Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 90 - Lucky Recovery, Considerate Brock

Chapter 90: Lucky Recovery, Considerate Brock

But Luke soon regretted his decision.

Selina bought burgers and fries for lunch, which was fine, but she also bought strawberry ice cream for Luke.

However, with Selina staring at him, Luke had no choice but to devour the girly ice cream that was in the shape of a pink heart.

The next week was a holiday. Luke was free, but he didn’t think much of it.

While he had obtained abundant experience and credit from the mission, something unexpected cropped up.

Luke found that his arm wasn’t as agile as before.

This outcome was typical of a bone fracture.

One week was only enough to reduce the pain and swelling of the injury.

However, Luke was five times stronger than an ordinary person. For him, a week to recover was equal to a month, which was confirmed by his constant sense of hunger.

That was his body absorbing tremendous energy and nutrition to repair his wounded arm.

In the week after, however, Luke clearly felt that something was wrong with his left arm.

The feeling was hard to describe, but it was obvious that his fingers were now slower to react.

He asked the doctor about it. Of course, Luke didn’t dare get any tests done, so he didn’t get any useful answers.

The doctor concluded delicately, “It’s actually normal for your condition. Your arm was badly injured. How well you recover now will depend on you.”

Luke looked at the doctor’s face and realized what he was implying.

The doctor was saying that his arm wouldn’t recover at all unless he was lucky.

It might recover, but it was more likely that it wouldn’t.

Luke didn’t complain. He simply thanked the doctor and left.

His strength was already 24. Luke chuckled and decided to give it another four level ups, though it was a challenging goal.

Thus, Luke wasn’t in the greatest of moods during the holiday.

A week later, Luke and Selina got back to work.

Both of them were lost for words when they saw Brock’s zombie-like face. Isn’t everything your own fault?

However, Brock clearly thought otherwise.

Luke and Selina were here to take a case, and Brock simply threw a file at them without saying anything.

Another two weeks passed just like that.

Luke and Selina got four cases, but cracked none of them.

According to TV dramas, all the cases in America could be cracked, but the fact was that only 10% of cases in major cities were actually solved.

What the police department paid attention to wasn’t the overall success rate, but whether or not it was the major cases with significant impact that were cracked.

It was also the reason why many cases were solved immediately once they got attention.

Brock was indeed a seasoned police officer. The cases he gave Luke and Selina were all tricky ones.

As newcomers, they had no means or connections to crack these sorts of cases at all.

These cases all involved missing people or dead homeless people and drug addicts. Most of the time, these cases could only be closed on an uncertain note.

But Luke kept an open mind. He earned a lot of experience and credit with his system by helping other people during the investigation, even if he couldn’t solve the cases.

He was calm in tough situations. Influenced by his attitude, Selina remained serene, too.

When Luke said it was nothing serious, it was indeed nothing serious.

Brock also changed his tune. He claimed that he was giving Luke and Selina these cases because Luke’s arm hadn’t recovered yet, and these cases required less effort.

So, Brock was absolutely justified in giving Luke and Selina petty cases.

This excuse spread in the Major Crimes Division, and few could argue with him.

Of course, some felt that Luke was silly to work when he hadn’t completely recovered yet, but they couldn’t blame him for loving his job.

There were certain things that people would agree with in public but personally believe to be stupid – that was what adults did.

The situation lasted for two weeks. Luke’s cast came off, and their duties changed slightly.

Selina was roaming the streets in the car. She complained, “Brock is getting more and more outrageous. He’s using us as street patrol.”

Looking out the window, Luke said casually, “It doesn’t matter. The cases he gave us can’t be solved anyway. It’s better to go for a ride than be stuck at the police department.”

Selina was still angry. “But why does he speak to us twice a week to tell you to rest properly? He’s also spread the word in the Major Crimes Division, as if he’s a good guy.”

Luke said, “Just pretend he’s a Shar Pei. He’s disgusting, and you don’t have to pay attention to anything he says. Do you bark back at a dog when it barks at you?”

Stunned for a moment, Selina burst into laughter.

Brock had a lot of wrinkles from work pressure, and looked much older than he actually was. He did indeed look like a Shar Pei.

Amused, Selina finally dropped the topic about their commanding officer and turned to their new assignment. “Why are we patrolling? It’s just a playboy who’s coming, not the president.”

Luke chuckled. “No, to some extent, he’s much more important than the president.”

Selina was shocked. “Are you serious?”

Luke replied, “We have a new president every few years, but as long as he doesn’t get himself killed, this guy will be the lifelong CEO of Stark Industries.”

But, Luke added in his mind, the time when this boy really would try to get himself killed wasn’t far in the future.

While they ignored Brock’s annoying tricks, Luke and Selina enjoyed the next half month.

It was a pity that the insurance company was still investigating the disappearance of Luke’s car in Rumford. He hadn’t been compensated for it yet.

Luke was too lazy to call the insurance company, mostly because things were too complicated in Rumford, and too many insurance companies were investigating the situation there.

As they quarreled among themselves, who knew when Luke would be compensated for his car.

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