Chapter 171: What Sort Of Demon Couple Is This!?

Inside the school, Arit made her way towards class, but she was stopped in the middle of the hallway by Maria. Maria had a contemplative look on her face as she looked behind Arit to search for someone. She furrowed her brow when she didn’t see the person that she was looking for and finally frowned at Arit. Why Mark wasn’t there?

Since Mark wasn’t there, Maria didn’t feel the need to be nice or reasonable with Arit anymore. Maria might be afraid of Mark because of what he can do to her family, but she feels nothing but anger towards Arit. When she spoke, there was a lot of irritation in her tone, and it was obvious that she did not want to be talking to Arit at all!

“I have some information from what Mark asked for yesterday. I thought he would be here with you so I could tell him about it, but if he is not here, then I will just come back some other time and tell him. Make sure you tell him that I came looking for him first thing in the morning so he knows I’m serious.”

Arit’s eyes widened as she heard what Maria said. Mark asked Maria to look up information on Esmeralda, but the only reason he asked for it was because of what Arit told him about Esmeralda before. That meant that Arit was the one who really wanted to know about Esmeralda, not Mark. Mark couldn’t care less about that girl.

Once Arit heard that Maria had some information on Esmeralda, she was immediately interested, and she stopped Maria from leaving by grabbing her hand!

Maria immediately tried to recoil in shock.

“Hey! What do you think you are-!?”

Esmeralda stopped talking as she saw the hard look on Arit’s face. The look right now reminded Maria of the look that Arit gave her yesterday when Maria caught Arit and Mark in the closet.

Arit was looking at Maria like Maria was a cockroach that disturbed her by crawling too close!

Maria could never get used to this serious expression no matter how many times she saw it! The only thing that was missing now was the yellow eyes that Arit had yesterday!

“Come with me right now.”

Arit dragged Maria through the hallway, and Maria could barely resist as she was shoved into an empty classroom! Maria fell to the floor in pain, and she cried out softly before she glared at Arit in anger! Who the hell does Arit think she is!? How dare she drag her like that!? She thinks she can do whatever she wants just because she has Mark to cover for her!?


Arit turned around after locking the door, and Maria swallowed in fear as she saw Arit’s eyes! They were a poisonous yellow that made Maria’s entire body tremble in fear! Maria shuffled back as Arit stepped closer, and she quickly got to her feet when Arit told her to get the fuck off the floor.

“What did you find?”

Arit’s tone was commanding, and Maria’s legs quivered as she was reminded of how Mark used a similar tone on her yesterday when he was threatening her to do as she was told! What the hell is wrong with this couple!? Are they both monsters that have been hiding in plain sight all this while!? I thought Mark was bad enough, but if Arit is the same, then I might need to move to a different school!

This is too much!

Maria then suddenly remembered what happened to her after Mark used that tone on her yesterday, and she blushed crimson as she recalled how many times she masturbated while thinking of him last night. She practically raped herself with thoughts of him in her head! A small blush rose on Maria’s cheek, and Arit frowned in anger when she did not get a response to her earlier question!

“Wipe that stupid look off your face and give me an answer!”

“I-I-I found something. I found…”

Maria swallowed as her voice cracked more than ten times in that one sentence, and she had to force herself to calm down before she could speak again.


“Just spit it out!”


Maria shrieked in fear as Arit slammed her hand into the table at her side, and she stumbled back from the amount of force behind that hit! The table cracked under Arit’s hand, and Maria stared at it in horror! What was that!? Don’t tell me.. is Arit also a superhuman!? Is that why her eyes turn yellow?

No, if she was a superhuman then she would have been helping Mark against monsters. Or is she hiding her power just like Mark was hiding them?

Maria couldn’t understand what was going on with Arit, but she knew that she did not want to get on Arit’s bad side! She immediately started talking quickly!

“I-I don’t know everything about what happened, but I was able to get an investigator to follow Esmeralda yesterday! She met up with a woman in a café on the other side of the city. The investigator told me that the woman was Linda, the current chairwoman of the PTA!”

Arit frowned as she heard this, and she immediately began to think deeply about what this could mean. Why was Esmeralda meeting with the chairwoman of the PTA? Did they have some kind of connection? Arit did not know much about Esmeralda, but she knew that her family was the leading supplier of entertainment television to most of the city. Was Linda meeting with Esmeralda for some sort of business? Find more at m _v _l _e _mpyr.

No, that wouldn’t make sense. Esmeralda was not the eldest child and she did not have any sort of leeway in the company. Arit knew that if there was business between Linda and Esmeralda’s family, then Linda would not be meeting with Esmeralda, she would be meeting with Esmeralda’s mother or father, or at least someone higher in the company.

“T-There’s more…”

Arit snapped her head towards Maria as Maria spoke up, and she immediately told Maria to hurry the hell up! If there is more, then she should have said everything at once! What was she trying to do by holding back information!? Does she think this is a movie where you keep things hidden for cinematic effects?

“Sorry, I just do not know how true the information is. The private investigator did some more research after finding out that Linda was meeting with Esmeralda, and apparently, there was a meeting between the school board members a few weeks ago. Linda was the one that called for the meeting, and he said that the meeting was… to decide whether or not Mark should remain as a student in the school.”


‘They were trying to expel Mark! Those ungrateful pieces of shit! They deserve death! All of them!!’

The frown that appeared on Arit’s face made Maria immediately fear for her life, and she took a step back as she saw Arit’s hand tighten against the edge of a table and crack it with raw strength alone!


Oh god, I think I’m going to die in here! Maria was so scared that she could feel her knees shaking uncontrollably! Maria had to use another table to hold herself up so she didn’t fall down!

Arit asked Maria how certain she was of the information and Maria nodded to Arit quickly. Yes! Yes, that was what the man said! That was everything!

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