If you are unlucky, you will get stuck in your teeth when you drink cold

Dio couldn’t help but watch the fight in wonder as two behemoths danced around, destroying everything on their path. They were big too, as big as a 12-floor building! Not to mention Luci could fly too with her wings!

Who could stop these people? Maybe if Ultraman could stop them if he was here, but Dio surely doubted that possibility!

Dio didn’t rush to find the Grandmaster right now but instead watched the battle to learn the true strength of Ad.Pieris’ people. It was a wise decision for Dio right now as he didn’t want to be caught off guard by these people later. He believed that the Grandmaster didn’t come there out of sheer coincidence. He definitely had something in mind coming there!

The battle continued, but the situation gradually became clear. The gorilla that was apparently called Heike belonged to the Mad Warrior group that was blessed with high endurance and defense. He practically what someone would call invincible!

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On the other hand, Luci was the exact opposite of Heike. She attacked Heike using her powerful light sword while maintaining a super high speed of hers so that Heike would never be able to land any blow on her! Right now, the advantage was on Luci as she also could fly in the sky, further diminishing Heike’s chance to attack her!

Heike clearly felt the effect of Luci’s constant attack, but he remained patient, trying to find a chance to land his attack on Luci! Heike was indeed from the Mad Warrior group, but he already mutated, so he had an edge that Mad Warrior wouldn’t usually have.

For Heike, it was Frenzy! It would make him a lot faster and stronger, but there was the downside of using Frenzy. He would lose his mind and revert back to his beast-like state of mind that couldn’t distinguish an opponent from an ally. This was also the reason why he was selected as the next heir to the throne, as his mutation clearly stood out from the rest.

At that time, Luci’s power was still at infant level as she had just awakened her power. Luci was still a little girl back then, and her power was still in the larva stage. She only could spew silk thread to entangle her enemy and nothing else. If her father weren’t the king back then, she wouldn’t become the butterfly goddess like she was right now!

Heike chose to rebel and sought the opportunity with the outsider was because of the appearance of the butterfly goddess! He was stripped from his status as the next heir to the throne because Luci was far stronger than him.

Of course, Heike also protested and sparred with Luci to prove that he was still the best! The king granted him the chance to spar with Luci, and the first battle showed that Heike had the combat experience, and he nearly won against Luci, but it ended up in a draw. The second time, Heike’s combat experience showed that he was still superior in some way, but it was harder for him to achieve victory, and it ended up in a draw once again.

Then, Heike stopped trying to win against Luci altogether! Because he knew that Luci would eventually take full control of the battle, and he would eventually lose the spar!

The only thing Heike regretted more than anything in his life was that he didn’t kill the little larva girl immediately as she was deemed useless back then! If he did so, he wouldn’t be so depressed about his inability to surpass Luci and cooperate with the outsider!

After being forced to be on the defensive for a full ten minutes, Heike was starting to lose his patience. He wanted to wait for Luci to mess up and kill her with a single blow, but that chance never came as Heike noticed that Luci was still very calm. Even if Heike tried to lure Luci by exposing some of his weak spots, Luci was unmoved! She kept attacking at her own pace, unaffected by Heike’s bait at all.

Heike immediately threw the two sticks on his hands, and Lucy immediately avoided it as Heike seemed to be aiming for her wings. However, Heike didn’t do this just because he wanted to remove Luci’s wings from the equation, but it was to lure Luci into his next attack’s range.

Heike immediately absorbed the air from around him and then immediately blew it all out at once, creating a big blood-red vortex that pulled everything in and crushed them to pieces. This was his ultimate attack. Nothing within a thousand meters in front of him could escape this suction.

He had to admit that Luci was strong, but Luci’s strength didn’t come from the power of the muscle, but from speed! Heike couldn’t launch his ultimate attack as Luci was too cautious. Heike knew that Luci would just step out of the way if he launched this attack recklessly.

Dio was surprised as he watched the battle from afar. He didn’t expect the gorilla-like creature to have something like that up his sleeve. He watched as the big butterfly creature flapped her wing in desperation to escape the suction, but he couldn’t watch in wonder for long as he noticed that the suction started to pull him in!

That was right, Dio was within the range of the vortex, and it immediately pulled him in as he was within the one thousand meters radius. He thought he would be safe watching from that distance, but apparently, that wasn’t the case at all!

Was this a disaster for Dio?

Dio just laughed out loud and immediately took out his [Reaper’s Gaze] from the playing cards that he always brought along anywhere he went. He immediately nailed himself with the help of the [Reaper’s Gaze] to the ground, stabilizing himself and waited for the vortex to subside.

But he immediately saw a huge shadow on the ground, and thus, Dio immediately looked up nervously. He saw the huge building in front of him being uprooted by the vortex, and many of its stones and concrete were falling to the ground right on top of him!

Dio was annoyed. He was extremely unlucky these days!

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