was against a swordsman like himself.

The swordsman used lightning, while the red-haired boy used flames. Their swords crossed in an epic battle that lasted until time was up, and he passed.

But from the looks of things, he wasn’t happy at all. He was unable to pull a complete win like Lia had done, and that made him pissed.

Soon after, it was Silva’s sister, Sage Terron, who claimed the stage. Her affinity was metal and earth; she manipulated the metal she created and caused barrages of attacks.

Her opponent was a wind spearman, so he deflected the attacks while making his way toward her.

But the daughter of the Duke was a genius, even better than her brother. She used an advanced spell that created metal golems to fight the spearman.

The golem only held against her opponent for five seconds, but that was all she needed to cast her next spell.

When the molecules of a substance vibrate faster, they create energy—in other words, heat.

This energy would try to evaporate, but what happens when you forcefully suppress it and then release it all at once?

That was exactly what she did. She compressed the highly volatile Mana molecules under a thin sheet of spherical metal.

She hurled it at her opponent, who had just taken down the golem, and when he tried to block it, it exploded and threw him across the stage.

This was what happens when a genius is born into the house of one of the most well-known mages, Duke Terron.

She had access to knowledge that normal people or lesser nobles could only dream of.

Even Silva was intrigued by how that spell worked; it was evident she had made the spell herself.

‘Seems my sister is actually more useful than my brother. She also kind of looks like Mother. But still, she loves her dear brother, and I have a feeling that I’ll be clashing with Oliver soon.’

With that spell, she was able to knock down her opponent, and then she held her hand over him, threatening that if he moved, she would finish it off.

“I forfeit,” the third-year said and stood up. This was the second win so far that was not by draw.

She stepped down from the stage, her face looked calm, but under that calm face, Silva could tell there was an enormous amount of pride.

She looked at Lia as she passed, in a way that said, “You are not the only one capable of winning.”

More and more fights happened, with people lasting less and less time before losing. The third years were all seriously fighting and taking out the candidates.

The jet-black-haired girl also had her fight. She used some sort of dark flames; it seemed to be a merge between fire magic and dark magic, which meant she was a dual elementalist.

But sadly, she wasn’t able to defeat her opponent and only waited out the clock; her dissatisfaction was evident.

Soon after, Fay had her fight as well. With her swordsmanship and fire control, she was able to wait out the clock as well.

After her, Silva lost interest in most of the following fights until it was finally his turn.

When he stepped up, the whole place became quiet. The candidates knew what had happened, and so they wanted to see what Silva would do.

Silva was not planning to hold back. Since the goddess only allowed him to hide some of his strength, that meant she wanted him to use the strength she allowed him to show.

And that meant he would be fighting this person with a strength of about seven hundred, and after using Dragon Eyes, this person had a highest stat of a hundred.

Honestly, was this even a match?

His opponent was a swordsman as well. He held a two-handed sword and was ready for Silva to make the first move.

Silva smirked and pulled out his sword. He stood open, like he was inviting his opponent. His stance was very provocative, and he did that on purpose.

The guy saw this and was pissed. Who did this first-year think he was? If only the first years knew.

The examiner looked at this match; he already knew the outcome from the information he got from the director.

He let out a sigh, silently praying for the third year about to face Silva.

The third year could not take it anymore. He charged at Silva, wanting to finish this quickly.

Silva got pissed as well. He was the cause of this issue, but his pride as a dragon was hit when this weakling came at him with such rage.

He punched the stage and caused it to explode, pushing the guy into the air and leaving a small crater.

He leaped into the air and then used the flat side of his sword to swing at the third year.

The third year also used his sword to block, but it was sheared immediately upon contact with Silva’s sword.

The flat side of Silva’s sword slammed into his stomach and sent him to the ground.

He hit the ground with a bang and passed out for a second before waking up. He got back on his feet as fast as he could and saw Silva already standing and waiting.

Silva pointed his sword at him, dark Mana wrapped around the blade and moved to the tip.

“Dark Bullet,” Silva fired a shot that could destroy a head.

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