Stealing Spree

Chapter 1902 Silliness

Luckily enough, no one dared to defy our warnings and wandered off somewhere during patrol. Rather than that, Juri and I saw groups naturally forming with a mix of boys and girls.

They went off on a walk to sightsee what the hill could offer them during the night while also sharing each other’s experiences and having a laugh about it.

Just looking at who’s standing close to someone, it’s easy to figure out those who already have good chemistry. And likewise, some were avoiding someone like a plague they didn’t want to deal with.

It goes both ways. Those persistent in chasing after someone even if the other party already expressed their interest could be seen from both boys and girls.

While, there's a possibility for new couples to form with some of them today, those who’d hate each other or start avoiding someone would also rise in number.

It's not that much of a stretch to believe that it can happen during this kind of trip. Letting the students spend a night close to each other would always have this kind of happening.

Among them, ‘the 3 days, 2 nights’ field trip was the most notorious when it came to it.

Rather than short breaks like we were having throughout the day, students of mixed genders would mostly form groups to explore a place together for a day or two. At night, bold ones would sneak into their crush’s room to play games and more if they somehow got into the mood.

Obviously, on these kinds of occasions, the opposite could also happen. Couples could break up over something so small like a misunderstanding or drift away from each other.

I've seen that happen even though I tried to opt out of the trips as much as possible. As I recall, I also stole someone during one of the school trips that I failed to evade.

The girl was obviously not among those who sought me out and waited for me.

I could still remember her features. She's short. Maybe only at the same height as Ria and Aya. However, her body was already mature enough for boys to fantasize about her. Much like Anzu-nee, I guess? Ah no. That woman was just naturally petite.

For a closer comparison, she's like Setsuna-nee. Her development went to other places other than her height.

If there's one thing that I could point out to be unique about her... it should be her naturally quick feet that could run like a frightened bunny. She's not part of the Track Club like Aika though. She's not fond of tiring herself out to the limit.

When I stole her, she was more like Edel who'd take every chance she could get to be wrapped in my embrace. She’s like a body pillow you wouldn’t want to let go of. I remember falling asleep while hugging her.

However, most of the time, she'd sprint out of my embrace when her guilt overcame her.

Ah right. She also made sure to let me know that she would never hate me even after I cut her off. Somehow, it felt like we only used each other for convenience. And now that she’s out, she could now live without me as her shackles.


Alright. That's enough recalling about someone who probably didn't want to be remembered by me again.

“Ruki, you went silent. Did you remember someone important to you? Someone from the past?”

I don’t know if she can sense the state of my mind clearly or what I’m thinking is being projected in her head but Juri seemed to correctly guess every time. Is she an esper?

At the moment, we’re on our way to meet my girls who should be waiting somewhere inconspicuous. But because of the distance, we’re still a distance away from there.

Moreover, it’s also inevitable to be delayed because of the students, camp managers, or professors that we were running into.

Still, we’re moving at a moderate pace and no one was bothered or intrigued from seeing me with her anymore.

“I don’t think I can call her someone important. But you’re right, it’s someone from my past. You see… we bonded during a camping trip too. I somehow recalled it when I saw those groups of girls and boys.”

“Heh. Does that mean you’re also mixing in with them in the past?”

Even without looking at her face, her voice already carried her interest in this topic. She’s really making use of our time to know more about me little by little.

In any case, since it’s Juri, I probably wouldn’t feel uncomfortable at all talking about anything with her. Even if she tried to probe about how my desire manifested, I’d willingly spin the tale for her.

“Yes… I needed to blend in and act like a normal student. That way I won’t stand out and will just be like many others who are just like your typical Classmate A. Mhm… I miss being someone unpopular who can be disregarded by a mere glance.”

“You say that but you’re quite devious in the shadows. Now I’m more intrigued about your past… Let me hear bits of it like this, Ruki. Don’t pour it all at once.” Juri linked arms with me again and whispered that last part. We’re already out of the public eye again, after all. And even if someone saw us like this, what can they do? Point at us and tell us to stop?

Without phones, there wouldn’t even be photographic evidence of our closeness. It’ll only be eyewitnesses.

“Sure… Like I said, you can always ask me anytime you want to hear about something or someone. In return, I’ll also do the same. I’d like to hear about the famous Koizumi-senpai of the Photography Club.”

“Eh. I don’t mind telling you about my stories but asking you will be no fun, Ruki. Furthermore, doesn’t that sound inappropriate? I don’t like to suddenly hear something that can evoke jealousy in me.”

“Jealous? You? Juri… all this time, you’ve taken everything with a smile. And most times, you’re only acting to draw my attention to you. I’m even starting to wonder if you’re ever going to get jealous at all.”

That’s how it is with her. Instead of being jealous, she was even praising me all the time regardless of reason.

“Is that so? You’re wondering why… I see. It must be trifling for you.” Slowing down our footsteps here, Juri then rested her head on my shoulder while dropping her hand back to overlap with mine. The path ahead of us was illuminated by the lampposts but from how it appeared to be devoid of any other soul, the atmosphere around us also became solemn.

After a while, Juri continued, “Okay. I’ll tell you. I’m still feeling guilty, Ruki. Even if you’re in a complex relationship as you stated, I still inappropriately inserted myself between you and Satsuki-chan. Maybe until I overcome that feeling, I will be incapable of feeling jealous. Envy maybe. But jealous, no.”

Yeah. Right. It's always the guilt. But they’re not wrong in feeling that way…

“You girls… You should also call me out about it. I’m just as guilty as you. Don’t let me get away with everything just because I’m shameless.”

Upon saying that, I pulled Juri to my front, conveying more of my emotion through our eyes. But Juri didn’t even blink or falter.

Instead, she looked more pleased at how I acted. Soon after that, she put her hand on my cheek, caressing it delicately like she would caress something very important to her.

“No wonder you’re always being called an idiot by Satsuki-

chan. Haven’t you noticed? You’re carrying a lot of guilt already, silly Ruki. There’s no need to add on that.” Pausing for a while there, her eyes then suddenly moved to the side, switching focus to someone else, “Am I right? Haruko-chan?”

“Indeed. Hubby is having his bout of self-deprecation again, huh? Looks like you’re just in time…” Coming out from behind the tree, Haruko gracefully stepped out with her crossed arms. She’s sporting an entertained smile. Most likely, she heard a huge chunk of our conversation.

“You look refreshed, Ruki. Who did you take a shower with?”

Taking a few steps forward to reach us, she raised her hand and cupped the other side of my cheek before moving it to my hair that’s still a little moist from the shower we’d taken.

Behind her, I saw Himeko, Mina, and even the orange-haired girl Yuika-senpai

Looks like the Poem Appreciation Club is complete. As for Shizu, she’s most likely with Arisa and Izumi.

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