Chapter 183: Direct Protection

Here he comes!


Mark suddenly appeared through the wall of the office building like a monster, and the killer grit his teeth and fired straight for a canister that was attached to the wall!



A massive explosion rocked the building, and the killer didn’t waste time as he grabbed a grenade from behind him! He pulled the pin with his teeth and tossed it towards where Mark was before he turned and ran towards the other side of the office!


Another massive explosion rocked the area behind him, and he saw a dust cloud rising from where he had thrown the grenade! The sound of footsteps behind him alerted him to Mark’s movement, and the killer immediately brought out a small remote and pressed a button!

The area around the spot that he had been standing in also exploded and sent shrapnel and fire everywhere, and the killer blasted off to keep running as a dust cloud rose from the ground and filled the entire room!

There is no way that Mark would make it out of something like that unscathed! Those explosions were filled with the superhuman killer’s special bullets. They weren’t as strong as the first one that he used to try and kill Mark, but they were still strong enough to kill an A-rank easily if they were hit with it! There is no way that Mark would –

“Clench your teeth.”

What -!!?


A phantom suddenly appeared beside the superhuman killer, and the superhuman killer had never felt as much shock in his life as he did at that moment! The killer lifted his body and positioned it properly before clenching his teeth tightly as Mark pulled his fist back and slammed it into the killer’s rib!


The killer was sent flying out of the office and into the corridor of the building!



A massive wave of pain surged through the killer’s body as his back slammed into the wall and he fell to the ground! He pulled his shirt up and saw that there was a black exoskeleton around the area that Mark just punched, but that exoskeleton was already cracking and breaking! What sort of monster is this kid!?

The superhuman killer was also a superhuman, but his patron God was someone who was not even worth mentioning. The god did not have a name, and as far as the superhuman killer knew, his god did not have a domain either. The superhuman killer was C-rank, and his blessing was called [Direct Protection].

The killer could manifest an exoskeleton around his body that would protect him from any external impacts and prevent his body from taking damage. But there were two things that were massively wrong with the blessing that made it almost pointless to even have it.

The first thing was the fact that the strength of the exoskeleton depended on how much of your body you were covering at any time. If you used the exoskeleton to cover your entire body, then it would be far less powerful than if you used it to just cover a small part of your body.

And the second thing that made it useless was how it received impact. The exoskeleton was only strong against direct compression impact.

If the exoskeleton received an impact at exactly ninety degrees, then it would be capable of tanking hits from even S ranks, but if it was receiving the hit at any angle other than ninety degrees, then the strength of the exoskeleton would be compromised with the change in angle!

That is why the killer had to position his body properly at that moment when Mark punched him just now. The killer received that punch at an angle that was close to ninety degrees, and that was the only reason why he was able to survive it!

If he had taken that blow at an angle far from ninety degrees or if he had used the exoskeleton on his entire body without concentrating it on one spot, then he would surely be dead by now! Mark packed a fucking wallop in his punches!

The killer wasted no time and bolted to his feet as he heard the sound of someone walking out of the office! He crashed through the door at the side that led to the emergency stairwell and jumped over the railing and down to a lower floor!

The superhuman killer was already planning to get out of the building as quickly as possible to blend into the crowd outside and get away. He knew that he would be compromising himself by going out there when there were guild members and other police officers in the area, but he couldn’t stay in here and risk getting killed by Mark.

He would rather go out there and risk being seen, and then he would just take some time off and wait for things to calm down again before he tried to kill Mark for the second time!

But the superhuman killer could see all of his plans crumbling to dust as voices began to play through his radio. The radio he had was tapped into the direct feed from police squads as well as guilds, so he was able to receive all of their direct broadcasts through the radio!

[Attention all guild members. We have orders to station around Building 5A at Fifth Avenue. The superhuman killer is believed to be in the building. We have received an image identification, and all guild members are directed to kill on sight. The mission is directly from the Artemis guild.]

[Police squad moving into Building 5A.]

[Artemis guild snipers, locked on Building 5A. Kill-on-sight orders have been received.]

[This is the Metropole Channel reporting live from above Building 5A on Fifth Avenue where the superhuman GHOST is currently in battle against what is believed to be the superhuman responsible for the death of five superhumans over the past four years! On your screens now is an image of the killer, and we will be bringing you -]



The killer bit his tongue in anger as he reached out and grabbed hold of the railing on the fifth floor! He pulled himself up and onto the floor before bolting through the door to reach a different side of the building!

What the fuck is going on!? How did they find out that he was here!?

The killer knew that he had to stay calm. That was one of the first training that he ever received in his military days. No matter the situation, no matter how difficult or impossible things looked. Stay calm and find an alternative route. There is always a way out.

“We’ve found hi-”



A policeman suddenly shouted from in front of the killer when he turned around the corner, and the killer wasted no time as he used his revolver to fire two shots! The first one went right into the policeman’s forehead, and the second one took out his partner who had been following behind him!

The killer hid behind a depression in the wall as he heard footsteps coming closer.

One. Two. Five. No, ten, about ten people.

Their footsteps are light, so they are either regular humans, or they are weak superhumans. Moving in a coordinated group. They have squads. It’s a police platoon.

Difficulty: Easy.

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