Chapter 127: Five Powerful Arrow Spells

Standing at the edge of the pond, Porus first showed the way of taking stance based on the bow size. Kent continued to stare at Porus as he began demonstrating the five arrow spells from arcane Arcane Tome.

Porus began with the Frost Bite Arrow spell. While aiming at the ceiling, he drew the bow string to arm length. As he is teaching now, Porus shouted the spell name loudly.

“Glacius Morses Sagitta”

The bright red aura arrow turned snow white in colour and a flickering frost element surrounded the arrow spell.

As he released the arrow from his celestial bow, the air around it crystallised, leaving a trail of frost. The arrow hit the ceiling, and a burst of frost spread out, encasing it in ice. A case cage formed along the cave walls, encircling everything inside it.

Kent’s eyes went wide in surprise as he stared at the area of effect of one single spell. freewebnσ

“If not countered in time, this frost bit spell can entrap the target in a single instance, slowing their movements drastically. Mastery of this spell requires patience and control over the direction of your spell. If you place the arrow in a good position, you can entrap a greater number of enemies in it.” Porus explained while staring at Kent, whose head is turning 360 degrees to see the ice cage.

“Master, did you boost the spell with the ice element?” Kent asked, thinking about the proficiency of the arrow released by Peak Master Porus.

“No, boy, even if I want to, I can’t do that. I mastered the fire element. What you watched is just a 33% proficiency of the spell arrow. If you practice well, you can also do this.” Porus replied in a calm tone.

After asking a few more questions, Kent performed the same frost bite arrow spell. Even though he failed initially, Porus corrected him on the spot. Within a few moments, Kent learned the frost bite arrow.

“Okey, you can practice later and improve mastery over this spell. Let’s move on to the next spell, we don’t have much time left.” Porus replied as he lifted the normal bow in his hands.

Next, he introduced the Shadow Strike Arrow, a spell woven with stealth and precision.

“Umbra Letus Spiculum,” Porus intoned, releasing the bow string.

The arrow, once loosed, vanished into shadows, reappearing only as it struck the heart of a distant boulder, demonstrating its ability to bypass physical barriers and defenses.

Kent rubbed his eyes as he tried to find the arrow path. But he couldn’t even see when that arrow left the Porus hands and struck the boulder.

Porus smiled at Kent’s reaction and began explaining the Shadow Strike spell. “This spell is also called the assassin arrow spell and is best used when the element of surprise is on your side.”

Like usual, Porus helped Kent to understand the basic principle of this spell and moved on to demonstrate the third arrow spell.

The third spell is the ‘Thunder Strike Arrow’, a manifestation of raw power.

“Vajra Prahara Banah,” chanted Porus, and the air vibrated with the buildup of electric energy. The arrow, charged with lightning, thundered towards the large boulder, exploding on impact with a sound that echoed like thunder, leaving a scorched mark.

“Kent, this spell has a unique history. This spell is used to taunt the enemy, and it is an indication of calling the enemies to war. The explosive sound of this spell is capable of shattering defenses and morale alike.”

Kent took a long time to grasp this spell. While manifesting the thunder strike arrow, Kent felt a vibrating and tickling sensation along his arm. After Kent learned the method of casting thunder strike arrow spell, Porus moved onto the next spell.

Turning to the movement-type spells, Porus first demonstrated the Void Shadow Arrow.

“Sunya Chaya Sara,” Porus whispered, and as he released the arrow, it created a tunnel of shadows.

Stepping into the shadow at one end, he emerged from the other, near the other side of pond. For a second, Kent couldn’t believe his eyes as Porus disappeared from his eyes and appeared on the other side of the pond.

“This spell allows you to move through the shadows, making it perfect for escaping or closing in on an enemy undetected. But this spell arrow takes a longer time to cast, and the distance of travel will be limited by the mastery of the spell.”

Kent felt excited to learn the void shadow arrow spell. But Porus stopped him, saying that it would take a lot of time to understand the basic principle of this arrow. He suggested Kent to practice this spell after reading the spell description from the Arcane Tome.

Kent nodded his head with a disappointed look. Smiling at Kent’s face, Porus moved onto the last spell of the night. The fifth arrow spell.

Lastly, he taught the Earth-Shattering Arrow, a spell of both attack and movement restricting type.

“Bhu Kampa Japa,” he chanted, and the arrow, once released, caused the ground to tremble and crack.

Along the path of travel, the spell arrow created a furrow path straight towards the entrance gate of the cave.

“It serves dual purposes, to destabilize your opponents and forge a path, altering the battlefield to your advantage. Also, this spell used to greet elders and masters.” Porus explained.

“Master, how can we greet others with this arrow spell? Didn’t this spell cause them to fall to the ground?” Kent asked hurriedly, with a confused look.

Porus smiled at his question and drew the bow string again. Instead of aiming linearly, Porus released an arrow straight down into the ground, near his feet. In the next instance, a small stream of water pumped up from the ground, where the arrow made a hole. The water fell on Porus feet as a form of greeting.

Kent’s eyes went wide as he stared at the pumping stream of water. With an excited look, he began muttering the spell mantra to quickly learn the earth-shattering arrow. The small stream at Porus feet stopped after a moment, and Porus moved onto the corner, giving Kent time to focus on practicing spells.


/// A/N – Please comment your opinion on this chapter. I might change Kent’s training process and arrow spells based on your feed back. Thank You. ///

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