Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1254 - The Six Waters of Terror Genesis!

Chapter 1254: The Six Waters of Terror Genesis!

“So the Four Great Sky Devils are not even dead, and they aren’t even Fiends to begin with!” Xia Fei muttered to himself in shock.

Turning his head, Xia Fei stared at the Armor lying not too far away on the white stone slab. He had just learned that this Plated Armor of the Broken Wing Sky Devil was called Flying Eagleplume, and it had been a personal possession of the Sky Devil, a treasure worshiped throughout the Fiends’ history.

Seeing this potentially timeless treasure right in front of his eyes, it would be a lie to say that Xia Fei was not tempted to own it. Xia Fei was never one to hesitate when it came to equipment. In this day and age where outstanding warriors were a dime a dozen, Xia Fei held strongly to the philosophy that it took top-grade equipment to make a first-rate warrior!

Wrinkling his forehead ever so slightly, Xia Fei cautiously approached the Sky Devil War Armor called Flying Eagleplume.

There was still no reaction from the War Armor when he was about two meters away, just a mere arm’s reach away from touching it.

Gritting his teeth, Xia Fei made to reach his hand out as he parted his feet ever so slightly, bracing himself so that he could beat a retreat if things were to go awry.

The very air became heavy! Oppressive!

Furball, Little Goldie, and Radix all had their eyes fixed on Xia Fei. No one had any clue just what sort of tricks did this Sky Devil War Armor had up its sleeves!



Xia Fei’s hands managed to make contact with Flying Eagleplume! Instantly, a biting chill traveled up his arm and spread across his entire body, like touching an ice sculpture on a hot summer’s day.

“There’s really no reaction?!” Xia Fei was slightly taken aback. He proceeded to place his entire palm on its metallic surface. He had finally gotten the War Armor in his hands!


“I did it! The Sky Devil War Armor, Flying Eagleplume, is mine!” Xia Fei declared in his excitement.

Furball and the others jumped around in their excitement. After all, this was the personal armor of a Sky Devil, and with it, Xia Fei’s defensive capabilities would see a dramatic increase!

But something strange occurred in the next moment!

All of a sudden, a long and narrow fissure split the very ground they stood upon! This fissure was more than a dozen kilometers long, nearly long enough to split the entire Sky Devil Tomb into two!

Within this chasm appeared a burning red magma, heaving as ferociously as if it was an ocean caught in a storm, violent and turbulent!


Rolling waves of heat bore down on them!

Xia Fei was shocked! This was by no means the temperature of normal magma, but the intensity of what someone would expect from the very depths of Hell! It was so hot that even his Annihilator-grade war armor Fiend Scar might not be able to resist it!

His body was pulled down involuntarily. This fissure had opened so swiftly and exerted an immense magnetic force as well!

Fiend Scar, Fiend Lock, and the Sky Devil War Armor: all the treasures of Xia Fei were seemingly being magnetized, dragging Xia Fei down relentlessly!

‘Truly Paletooth lived up to his name as the most insidious Sky Devil! To think he would set a trip even at this place!’, Xia Fei thought to himself.

The fissure closed up just as quickly as it had opened!

Before Furball or anyone else could react, the ground had already returned back to normal, and Xia Fei was gone!


Furball let out a chain of heart-rending howls as his beady eyes turned blood red!

The situation was extremely precarious!

Xia Fei had already been enveloped by the magma, and the scorching temperature was beginning to deform the Annihilator-grade war armor Fiend Scar!

Most human warriors that had reached his level would have a Seed of Life, and Bluebloods would have their Cerulean Soulgem, which they could rely upon to be reborn. No matter how hot the lava was, there was no way it could really subject a warrior to death.

But Xia Fei was different. He was someone who had integrated his Unrestricted Soul Spirit Mark together with his Healing powers. Perhaps it was because Xia Fei had too great a potential to begin with, but he did not have a Seed of Life of his own. If he were to die, that would be permanent. There was no rebirth for him!


