Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 137 - Respect “Aunt” Elsa

Chapter 137 Respect “Aunt” Elsa

If Luke planned on being promoted to sergeant, however, he would have to meet those requirements, or other people would come down on him for it.

Elsa thought hard for a long time before she finally calmed down. She began to work on the case report.

Luke, on the other hand, went to Bell’s room with the food that Elsa hadn’t touched.

But before he could knock on the door, he already heard the sounds of people having sex inside the room.

Luke simply shook his head and said loudly at the door, “Bell, I brought you some special food. I’m leaving it at the door. Bye!”

He put the food down and returned to his apartment.

He turned on the TV and watched the news, finally able to relax.

He checked the abilities which Sergei’s lackeys had, but none of them were useful.

As he expected, those gangsters had nothing remarkable at all.

Luke scoffed, but he also knew that “basic” abilities were no longer any use to him since he had dealt with too many tough figures previously.

Elementary abilities, on the other hand, all cost more than a thousand credits, when basic abilities only cost one or two hundred.

Robert’s Basic Driving enabled Luke to drive a car, but Vanessa’s Elementary Driving could turn him into a top car racer.

However, he hadn’t learned Vanessa’s skill yet, because he didn’t have a car in New York.

He had been busy for days. Although stalking the long-legged robbers had been a pleasant task, it had still been rather exhausting.

Now that there were no more tasks to complete, no more targets to follow, and no more equipment to make for tomorrow, Luke relaxed, and soon fell asleep.

He didn’t wake up until six o’clock the next morning.

Luke went out for a ride on his bike after he got up. He bought some breakfast as recommended by the restaurant owner yesterday, and it didn’t taste bad at all.

He ordered some for Elsa after he finished.

Elsa had just gotten up when Luke returned. When she saw the breakfast that Luke had brought her, she couldn’t help but ask, “What’s the meaning of this? Are you hitting on me?”

Luke shrugged. “I slept too early last night. If you don’t want to take it for free, you can pay me. It’s 27.50. We can round it up to thirty.”

Lost for words, Elsa gave him thirty dollars. “Don’t be too nice to girls, or you may cause a misunderstanding.”

Luke chuckled secretly. Are you really a “girl”? I respect you like an aunt!

Luke returned to his apartment with the thirty dollars before Elsa figured out what he was thinking.

They had to go to NYPD today and report what happened yesterday. Naturally, Luke and Elsa had worked out a story.

They weren’t criminals, in any case.

The main problem was that Luke had been too ruthless yesterday. Twenty of Sergei’s thirty men had been killed on the spot, and most of the rest were heavily wounded.

Sergei and the truck driver were the least hurt, but had severe brain concussions nonetheless.

Luke rode the bike to the police department and carried it inside.

The atmosphere turned weird all of a sudden.

He looked around, only to notice that many people had gone quiet and were sneaking peeks at him in the busy hall.

When Luke looked at them suspiciously, they went back to whatever they were doing.

Luke sighed inwardly. He was probably famous in NYPD now.

It was rare in the police system for one person to go up against more than thirty enemies and annihilate them.

Teamwork and cooperation were what mattered most nowadays. LAPD’s SWAT organization, for example, was a famous special force.

With teamwork and tactics, a SWAT team could crush a similar number of criminals who weren’t as organized as they were.

Luke’s performance yesterday, in comparison, was incomprehensible.

The police officers thought that his stats were out of a Stallone or Schwarzenegger movie – only someone like that could kill dozens of people without getting so much as a scratch.

Hm... Those officers hadn’t been there when Luke had terrorized Sergei’s gangsters, or they would’ve known that Luke’s style was nothing like Stallone’s or Schwarzenegger’s.

Before he learned Elementary Self-Healing, Luke certainly didn’t have the courage to shoot at dozens of people out in the open.

The place went back to normal, but every now and then, someone would sneak a glance at Luke before quickly averting their gaze. Luke’s corner was no longer peaceful.

Elsa also showed up soon after. She was going to report to Marta on the loot from the bank robberies.

Luke, on the other hand, needed to talk to Berit, who was responsible for Sergei’s case.

Luke greeted Berit in the latter’s office and simply sat down without an invitation.

Berit wasn’t his boss, and Luke had received little appreciation so far at NYPD. Thus, Luke had no reason to smile at him.

Berit looked at Luke and didn’t dare dismiss him like before.

Luke had killed more gangsters yesterday than Berit had killed in his entire life.

The young man was only eighteen and had been an officer for merely a year.

Berit wasn’t an idiot, and certainly would rather not piss off such a dreadful figure.

He had been blatantly edging Elsa and Luke out because Elsa was a woman and Luke was a teenager.

Now, Luke was still a teenager, but he had killed more than twenty people. Berit didn’t dare be as cocky anymore.

Now that his attitude had changed, the investigation ran more smoothly.

Luke didn’t have much to say. NYPD only needed to find out whom he had killed, and if anyone else had been involved in the gunfight.

Luke’s debriefing took an hour. In the end, he asked Berit, “How is Sergei?”

Berit said, “He’s still in the hospital for now because of his brain concussion.”

Luke was lost for words. If he had known, he wouldn’t have thrown the baseball at all.

Thinking that, he gave the photo of Sergei carrying the AK to Berit. “I took this yesterday before the arrest. If your forensics department is any good, you should be able to find Sergei’s fingerprints on the AK. He was the one who killed the three men lying on the ground. This is enough to get him convicted, right?”

After a brief daze, Berit nodded his head.

With the photo and a statement from the forensics depertment, Sergei would definitely be found guilty of murder. After that, there would be enough time to investigate the other cases that Sergei was involved in.

During lunch at noon, Elsa sat opposite Luke with a strange look on her face.

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