Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 320 - Captives, Doctor, and Texans

Chapter 320 Captives, Doctor, and Texans

Elsa replied without any hesitation, “Got it. Be careful.”

Luke quickly added, “The sniper is likely from the military. Tell reinforcements to exercise caution.”

Elsa hummed a response and ended the conversation.

After he was done with the call, Luke left the apartment building and walked over to the street in front of the parking lot at a quick but not urgent pace.

The Toyota was already parked on one side of the street.

Luke said, “Selina, you can ask Palmer to come out now. Tell her to pay attention to the Toyota.”

“Copy that,” Selina replied. She then contacted Palmer. A moment later, she said, “Palmer is on her way out. She just told me that her car is specially modified, and the doors and windows are bulletproof against common rifles.”

“That’s a relief.” Luke approached the Toyota from one side.

“She’s at the exit. I see her,” said Selina.

Luke also saw the black Chevrolet SUV at the B2 exit. It was every agent’s favorite color and car model.


The SUV left the parking lot at a normal speed and turned right on the street.

However, there was no response from the Toyota.

“What’s going on?” asked Selina.

Luke said, “Don’t be hasty. Even if they don’t do anything, we can arrest them later.” In any case, he had caught the sniper in the apartment building, who might know more than these two did.

There was nothing unusual about Palmer’s car. Like most people, she slowly sped up after she got on the street, and switched to the middle lane.

At that moment, the Toyota finally moved. Driving directly against traffic, it crashed into the left side of the SUV.

Caught unprepared, the SUV swerved and stopped on one side of the road.

The Toyota also sped over.

Before the car even stopped, the shooter in the passenger seat had already gotten out and started to fire the Uzi in his hand at the driver’s seat of the SUV.

The driver of the Toyota got out too, and was also about to open fire with his own Uzi.

Luke was no longer worried the moment he saw the Uzis. He knew that this gun wouldn’t be able to penetrate the special bulletproof doors so quickly.

He had started running the moment the Toyota turned around. When the first shooter opened fire, Luke was only twenty meters away.

He opened fire with the Glock in his hand almost at the same time as the gangster did.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Both shooters screamed and collapsed.

Luke hadn’t yelled out a warning since due procedure didn’t really matter at this point. He could directly kill these two gangsters for attempting to murder a government agent.

Bloody bullet holes appeared in the legs of the two shooters, and Luke put his gun back into the holster. He jogged over and stepped on the right hand of the driver, who was still holding the Uzi.


The driver screamed wildly.

Luke kicked the Uzi away from the driver’s hand with a sweep of his foot. The driver’s fingers were mangled from the force of the strike.

Pushing off the ground with his other foot, Luke jumped and slid over the top of the Toyota. Landing on the other side, he kicked the person in the passenger seat and knocked away his Uzi as well.

Selina drove the car over at that moment and directly pushed the Toyota back to cover Luke.

Luke caught the handcuffs that Selina threw to him and handcuffed both shooters.

Both men were screaming that their hands were broken as they were handcuffed, but Luke and Selina simply turned deaf ears to them.

On the other side, Palmer straightened in the driver’s seat in the SUV and was about to get out.

Luke raised his hand to stop her. “Don’t get out. Let’s take them back to your agency right now and interrogate them there. Someone there should know first aid, right?”

Palmer sneered. “Of course, we have medical doctors inside.”

She waved at Luke, then the SUV turned around. After Luke stuffed the two men into the back of the car, she led Luke and Selina back into the DEA building.

The two unfortunate shooters were pale, not just because they were bleeding from the bullet holes in their legs, but also because they had been caught in the act of trying to kill a DEA agent.

DEA agents weren’t ordinary police officers; their interrogation methods were a lot more ruthless.

Naturally, the shooters who accepted such a mission weren’t cowards, but there was a limit to human endurance, while there was no end of tricks to extort a confession.

Also, in many cases, the DEA wouldn’t convict the gangsters who pissed them off, but release them after the interrogation.

The next time they were caught, those uncooperative gangsters, along with everybody else in their nest, would be killed as drug traffickers.

The DEA’s tough reputation wasn’t just hot air.

When Luke and Selina drove their car in, five people had arrived at the carpark.

Four of them were clearly agents, but the last person was wearing a white coat and complaining, “Hey, I’m a doctor in pharmacology and biology, not a medical doctor, okay?”

Palmer stood calmly in front of him. “Morris, I want these two guys alive for the next two hours. I’m sure you can do that, right?”

The doctor called Morris instantly became uncomfortable under Palmer’s gaze. “But... I’m not a professional at saving lives.”

Palmer suddenly gave a charming smile and patted the man’s shoulder. “These two guys fired multiple shots at me earlier. I’m sure you can understand how I feel, right, Morris?”

Morris shivered and stepped back abruptly. “Okay! Okay! I understand. Carry them to my lab. I can’t do any surgery here.”Luke and Selina watched as the two shooters were calmly carted off, as if nothing had happened just then.

After the five guys took the shooters to the elevator, Palmer turned to Luke and Selina. “Thank you.”

Luke shrugged. “It’s fine, as long as you don’t blame us for using you as bait.”

Palmer chuckled and ran a hand through her hair. “I agreed to it, didn’t I?”

Luke said, “We need to be there during the interrogation. We don’t care about anything else, but we want to know who’s after you.”

After a long moment, Palmer finally sighed. “Are people from Texas all this persistent?”

Luke spread his hands to indicate that there was nothing he could do to change that. Both he and Selina were born and raised in Texas.

Martin was also from Texas. He had been a soldier in his youth, and joined the police after he retired.

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