A Storm Comes to Gambling City

“That guy really knows how to dump trouble on our plate,” grumbled Xiaoshuai, chilling with Mu Yu and Tian Ran on a mountain peak.

“What’s our plan?” Tian Ran asked in a voice louder than usual as her green robe billowed, caressing Xiaoshuai’s head.

Peering into the distance, Mu Yu got up. “Bloodshed.”


The only thing that mattered in the Gambling City, the small paradise north of Pill City that Du Biying ruled over, was one’s gambling luck and skills. The only rule in the city was there was no rule. The majority of ultimate immortals’ lives and Shadow Syndicate’s shadow assassins had been on a gambling table before. Ever since its inception, nobody ever had the audacity to challenge Du Biying’s authority there.

“He’s walking here?” Du Biying asked, keeping the golden lights out of his eyes with the swaying leaves overhead.

“Yes. He’ll arrive soon,” Zhuang Yuanlang answered, sitting opposite Du Biying at the stone table in a courtyard.

The song was the gentle rustling of the leaves on the tree overhead. The high notes were the winds. Yet, neither of the two found the melody therapeutic.

“He’s behind the attack on Melody Garden?” fumed Du Biying.

“No. He will be part of what happens next, though.”

“Where’s Ximen Buxing?”

“Not here. Not sure where.”


A crow suddenly took off, tweeting similarly to a siren. Several black feathers fell onto the table below, but they were no ordinary feathers. The two saw the flash of energy and jumped to their feet.

“We going to receive our guest?”

Du Biying flicked his sleeve and headed to the door, red energy transferring to his dice. “Visitors are guests, and we always welcome guests here in Gambling City.”


Gambling City would not have been complete without the spacious ring, constructed using black crystals that were impervious to blemishes even if Body Synthesis Realm cultivators hit it, in the centre of the city. Du Biying enforced a rule that grudges had to be settled in the specific ring and offered ten million spirit stones to the winner. Howbeit, one had to be, at least, a Spirit Severing Realm cultivator to have the privilege of using the ring.

Du Biying’s ten million reward was spare change to him as the matches promoted betting, and with betting came income for him. There was no challenge encouraging betting as the people who would visit the city were gambling addicts to begin with.

Step. Step. Step.

He did not wear fashionable clothing. His cultivation was not detectable. His chipped, scratched big sword was wrapped up in a shabby bit of cloth, yet his footsteps commanded silent attention. Accompanying him was Tian Jijian, a young man dressed the polar opposite way. As if they were scared, leaves in an alleyway fled to Gu Yitian’s feet as though to prostrate themselves, only for him to shred them with his aura.

“Here to settle a grudge?” Du Biying questioned sternly.

Tian Jijian answered, “Correct.”

“You two are the ones with the grudge to settle?”

Tian Jijian tugged up the corner of his lips. “With the unorthodox factions’ jade maiden.”

“Two on one?”’

“I’m not taking part.” Tian Jijian cast his gaze onto Gu Yitian.

Gu Yitian made his way to the ring without a word to confront the unorthodox sect’s jade maiden adorned in a green name that complemented her nickname – Wanwan.

“I have just one question for you,” Wanwan voiced with an enchanting smile.

“Your will?” Tian Jijian queried from a distance since Gu Yitian refused to respond.

“Why aren’t you two challenging me together?”

Tian Jijian mocked, “You want to fight both of us at the same time?”

“I prefer one on one.”

“If I join, it’ll be two on one.”

“You misunderstand… It’s still one on one even if you come up here…” Wanwan’s wrist bangle played a song. “Killing you is just a bonus.”

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