
“Where is he?” a man said coldly.

“He is chasing after Ronin! We have to kill him, quick!” Another man said urgently!

. . . . . . . .

The sound of gunfire, screams, and metal clashing were interwoven like an intoxicating symphony. “I have no grudges and enmity against you, but why did you kill everything?” a man questioned the assailant’s decision. He couldn’t help but ask this question as everyone had died tragically.

“The people on this planet have been reduced by half, but sinners like you survived! You will kill more innocent people again, so I can’t let you live!” the assailant said as he rushed forward and attacked the man with his sword.

The one dressed in black and called the Ronin was none other than Clint Barton himself! He slowly sheathed back his swords as he heard the man behind him fall to the ground.

The city was damp as it rained heavily; however, as Ronin was about to leave, a crazy amount of footsteps came from both ends of the alley, blocking his escape route. Thousands of gangsters quickly surrounded him with various weapons in their hands. It turned out the man that he killed earlier was only bait to lure Ronin here!

They didn’t want what happened to the Yakuza in Tokyo to happen here too! The rumours about the Tokyo Massacre have become a taboo topic that no one should talk about as it signified bad luck!

However, Ronin clearly wasn’t the guy in the rumoured Tokyo Massacre! Ronin killed just like any other man without using any supernatural power! It was hard to fear such a man without any special power when they had numbers on their end.

“Kill him!” the Yakuza leader shouted, and the mobs immediately rushed towards Ronin with bloodlust.

Ronin pulled out his swords once again, and even though he was in a desperate situation, he wouldn’t give up and surrender as there was still a chance for him to survive. He knew that the odds weren’t with him on this one, but he would still try to kill all of these people himself! But at the same time, a chilling scream was heard from one end of the alley.

“Although they aren’t as good as before, they still have numbers on their end! It was fortunate since it saved me a lot of time!” A familiar voice echoed at the end of the alley, followed by a blinding light!

“Thunder Purgatory!” the voice shouted as the blinding light flashed towards the other end of the alley. Ronin immediately ducked down flat to the ground as he knew what was coming. The blinding light that flew through the enemy was a thunderstrike that would incinerate anyone in its path. There was no way a mere human could withstand that attack under normal circumstances, so Ronin figured out that the only thing he could do was to lie on the ground until it settled.

[Red Hot Chili Peppers] could fully exert its maximum potential as Dio fought in the city, especially after charging its power from the socket created by [Bastet]! [Red Hot Chili Pepper]’s power turned into pure electromagnetic forces that were more destructive than ever.

“Dio?” Ronin said as once there was nothing but silence. He staggered forwards, closing in to the man that he was so familiar with. As for the mobs that gathered here tonight, so many of them has died! Some were probably already frightened to no ends and escaped without even thinking of turning back!

“Run for your life! The Tokyo Demon has come!” The mobs shouted.

“Wait here for a while. I have to clean this place thoroughly.” Dio said with a smile on his face as the sound of thunder filled the rainy sky. The crackling light flashed and struck the mobs that tried to run away. It was probably even faster than Quicksilver himself! The vapor was cut by the intense electricity from [Red Hot Chili Pepper], creating a light show unlike any other.

The smell of scorched meat was so intense that even the rain couldn’t wash it away.

“Are you hungry? Why don’t we buy a drink after this?” Dio said casually. He already killed thousands of people without any effort at all, but it wasn’t without reason! In fact, Dio was charging his [Soul] count quite efficiently.

The Ronin’s eyes swept over the corpses on the ground and finally fell on Dio once again. He put back his sword into its scabbard and put on his hood again before nodding slowly.

In an abandoned house, the table was filled with various packaged foods as well as beer and many other drinks. The two sat across each other without speaking for a moment.

Dio sighed as he observed the lifeless person in front of him. He opened a whiskey bottle, poured it into two glasses, and put two ice cubes on each glass. “This thing is hard to find in this country, especially in this current situation,” Dio said indifferently. “But no worries, I can just pick it up again in the place I found it earlier, so drink it to your heart content!” Dio said as he smiled lightly.

Ronin then drank the whiskey in front of him after thinking about it for a while. He always wanted to get drunk to forget his miseries, but he didn’t want to waste his time either. He wanted to stay awake to punish the evildoers! He wanted to save his family, but he didn’t know how to do so.

For now, let’s just drink this one cup! For the sake of this friend of his that had the power to do almost anything! Clint chewed the ice cubes while shaking the glass in his hand.

“You are as disciplined as always, Barton!” Dio said amusedly.

“Too much alcohol will paralyze my nerve, reduce my responsiveness, and make my hand tremble when I aim, which is not a good thing for a field agent like me,” Clint said solemnly.

“Agent? I remembered that you are already retired, twice in that matter!” Dio said amusedly.

“Yeah, but every time I retire, there is always something that lures me back in. Maybe I shouldn’t retire in the first place. Maybe this thing wouldn’t happen hadn’t I retired!” Clint said sadly. His eyes were blurred with sadness as he reminisced about his family.

“Trust me; everything will return to how it was. When the time comes, I will come to you once more.” Dio said as he drank his glass and stood up.

“Just how long would it take for you to do so?” Barton asked after a few moments of silence.

“I don’t know, probably soon, maybe in a few years? I am not too sure myself.” Dio answered solemnly.

“I understand,” Clint said as he nodded his head weakly. “So, the Tokyo Demon is you?” Clint asked after a while.

“Yeah, I am just killing some bugs. You’re not the only one who needs to vent, you kno!” Dio said with a smile on his face.

“This country is falling apart too quick!” Clint said solemnly.

“I know, if it weren’t the case, then Steve would get on my case for what I have done,” Dio said with a frown on his face.

“Well, you took my job away from me, man!” Clint said with a frown on his face.

“You are right, but It’s not like I have to wait patiently for you, so let it slide for now.” Dio said as he laughed wholeheartedly.

“You are always a bastard!” Clint said as he poured himself more whiskey and sipped it carefully.

So much for the last cup!

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