Story About Buying My Classmate Once A Week

Chapter 116: The time left for me and Miyagi — 116

Chapter 116: The time left for me and Miyagi — 116

Translated by KaiesV

Edited by KaiesV

About two hours to the end roll.

After watching it to the end, Miyagi and I get up from our seats.

I fix my skirt and start walking away.

If this were Umina or Mariko, I would have gotten out of my seat as soon as the main feature was over, thinking that the end roll was just an added bonus. I don’t really want to go to the movies with them because if I go with them, I would have to go along with them.

But Miyagi will sit with me until it gets light. When we went to see a movie during summer vacation, we sat through the whole thing. Our personalities and hobbies are completely different, but we fit in these areas.

Even with Umina and Mariko, there are parts that don’t match. But there are more areas of agreement than with Miyagi. It is strange that Miyagi and I are so similar that it is difficult to find similarities between us, yet I find it more enjoyable to be with her.

「Did you have fun?」

I was asked as I leave the cinema.

「What about Miyagi?」

「It’s fun.」

「Me too. I don’t watch that many action movies, but I like this one.」

It was Miyagi who said there was a movie she wanted to see, but in the end, even today, she did not say which movie it was. So I had to watch an action movie that was somewhat of a hot topic.

There was also the option of watching a horror movie, but I guess someone can praise me for omitting Miyagi from the list of candidates because she’s not a fan of it.

「Do you want something to eat?」

I match my pace with Miyagi and call out next to her.

The purpose of the day is to watch a movie, and she have not decided on anything else. I don’t have anything to eat, but I want to go into a place where we can sit and talk. But I feel like she might run away if I say we need to talk.

But I need to talk to Miyagi.

「Let’s go home.」

「Eh? Already?」

I look at Miyagi.

She doesn’t look like she is dressed to go straight home from a movie today.

To put it plainly, she is unusually dressed up. She is not wearing makeup, but she is wearing a pretty patterned skirt and a coat I have never seen before.

This is not the casual outfit she wore to the movie in the summer.

So I thought we would at least stop somewhere after the movie. It is selfish of me to think that the story is different, but I can’t let her leave like this.

「I don’t have anywhere else to go. Do you still have time, Sendai-san?」

「There is.」

「Then, come to my house.」

As she said this, Miyagi grabs my hand and starts to walk away. It is obviously a different kind of grip than usual, and it is not very strong. Her touch is soft, not forceful, and simply put, we are walking hand in hand.

This is unthinkable from Miyagi until now.

Yes, absolutely not.

The hands that have been joined so naturally are so unnatural that I find myself staring at Miyagi’s face.


A flat voice comes from next door.

The people we pass don’t care if we are holding hands. I think it’s like that because even I can’t see someone I don’t know walking down the street holding hands with me. So, I don’t care what others think, but I do care what Miyagi is thinking.

「What about this hand?」

I lightly grasp our joined hands.

「Should I let go?」

「I’d like to keep it that way, but what’s the point?」

「It’s almost graduation day anyway, and it doesn’t matter if anyone sees us.」

Indeed, the graduation ceremony is coming up.

When I get back from picking out my room, graduation will be in a few days, and once we graduate, the rules about the two of us only seeing each other after school or not talking to each other outside of school will no longer be relevant. I don’t think it’s a big deal to break the rules by flying over it.

When we saw the movie in the summer, this is also the reason why she chose this place despite the fact that Umina saw us together, but now her dialogue is not like that Miyagi.

「Isn’t that kind of thing my line? Miyagi, you don’t usually say things like that.」

「Then I’ll let go.」

「Eh, hold on!」

Miyagi tries to let go of my hand and I grab it tightly so as not to let it go. The hand that would normally still forcefully run away quickly became docile.

「Where are we going, your home, right?」

I hate this.

No matter what I say, Miyagi is not likely to listen to me today. And I don’t care where, as long as we can talk. Then there’s only one answer, and that was,「okay.」

Miyagi does not let go of my hand.

We walk along, talking in hushed, non-conversational tones. We pass through the ticket gates and get on the train together, just as we did in the summer. We pass a few stations and get off the train.

The city in February is still cold, but we walk leisurely.

The show windows awaiting spring are becoming more colorful, and the sky is bright. Miyagi and I are still holding hands. But my heart is not that excited. I wish such a day had happened before winter. Then I feel like I was in a pleasant mood.

As we approach the apartment, Miyagi takes her hand away.

Miyagi’s walking speed increases and she walks a little ahead of me.

I see a skirt that is not a uniform.

I can see her legs that I have crawled my tongue over many times.

Come to think of it, I haven’t been ordered to lick her feet lately.

I can’t remember when was the last time I did something like that. I don’t want to lick her feet, but I think she should go back to the Miyagi where she gives such orders.

We go through the entrance and take the elevator down to the sixth floor.

We walk together to the front door, and Miyagi unlocks it.

She opened the door and head inside.

Miyagi takes off her shoes first.

I took off my shoes too and followed Miyagi, only to have my bag taken from me in front of her room.


Miyagi drops my bag in the hallway as a matter of course.

It doesn’t contain anything breakable, but I don’t feel very good about it. I try to pick up my bag. But Miyagi grabs my arm before I can touch the bag.


I look up and see Miyagi, and she tugs on my arm.

Before I could complain, Miyagi’s face came closer and our lips touched.

We have kissed many times.

