Chapter 174 Where Is Marco?

Inside that barrack were girls who had been locked up for a while, and they were in poor condition.

If they remained here any longer, they might die in this illegal brothel.

There were more than a hundred girls in the barracks. It was impossible for Luke to get them out on his own, so he might as well let the girls save themselves.

It would make quite the impact if the families of these hundred girls demanded explanations all at once; they couldn’t be poor either, since they could afford to travel to France.

Luke left the barracks and positioned himself for an ambush behind some abandoned cars twenty meters away from the gate.

Ten minutes later, Luke heard the vague sound of cars driving in the mud. The glow of headlights appeared on the road, illuminating the dark night.

There were three cars!

Luke took a deep breath and adjusted his frame of mind, before he raised the UZI.

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu!

Shooting rapidly, Luke used up a magazine in three seconds. The car in the lead was riddled with holes, and the windshield cracked. It swerved off the road and crashed into a pile of garbage.

Luke threw the UZI away and grabbed the AK that he had been carrying. He fired again.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The magazine was instantly used up again. Like the first car, the second car veered off the road and into an abandoned car, full of bullet holes.

Luke didn’t start shooting again until the third car almost passed him, so the car was only hit along one side and the back.

But the passengers in the first two cars at least had taken the brunt of the bullets.

Quickly reloading the gun, Luke raised the AK again and aimed at the third car that had already shot past him.

He didn’t have to aim too precisely. All he needed to do was barrage the car with bullets.

Reality wasn’t a movie.

At a distance of thirty meters, there was no way a regular car could take an attack from an AK, as the bullets could pierce through one side and out the other.

In the end, the car lost control ten meters away and crashed into a shed in the construction site.

In no hurry to reveal himself, Luke switched locations.

He activated Sharp Nose as he moved.

A moment later, he approached the cars and shot the men who were still alive in the head, before he retreated quietly.

Half an hour later, standing on the top of a building several hundred meters away, Luke saw a long line of police cars dash into the barracks with their sirens blaring. He nodded in satisfaction and jumped off.

An hour later, he changed back into his original clothes and shoes and appeared on a subway in the neuf trois.

He was wearing a shabby hat and a new face mask, like any regular person would on a rainy day.

Now, he only had on him an M1911 which he had looted from one of the gangsters.

The Parisian subway wasn’t safe at night, which was when a robbery was most likely to take place. The bulk of people worked during the day, but certain groups “worked” on the subway at night.

Theft and robbery were what they did for a living

But none of them messed with Luke.

Luke wasn’t dressed like a student, and he was playing with a butterfly knife.

The knife danced nimbly in his hand now and then, which suggested that he was certainly good with them.

While nobody knew exactly how good, he definitely wasn’t the best target to rob.

A butterfly knife might be small, but it could sometimes kill people more easily than a large blade.

So, Luke returned downtown safely.

After exiting the subway, Luke went to the apartment building from that afternoon, and ducked into an alley not far away.

In the dark night, he climbed a building and entered an apartment through an unlocked window. He swiftly put on a coat and a pair of shoes that were next to the door.

Throwing five hundred euros into the key bowl, Luke left through the window and scaled a drainpipe up to the roof.

Checking the system, he nodded in satisfaction. The system didn’t punish him since he had paid for the clothes.

Taking two massive leaps, he landed on the apartment building occupied by the gang.

Scouting out the building with his Sharp Nose, Luke went downstairs without a sound.

Half an hour later, Luke was standing in the basement with a grim smile on his face. All the gangsters in front of him were almost dead from torture.

Even the toughest among them was dying after Luke connected a simple electromedical apparatus which he had modified to the man’s legs.

Just now, he had carried the armed gangsters in the building down to the soundproof basement. After interrogating them, he learned that Marco, their boss, had left with most of his men as reinforcements for an illegal brothel in the neuf trois after receiving the news that it was under attack.

Luke was lost for words.

Back at the camp entrance, he had unleashed a storm of bullets on the three cars.

Later, he had shot everybody who was still breathing in the head without looking at their faces. How could he have known that their boss Marco was among them?

Speechless for a second, Luke quickly finished off the gangsters and left.

At the door, he was surprised to see the cars that were parked there.

The Benz that Kim and Amanda had been in was there.

He took a sniff, and there was a faint scent in the car that was similar to Marco’s apartment.

Excited, Luke returned to Marco’s unit in the building. He found a key with the Benz logo on it and a bunch of phones.

Amanda’s and Kim’s phones were in the pile.

He found their phones based on their scents and what the phones looked like.

Thinking for a moment, Luke took just Kim’s phone.

He got out of the building and pressed the button on the key to unlock the Benz.

Luke got into the driver’s seat and was pleased to see that the car had a GPS system.

Examining the GPS system for a moment, Luke took a few photos with his fake phone and left.

He hailed an empty cab and said, “To the Zoological Museum.”

His hat and big face mask prevented the driver from seeing his face in the dark night.

However, it wasn’t unusual for a man to be dressed like that in such cold weather.

The driver simply nodded his head and started the car.

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