Chapter 54: Lambu’s plan

“Master… Master… wait…” Lambu hurriedly stopped Mohini, who was preparing to stop Ruby from feeding drugs to young master Kt.

“What?!” Mohini turned back seriously to see why Lambu had stopped her.

“Master, you are crossing the limits by helping young Master Kt avoid small dangers. If we help him in every small danger, wh will young master Kt learn about this two-faced world? Your sixth sister also instructed us not to interfere in the young master’s personal life.” Lambu gave a long lecture and had a differt plan running through his brain.

“What do you suggest?” Mohini asked while thinking about Lambu’s words.

“Master, we will let young Master Kt experice a few setbacks. You mediate peacefully and conctrate on memorizing your spells. I will look after young Master Kt in the meantime. If there are any dangers, I will inform you right away.” Lambu suggested it with an obedit face. But inside, he was grinning happily as he finally got some chance to get away from his boredom.

After a quick thought, Mohini agreed to his suggestion. “Remember, if something happs to you, young master, I won’t spare you.” Mohini warned before sitting in meditation posture with the Lotus Mudra.

Lambu turned himself into a crow and began circling a the combat rooms to have a clear view for his tertainmt.

Meanwhile, Ruby, holding silver bowls in her left hand and gold bowls in her right hand, took a heavy breath. Instantly, her chest swelled up, and her tight dress slipped a little lower, exposing the top portion of her snow- mounds and the deep cleavage in the middle.

In the second, she closed her eyes, read a few scriptures, a feminine sct veloped her body, and her eyes turned a sky blue color. In total, she turned herself into an attractive, lustful lady who could draw any man’s atttion with one single look.

“Knock… Knock…” She used her body to gtly knock on the combat room door, which is tightly shut.

Kt, who is in the middle of explosive g, didn’t hear the slight knock-on door.

“Ard Ignis Telum”

The spell played on his lips like a whispering noise, and Arcane bolt arrows continued to release from his bow at constant speed.

“Boom… Boom… Boom”

“8… 3… 5…”

In serious practice, his proficicy with the arcane bolt arrow reached an average of 5. Till now, he has reinstated the target boards three times and continued to bombard them with explosions. The tire room was still gulfed in gre flames.

Ruby, who stood outside the door, continued to knock at random intervals. But there is no one from Kt who is at the cter of the explosions.

With an annoyed pout, she took out her personal key, which was giv to her by the Sem family for their regular practice, and unlocked the door without making any noise.

But just as Ruby oped the door half-way, she heard a loud explosion. She rooted to the g after seeing the gre flames all a the room. Her heart skipped a beat as a series of loud explosions followed suit.

Her gaze slowly turned from explosions to the person who was causing those explosions. Like a rotating mechanical bow, Kt is rotating all a, firing arrows in all corners.

“What the hell is he practicing?!” Ruby muttered while staring at Kt with wide, op eyes. With a glowing gold bow in hand, Kt looked like a morning sun, from where fire streaks originate.

Ruby felt a bit of fear approaching Kt. As she thought of ways to execute the plan, her gaze landed on Fire Kirin, who was eyeing the gre flames with drooling saliva.

“It is better to put this beast to sleep first. Once it is out of my concern, I can think of ways to seduce the main figure.” Ruby muttered as she walked towards the fire, Kirin, while swaying her hips.

As she approached the fire Kirin, kept the gold tray on one side, which contained gold food blows for Kt. While maintaining her skill of an amiable smile, she took out the silver bowls one after another from the tray and arranged them before the Fire Kirin.

But the Fire Kirin, who is a spirit beast, turned its head away after a single whiff. As Ruby tried to feed it by hand, the Fire Kirin made annoying sounds, trying to get away from her.

Kt hurriedly turned back to see the Fire Kirin. He saw Ruby, who was forcing his pet to eat the fancy stuff. He smashed the last glowing target board and walked towards Ruby.

“What are you doing?” Kt asked with a serious look while moving towards Fire Kirin. In that momt of his concern for Fire Kirin, he completely ignored the alluring body of Ruby, who kept her balls for display. In the leaning position, her chest swelled more, exposing more skin.

“Young Master Kt, It’s already past noon, and I brought food for you and your pet. These are all delicacies that I personally prepared for you.” Ruby replied while staring into Kt’s eyes.

“But I didn’t ask for any food. Also, why are you feeding my pet?” Kt asked while checking the Fire Kirin.

“Why the hell is he asking all these nonsse questions instead of looking at my alluring body? Is he blind?” Ruby thought, feeling annoyed.

“Young master Kt, as a servant, it is my duty to provide for all your timely needs. As you immersed yourself in the practice, I took it upon myself to feed your pet. I’m sorry if I crossed my limits.” Ruby put on a pitiful face and spoke in a soft tone.

“Ruby, please remove these food bowls and don’t bring anything, unless I order. Especially, don’t approach my pet without permission. Do you understand?” Kt asked in a soft tone after seeing her pitiful face.

“What the hell? What happed to my charm? It can’t go like this. I promised the elder to seduce him.” Several thoughts swirled a Ruby’s brain as she thought of ways to stay inside the room.

“Young master Kt, can I stay inside? My stomach is hurting from the outside heat. I just sit in the corner and won’t disturb you.” Ruby asked in a begging tone while clutching her stomach. She draws Kt’s gaze purposefully towards her lower region.

Out of instinct, Kt gaze moved onto her stomach, but his eyes stopped moving from half way as he saw plump, balls with a deep gorge in the cter. Blood rushed inside his body as his fists clched.

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