123 Field Day of a Certain Squad Part 2

The heavy scent of diesel hung in the air as Lisa finished securing the last jerry can in the back of the JLTV Oshkosh. The recent encounter with the undead had elevated the tension among the group.

"We should head out before more of them show up," Lisa suggested, casting a wary glance down the street where the two zombies had emerged.

Angela and Denise nodded in agreement, their hands never straying far from their rifles. The group swiftly climbed back into the vehicle, with Lisa taking the wheel once again. She turned the key, and the engine roared to life, breaking the eerie silence that had settled over the gas station.

As they pulled away from the pump, Angela took one last look at the desolate forecourt.

"Where did they come from? Some even came from the streets we passed by," Denise asked, visibly confused.

"Probably inside one of the stores," Angela replied, her eyes focused on the road ahead. "Sometimes, they hide out in buildings and only come out when they sense movement or noise."

"Let's stop figuring out where they came from. Let's focus on the task ahead. Now we got some jerry cans filled with diesel fuel. Let's head to any of the convenience stores and grab some non-perishable foods. Remember, there is a contest made between squads. The squad with the most resources brought back to the Oriental would win 1,000 units!"

"Oh yeah, I almost completely forgot about that," Angela said as she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

Lisa pressed on the gas, and the JLTV Oshkosh moved smoothly through the streets, the added weight of the diesel fuel barely noticeable to the heavy-duty vehicle.

"Alright team, keep your eyes peeled for any convenience store that looks like it hasn't been completely ransacked," Lisa instructed, her tone business-like, reflecting the urgency of their mission.

The streets were quiet, too quiet, which was always a sign to be extra vigilant. The city was a shell of its former self, with the occasional signs of the life that once thrummed through its arteries—now all was still.

Denise, with her map open, called out possible locations. "There's one just two blocks from here. It's on a less-traveled street."

Lisa made a sharp turn at the next intersection, heading toward the store Denise mentioned.

"Is that what you are referring to?" Lisa pointed out a faded sign that matched the convenience store chain they were looking for.

"Yes, that's the one," Denise confirmed, as they approached the store.

The JLTV Oshkosh rolled to a stop outside the convenience store. The windows were dirty, but the glass was intact, and there was no sign of forced entry. It was a good indicator that there might still be supplies inside.

"Let's do this quick," Lisa said, checking her watch. "We have less than an hour before we need to start heading back."

The team acknowledged with a series of nods, and they quickly disembarked. Angela and Denise went straight to the store's entrance, while Lisa and Ella provided cover, scanning the area for any movement.

Angela tested the door and to their dismay, it was locked.

"Looks like we are going to force our way in," Angela said.

"Breaking the glass door would make a lot of noise," Denise said.

"Just be quick with it," Ella urged. "The engine of the JLTV Oshkosh is comparably loud and might have already attracted some of them."

Angela used the butt of her rifle to shatter the glass door swiftly, minimizing the noise as much as possible. They stepped inside, with Denise leading the way, rifle at the ready for any unwelcome surprises.

The store was dark and smelled of spoiled food. Rows of shelves loomed like silent sentinels in the dim light that filtered through the dirty windows. Lisa pulled out her flashlight, cutting through the darkness as they moved down the aisles.

"Just grab those that are non-perishable—damn this place smells so bad," Angela said.

"You don't have to mention it," Denise said.

Canned goods, energy bars, bags of chips, and bottles of water were quickly gathered and stuffed into their backpacks. There's a lot of it and it doesn't seem that all of it would fit into their bags.

"Let's use the basket," Denise suggested, pointing to a basket abandoned near the counter.

They quickly filled the basket, making sure to prioritize high-calorie foods and those with a long shelf life. Lisa kept track of the time, urging the team to move faster.

"Check for any first aid supplies too," Lisa reminded them through the radio.

Denise spotted a small first aid kit behind the counter. She grabbed it, checking its contents before tossing it into the basket.

The store's silence was soon broken by a distant, muffled thumping. The group froze, listening. After a tense moment, the sound did not repeat, and they resumed their work.

"Let's not wait around for whatever made that noise," Angela said nervously.

With the basket full and their backpacks bulging, the team hurried back to the JLTV Oshkosh, glancing over their shoulders as they left the store.

Once they were back on the road.

"This is a huge haul," Denise commented, looking over at the supplies packed in the back.

"Yeah, should keep us stocked for a while," Lisa agreed, keeping her eyes on the road as she navigated the vehicle back to camp.

"I heard rumors that we may be relocating the camp soon," Angela shared.

"Really? From whom you heard that?" Ella looked at her.

"Like I said, it was just a rumor, passed along by survivors," Angela replied.

"Hmm…if you think about it, maybe it's plausible. Given the fact that the camp is in an urban area where cultivation of food is difficult and the risk of undead attacks is high, a more remote location could be safer and more sustainable," Denise pondered aloud.

"I agree on that—" Denise's words were interrupted as the car came to a sudden screeching halt.

"What the hell was that Lisa?"

"Guys…there is something in the front," Lisa said with a horrified expression on her face. Angela too shared the same expression.

"What do you mean—."

In front of them stood a towering creature, seemingly made of living stone. Its body, standing two meters, was hulking and covered in rocky plates, like jagged slabs of granite. Veins of what appeared to be molten lava glowed beneath the cracks of its dense, stony skin, casting an ominous light. The sight of such a monstrous being was enough to send shivers down their spines and freeze them in place, their hearts pounding as they took in every detail of the unexpected and terrifying figure blocking their path.

Lisa's hands gripped the steering wheel, her knuckles whitening. Denise's map fluttered to the floor, forgotten. Angela's and Ella's rifles, once ready to defend, now felt like mere toys against such an immense presence. They all watched, motionless, as the creature's fiery gaze seemed to pierce through the windshield, looking into them as much as at them.

"Guys…" Angela stammered.

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