But rarely did Miyagi do it to me.

Except for that summer vacation.

After we went to a movie together, Miyagi concluded that she couldn’t be friends with me and started kissing me on her own. It was a short period of time, and we never lost 5,000 yen between us, but I think our relationship changed just a little at that time.

Even now, I don’t mind being kissed by Miyagi.

Her lips are soft and pleasant.

But now that summer vacation is over and winter vacation was the same, I feel uncomfortable when Miyagi kisses me like this, as if she and I have switched places.

Miyagi pulled my body closer to hers. The distance between us becomes closer than before. But I immediately backed away from Miyagi.

「We’re in the hallway.」

I don’t know what to say to Miyagi, who doesn’t seem to be Miyagi, so I say something bland.

「No one’s here anyway.」

Miyagi blurts out.

I have never seen anyone but Miyagi in this house.

I’m not worried about that part because it’s normal for them not to be there and I didn’t expect them to be there without anyone telling me they weren’t there. I am concerned that in a place like this, which is not a room, Miyagi has done something she has rarely done since the end of our summer vacation.

Miyagi’s hand softly touches my cheek.

Her fingertips caress my lips and I was kissed again.

Our soft lips that touch each other bring bad news.

The world will be destroyed.

No, the world will not end, but our relationship may end.

I don’t think this kiss is the kiss Miyagi wanted.

It is always me who wants to kiss and touch, not Miyagi. Today Miyagi is just doing what I have always wanted to do.

I let my face away from myself.

「I haven’t heard today’s order yet.」

I think she needs to get back to the usual Miyagi soon.

I can only think that holding hands and kissing me are rituals for the end. I don’t want to be with Miyagi who does this.

「Now, if you’ll just be quiet, that’s all that matters.」

After all, Miyagi doesn’t tell me to lick her feet.

She brings her face close to mine, as she should. And then she kisses me in a way that feels natural, but only unnatural.

Her lips are as soft and hot as they were when I kissed them. The sensation of body heat mingling is always pleasant. If I could, I would want to keep kissing her all the time.

But I also think we shouldn’t kiss.

Today, as soon as we met, I received 5,000 yen, and Miyagi has the right to order me to do so. Her orders to stay quiet are also easily obeyed.

But now I don’t want to follow those orders.

I push Miyagi’s shoulder.

「You know, what’s going on lately? Aren’t you strange?」

I picked up my bag, which is still on the ground, and looks at Miyagi.

「You always want to kiss me, right?」

「Yes, but…」

「You don’t want to?」

「I want to. I wanted to but… Is this a continuation of that summer vacation?」

Today’s Miyagi is not the same as the Miyagi of summer vacation, but it is something that traces back to summer vacation.

「A continuation?」

「Do you want to continue playing friends?」

I think the reason we went to the movies together during summer vacation was to see if we could be friends. That day, Miyagi chose not to be my friend and I accepted it.

「No. I don’t want to be friends with Sendai-san.」

Today, Miyagi denies being a friend.

「Then, what is it?」

There is no answer to the question.

Miyagi is silent as to what she is thinking.

Then she stares at me as if observing me.

「If you don’t want to answer, that’s fine. But you better answer what I’m about to ask you.」

She should listen to what I have decided to talk about today. But before I could mention the story, which I couldn’t hear over the phone, Miyagi spoke up as if to get ahead of me.

「About college. I’m going to the same place as Maika.」

Her plain voice tells me the answer I wanted with the answer I needed to hear.


The words I was about to say were stolen by Miyagi.

To be clear, she kissed me to cover my mouth.

Miyagi grabs my arm tightly and the bag I just picked up falls out.

What happens to our promise that we’ll separate after the graduation ceremony?

The words that were supposed to be uttered are swallowed by Miyagi.

Something soft but with a certain amount of hardness touches my lips. I was pressed lightly against her and opened my lips, and unusually, Miyagi’s tongue entered my mouth. The tips of our tongues touch, and Miyagi’s hand grips my arm, making her feel stronger.

When I intertwined my tongue with hers, her hand became even stronger.

I have thought that it would be nice if Miyagi was like this, instead of the twisted attitude she always takes. But it was just a thought. This Miyagi is not the Miyagi I want to see when I go to college.

I push Miyagi’s body, which is tightly attached to mine.

「You don’t have to push yourself.」

I like Miyagi as usual.

The Miyagi that I talk about from the graduation ceremony onward is meaningless if it is not the usual Miyagi.

「I’m not pushing myself.」

Miyagi touches my neck.

Her fingertips gently caress my neck and grab the chain of my pendant. And then, just like that, she pulled out the pendant on the sly.

「I need to talk to you after the graduation ceremony, so don’t forget to bring this here.」

As she said this, Miyagi tugged at the pendant top with a jerk.

It hurts.

My arm that was grabbed earlier and the neck where the chain bites into it hurt badly.

「You should go home today.」

As she said this, Miyagi picked up my bag, which I had left dropped.


The bag is handed to me as if it were being pushed in my face.

「Miyagi, when’s the next time you’ll call me?」

「The next one is after the graduation ceremony. I won’t call you before that. So don’t ever forget to come.」

Miyagi reminds me and tugs on my arm. My arm is pulled without restraint, and I am driven straight out the front door.

The door slams shut.

Miyagi, who usually sends me downstairs, does not.

Not much good happens in these situations.

I let out a small sigh.

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