“Crystal Hell!” Dark Crystal said as tens of thousands of Black Crystal immediately formed a spherical barrier that enveloped the quiet area around Dark Crystal. The black crystal immediately cut Dio as they started spinning around Dark Crystal. But Dio was fine with this as he knew that Dark Crystal also blocked her own escape route in the process!

Now, the only thing left to do was to see who could get out of here alive!

“Mountain of Blade!” Dark Crystal shouted as the ground immediately turned into sharp knives that would pierce everything that stepped on it. But it didn’t bother Dio at all! He immediately summoned [Horus] to deal with the blade on the ground, but he didn’t use the Trinity of Ice here as he knew that he would be affected by the cold if he did so.

He activated [Horus]’s Cryokinesis, and the entire space was immediately covered with ice. The Mountain of Blade that Dark Crystal summoned was also completely buried under the ice and snow, but Dark Crystal has already seen this move before, so she was already annoyed by it as it was.

“Sea of Fire!” Dark Crystal shouted as suddenly a terrifying flame immediately appeared around her then immediately covered the ground. The temperature immediately rose, and the ice began to melt before a fiery snake rushed towards Dio.

Dio channeled a little more Hamon Energy towards [Horus], allowing the ice to block the fiery snake for a while as he pulled out the Casket of Ancient Winters once more. Dio knew that Dark Crystal’s weakness was her own body as it wouldn’t be guarded thoroughly.

So, Dio powered [Horus] with the Casket and launched hundreds of ice blades towards Dark Crystal. The Aether immediately jumped out of her body and created a huge barrier that protected her body from the Ice Blade. Dio didn’t care even if his attack didn’t land, as all he wanted was to create an opening for another attack.

Dio summoned [The Hand] once again and charged it with his Hamon Energy. At the same time, Dio immediately rushed forward to distract Dark Crystal to ensure that [The Hand]’s attack would connect.

Dio pulled out [Reaper’s Gaze] from a card and rushed towards Dark Crystal with the intention to cut her head off her body. As Dio got closer, the Green Ring on her finger began to exude green energy. The Time Stone was activated, and she reverted her position back to the past, evacuating her from harm’s way.

“You will not be able to run from me!” Dio said as he threw [Reaper’s Gaze] towards Dark Crystal without hesitation. Dio immediately ordered [The Hand] to activate its power, and it immediately cut the space between it and Dark Crystal, pulling her forward towards Dio.

“Boring trick!” Dark Crystal annoyedly said before she activated the Time Stone once more and returned to her original position. But it was all within Dio’s calculation as he whistled and controlled the [Reaper’s Gaze] to attack Dark Crystal right after she returned to her position.

Dark Crystal was startled and unable to react fast enough to dodge the scythe. As a result, her body was sliced off by the scythe like butter. The storm immediately slowed down as Dio raised his hands and called [Reaper’s Gaze] back to his hand. He ordered [Horus] that was still enhanced by the Casket of Ancient Winter, to bombard Dark Crystal’s body without holding anything back.

He knew that he had to make sure that Dark Crystal was done for as he was well-aware that Dark Crystal’s craftiness was quite a problem. With [Horus]’s attack, Dark Crystal’s body was cut into pieces before falling into the sea of flames.

Two Infinity Stones fell to the Sea of Flames with her body while the Aether was floating in the air aimlessly. Although Dio thought it was all over, he couldn’t relax just yet as he still had to confirm Dark Crystal’s death!

But at the same moment, a red light flashed from Dio’s back before 12 Sharps Thorns flew towards his vital area.

“Die, you piece of shit!” Dark Crystal cursed as her beautiful face began to contort in excitement. She hated Dio so much that she really looked forward to the sudden attack that she had already planned from a long time ago! At the same time, she used the Mind Stone’s mental shock to dull Dio’s senses so her attack would connect without fail! She firmly believed that Dio wouldn’t be able to escape her intricate ambush!

In fact, Dio really didn’t react to her attack, and the 12 Sharps Thorns penetrated his body. Dark Crystal immediately frowned as she didn’t expect it to be this easy. But what made her uneasy was the fact that she couldn’t feel the thorns pierce a body.

This was because Dio already knew that he wouldn’t be able to dodge Dark Crystal’s attack! He summoned [King Crimson] to activate its Epitaph ability before erasing the future where he was pierced by the Thorns! As a matter of fact, Dio already knew that the Dark Crystal he just attacked with [Horus] wasn’t the real Dark Crystal, and the real Dark Crystal was behind him all the time!

This was the best way to catch someone off guard as [King Crimson] could delete the time and evade any attack that the enemy might throw!

Now, instead of being mortally wounded by Dark Crystal’s attack, Dio was alive and kicking. He immediately took out the thorns that were stuck to his clothes and immediately attacked Dark Crystal with [Reaper’s Gaze]. However, before Dio’s attack landed on her neck, Dark Crystal immediately screamed loudly, startling Dio and confusing him for a moment.

When he got back to his senses, he saw that Dark Crystal was about to escape once more. Dio instantly grabbed her wrist and cut off her hands before she could escape through the void that suddenly appeared in front of her. Fortunately for Dio, the hand that he cut off had the Mind Stone on one of the rings that she wore!

Dark Crystal snorted as she immediately used the Time Stone to take back her hand, but Dio wouldn’t let her do as she pleased! He summoned the [World] and immediately stopped the time himself! Dio already observed the Time Stone for some time and the one thing that he noticed was that the Time Stone could only do one action at a time! As Dark Crystal wanted to reverse the time on her hand to take it back, she wouldn’t be able to resist Dio’s Time Stop!

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