Xia Fei felt his entire body burning up. The heat was sweltering, and Fiend Scar’s temperature control function had been lost. In a matter of seconds, Xia Fei would be nothing more than a piece of charcoal.

It was at that moment that he felt an unbearable pain in his left leg, as if something was tearing itself off from Xia Fei’s body.

Left leg?

Xia Fei groggily recalled that the Water Immemorial Mystical Armament Terror Genesis was there! Could it be?!


Black water rose, and formed an impregnable water barrier that enveloped Xia Fei within it. It nearly caused Xia Fei’s temperature to decrease too rapidly, and he even felt a cool sensation wash over him. Even his senses were quickly coming back to him.

What first came to him was shock, then it was carefreeness!

That was because the Immemorial Mystical Armament Terror Genesis had finally activated when Xia Fei was at death’s door!

The Eight Metals of Absolution, the Seven Plants of the Cloud Sea, the Six Waters of Terror Genesis, the Five Flames of Lux Gloria, and the Four Stones of the Southern Star.

There were a total of five categories of the Natural Immemorial Mystical Armaments, and Xia Fei possessed both Cloud Sea and Terror Genesis. The Seven Plants of the Cloud Sea had Peacock Blue as their main body, which was inhabiting Xia Fei’s right arm, while the Six Waters of Terror Genesis had Black Shell Spring as their main body, and were located in Xia Fei’s left leg.

Ever since Xia Fei had obtained the water Immemorial Mystical Armament, it had always been stuck in an inexplicable chaotic state. All it did was inhabit Xia Fei’s body, and there was no telling what it was up to. Xia Fei had no means of mobilizing it, let alone urging it to merge with Peacock Blue.

It was something that had no use. Xia Fei had ignored it in a moment of spite, leaving it to its own devices.

But today, when Xia Fei was in a truly desperate situation, the Six waters of Terror Genesis actually came to his rescue! This was definitely a good thing!

This black water first formed a sphere, then it began to rapidly shrink, turning into a layer of thin film covering Xia Fei’s body. Xia Fei could move freely inside it, and every part of him was still under the protection of Terror Genesis. He no longer had to be afraid of burning.


It was just that Xia Fei was presently covered by over a million tons of magma. It seemed like the Fiend weaponry he had on him was being attracted by something, pulling Xia Fei ever deeper into the magma, into parts unknown.

Xia Fei originally planned to depend on his speed to dash out of the magma, but on second thought, he decided to just stay put, letting himself be dragged down into the planet’s core by the powerful attraction.

Radix quickly caught up to Xia Fei. As the former was an immortal soul and had a mental connection with Xia Fei, the magma was unable to impede him. Unless this magma could manifest Dark Energy, there was no way the heat would harm him as a spirit.

“Just what is going on here?!” Radix exclaimed in surprise.

Xia Fei told Radix about what had happened with Terror Genesis, and Radix was of course very thrilled on his behalf, “Does that mean you now control two Immemorial Mystical Armaments?!”

Xia Fei shook his head, “To be precise, I have only used them, not controlled. Terror Genesis still isn’t under my control right now.”

“But it moved to protect you at your most critical juncture! That means Terror Genesis recognizes you as its owner! It’s only a matter of time before it listens to you!” Radix gushed.

Xia Fei pouted, “Well, you’re not wrong…”

With that said, Xia Fei unsheathed his White Dragon’s Screech and Fiend Lock as he stored the Sky Devil War Armor, Flying Eagleplume, away. His killing intent and fiendish energy was practically bursting from within him!

Under the observation with the Triclopean legacy eye technique, Origin of Heaven, Xia Fei discovered that he was about to leave the magma. He was about to learn just who had been so treacherous as to bring him to the core of the planet!


Xia Fei’s entire being was pulled out from the magma. Beneath his feet, glowing stalactites were everywhere. Above him was the mass of glowing hot magma, illuminating this underground space!

