Chapter 136 Grinding Exp and Gold

September 19th, 2023.

With the anticipated wave just a day away, Blackwatch Oriental Military Camp was a hive of intense activity. Soldiers hustled around, fine-tuning their final preparations. The layout of the camp reflected a meticulous strategy: Tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers were dispersed with precision, ensuring comprehensive coverage with no weak points. Each gate was fortified robustly, a formidable blend of sentries, tanks, and vigilant soldiers standing guard.

Inside the command center, Richard's eyes scanned over the digital maps and troop placements. His mind racing as he strategizes, analyzing every possible scenario. Beside him, Sara pointed at a section on the map, suggesting a minor adjustment to the placement of a surveillance drone.

"Sir, if we move this drone slightly to the east, we'll have a better field of view over the northeastern approach," she explained.

Richard nodded, processing his suggestion. "Good point, Sara. Implement that change."

Mark approached Richard from behind, passing him a document.

"Sir, this is yesterday's report of the two unknowns at the lab."

Richard grabbed the document, opened it, and perused the content. Doctor Aaron reported that they would sedate the two unknowns before and after the wave, making sure that they wouldn't wake up during the wave and cause unforeseen damage to their troops.

He nodded in satisfaction before returning the document to Mark. He then flickered his gaze back to the monitor and scanned the display.

"So they are the zombies huh?" Richard mused as his eyes landed on one monitor, showing a wave of zombies approaching from the north, east, west, and south like a pack of hives. They are about 200 kilometers away. There's no mistaking it, they are the zombies part of the wave.

"Sir, suggest that we thin them out before they even reach this place?" Sara proposed.

"Yeah, why the hell not," Richard grinned. "But before that."

Richard opened his system and navigated to his inventory. There he tapped the experience and gold capsule that would allow him to receive double the experience and gold gains when active. A refresher, for every zombie killed, Richard gains 1,000 gold coins and 80 experience points. With the capsules active, they would be doubled, from 1,000 gold coins to 2,000 gold coins and from 80 experience points to 160 experience points.

He doesn't mind consuming them twelve hours before the wave as he had a lot of stocks of them thanks to the daily rewards.

[Gold capsule and Experience capsule. Time of Expiry: September 20th, 12:24 p.m.]

"Are you done, sir?" Sara inquired, barely containing her excitement at the prospect of engaging the approaching zombies.

"Yes, let's proceed," Richard confirmed. Sara nodded to Mark, who immediately moved to execute their plan.

Mark pressed his earpiece, establishing a connection with Excalibur. "Blackwatch to Excalibur, we have a call for fire. Coordinates incoming for a preemptive strike."

He relayed the precise locations where the zombie hordes were densest. The artillery unit, known as Excalibur prepared their High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) for a calculated bombardment.

"Excalibur copies, Blackwatch. Preparing for a fire mission," crackled the response over the radio.

The air bristled with tension as Excalibur's artillery teams loaded the rocket systems. Richard watched intently as the coordinates were confirmed, and the HIMARS and MLRS were directed toward the distant targets.

"Fire when ready," commanded Mark, his voice steady.

The camp fell silent for a moment before the thunderous roar of the artillery shattered the stillness. Rockets streaked across the sky, tracing a fiery path toward their distant targets. The screens in the command center displayed the barrage's impact, with each explosion thinning the ranks of the approaching zombie horde.

[You have killed 1,500 zombies! You received 3,000,000 gold coins and 240,000 experience points!] flashed on Richard's notification screen. The successful strike had not only thinned the approaching zombie horde but also significantly boosted their resources and experience.

[User: Richard Gonzales

Health: 100/100

Age: 21

Level: 27

Experience points: 3,441,456/3,602,261

Skills: Weapon Proficiency Level 2, Melee Proficiency Level 2, Driving Proficiency Level 2. Tactical Mastery Level 1.

Available Skill Points: 0

Summoned Troops: 1,300/1,300

Current gold balance: 13,945,000 gold coins]

Richard's eyes quickly assessed the new data. "Good start, but we'll need more than that."

"Sir, suggest we fire again?" Sara asked, looking at Richard for confirmation.

"Exactly," Richard responded decisively. "Mark, coordinate with Excalibur for another round. Let's keep hitting them hard."

Mark nodded and quickly communicated the order. "Blackwatch to Excalibur, we're going for another round. Adjusting targets for maximum impact."

The response from Excalibur was prompt. "Understood, Blackwatch. Prepping for a second strike."

"Fire at will," came Mark's command, echoed through the radio.

Once again, the camp's atmosphere tensed as the second wave of artillery fire was launched. The HIMARS and MLRS unleashed their payloads, sending another series of rockets arcing through the sky toward the approaching horde.

The screens in the command center displayed the impact of the second strike. The explosions were effective, further thinning the ranks of the zombies. "[You have killed an additional 1,000 zombies! You received 2,000,000 gold coins and 160,000 experience points!]" Richard's system updated.

[User: Richard Gonzales

Health: 100/100

Age: 21

Level: 27

Experience points: 3,601,456/3,602,261

Skills: Weapon Proficiency Level 2, Melee Proficiency Level 2, Driving Proficiency Level 2. Tactical Mastery Level 1.

Available Skill Points: 0

Summoned Troops: 1,300/1,300

Current gold balance: 15,945,000 gold coins]

Richard clicked his tongue, a thousand experience points left and his level would have risen to 28. He calculated mentally how many zombies he would have to eliminate to reach that milestone.

"Just a few more," he muttered under his breath.

He turned to Sara and Mark. "We'll need another strike. One salvo would guarantee me leveling up. Let's try south this time," Richard instructed.

Sara quickly adjusted the map, highlighting the southern approach where a significant number of zombies were still advancing. "South quadrant, coordinates locked in," she confirmed.

Mark, in turn, relayed the new target information to Excalibur. "Blackwatch to Excalibur, adjust for southern strike. Coordinates for maximum impact coming your way."

"Copy, Blackwatch. Adjusting to south. Ready for the strike," Excalibur responded.

"Fire when set," Mark ordered.

The final artillery salvo was unleashed and the rockets blazed across the sky.

Moments later, success notifications flashed on Richard's screen.

[You have killed an additional 700 zombies! You received 1,400,000 gold coins and 112,000 experience points!]

Richard's system updated instantly:

[User: Richard Gonzales

Health: 100/100

Age: 21

Level: 28

Experience points: 3,713,456/4,012,536

Skills: Weapon Proficiency Level 2, Melee Proficiency Level 2, Driving Proficiency Level 2. Tactical Mastery Level 1.

Available Skill Points: 1

Summoned Troops: 1,300/1,350

Current gold balance: 17,345,000 gold coins]

Seeing that, Richard felt that the waves were a double-edge sword event. It's good for grinding gold coins and experiences but if your camp got overrun, the loss is significant.

"Let's keep doing this," Richard said.

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