Alas, there was no enemy waiting for him here underground.


Xia Fei’s feet touched the ground. The immense pull was still acting upon him, causing the very ground to crumble and collapse. A fifteen-meter pit instantly appeared beneath his feet!

The water Immemorial Mystical Armament, Terror Genesis, was still protecting Xia Fei. Though they were no longer anywhere near the magma, it was still keeping the temperature around them at scorching levels.

“Are you alright?!” Radix asked with concern.

Xia Fei knitted his eyebrows, “I can still endure this. It’s just that this force of attraction acting on me is very strong. Something is desperately pulling on Fiend Scar with me inside it.”


Every single step Xia Fei took caused the ground to shake. The rocks around him were constantly breaking apart and scattering everywhere. Still, Xia Fei held on, completing a circle along his own foot falls.

“This should be the place,” Xia Fei pointed to a white rock jutting out from the ground.

“What place?” Radix asked.

“The place I pointed out is where the force of attraction is the strongest. There must definitely be something deeper underneath that has dragged me here,” explained Xia Fei.


Fiend Lock abruptly appeared in his hand. Due to the force being exerted here, Xia Fei had to use all his strength just to draw it out.

Though Fiend Lock had extremely fine wires, it was also extremely sharp. It would instantly carve open the ground after a few swings.

The ground was fragmented after several attacks, and when Xia Fei took a step forward, he finally managed to cause that entire rock to crumble!

This revealed a uniformly circular pit, and right in the middle of it was a metal coffin!

“Open!” Fiend Lock once again carved out a perfect curve, splitting that black metal coffin in two!


The metal coffin was split right down the middle, and the force of attraction that had been acting on Xia Fei immediately disappeared. A single white shade suddenly burst forth, letting out an excited cry.


This sounded very much like a supersonic blast, and was well beyond the range human ears could pick up. Instantly, Xia Fei felt a bout of dizziness come over him. Originally, he had wanted to attack the white shade the moment it came shooting out, but the sudden sonic attack confused him, and Fiend Lock missed the white shade.

“What was that?!” Xia Fei was annoyed. His hands clutched his ears as he scanned around him. Unfortunately, that white shade had since disappeared without a trace.

Radix gulped, “That was a bat that was larger than a man. It even looked as if it was draped in white robes.”

“Where did it go?” Xia Fei asked again.

Radix pointed toward the magma above them. “Gone.”

Xia Fei was perplexed. “I could not even make out what that thing was even with my Ocular Cognition, which just goes to show how fast it was. How did you catch a glimpse of it?”

Radix remained silent, pursed his lips, and pointed at that metal coffin.

He saw that the metal coffin was upturned, and on its back was an image of a half-bat, half-man. He was standing, wearing a white, triangular cape, with his left arm covering half of his face.

Xia Fei was vexed. It seemed he had accidentally released something?

But now that the creature was gone, there was no longer any of that inexplicable force of attraction, and Xia Fei could move freely again.



With a leap, Xia Fei dove up through the magma again, swimming through it quickly. He soon poked his head out from the magma.

The room that he had dropped from was right above his head, and with a light tap of his foot, Xia Fei jumped up to it.

Xia Fei’s entire body was still hot as hegot out of the magma. Smoke trailed off him as he stood there, heating up the entire room.

The Sky Devil Tomb was still the same as before, except that there was yet another fissure in the ground.

Xia Fei took out the Sky Devil War Armor and tried it on. Sure enough, it no longer had a spirit, and was now just a plated armor by itself. Xia Fei could vaguely sense that this might have everything to do with that white shade.

Looking around, he could not find any signs of Little Goldie or Furball.

Xia Fei panicked, and was just about to shout out their names, when he spotted the two creeping back from a corner, absolutely anxious. Furball was still fine, but Little Goldie had a white scrap of cloth hanging from its mouth, looking like it had bitten it off something.

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