Chapter 141 The Second Wave Part 1

The Goliath, enraged by the attack, began to change its course, moving erratically to avoid further strikes. The pilot of the AC-130, expertly maneuvering the aircraft, kept the Goliath in their sights.

"Adjusting for movement," the Fire Control Officer called out, recalibrating the targeting system to track the Goliath's new trajectory.

In the command center, Richard and his team watched the live feed from the AC-130's cameras.

"It seems that the Goliath is panicking when it can't see what's attacking it," Richard observed. "Spooky-1, use your 40 mike-mike. Aim for its head; it's disoriented."

"Copy that, switching to 40mm," the pilot responded. The AC-130 shifted tactics, unleashing a rapid barrage from its 40mm cannon. The precision strikes were more effective, hitting the Goliath squarely in its head and upper torso.

This time, the Goliath, realizing it was facing a threat it couldn't easily eliminate, raised its shield above its head, protecting itself from the torrential fire from the AC-130. The Goliath's movements, however, became more sluggish, indicating it was suffering from the sustained attacks.

"Looks like it's on the defensive now," observed the Fire Control Officer. "But it's slowing down."

Richard scrunched up his brows, trying to get a closer look at the Goliath. Normally, he would see its health bars atop its head. But this time, he can't. Probably due to the distance between the AC-130 and the Goliath.

"Spooky-1 to Blackwatch Actual. Suggest that we use a Hellfire Missile to hit it in the leg. We have eight missiles, four in each wing," the pilot proposed over the comms.

Approved, Spooky-1. Take the shot," Richard responded promptly.

The Fire Control Officer quickly aligned the targeting system for a missile strike. "Locking on target... and firing Hellfire," he announced.

The missile streaked through the air, a bright comet against the dark sky. In the AC-130, the Fire Control Officer controlled the missile through manual guidance systems. If it's on automatic, the missile would normally strike atop the Goliath, which is something they don't want to happen.

"It's going to take some manual guidance to hold the missile, but we are getting there," the Fire Control Officer said, holding the joystick and maneuvering it precisely to guide the Hellfire missile towards its target.

The missile homed in on the Goliath's leg, and with a final adjustment from the Fire Control Officer, it struck its intended target. The explosion was massive, knocking the Goliath off its feet and causing it to crash to the ground with a tremendous thud.

"Direct hit on the target's leg, it's down," the pilot confirmed, observing the Goliath's fall.

"It's down but not yet eliminated," Richard muttered under his breath. There was a surefire way for him to confirm if the mutated zombies were neutralized. Since there was no notification informing him about the confirmed kill, the Goliath is still alive.

"Spooky-1, switch to 105 mike-mike," Richard commanded. "Keep firing until we get confirmation of its neutralization."

"Roger that," the pilot responded. The Fire Control Officer quickly switched back to the 105mm cannon and aimed at the downed Goliath. With a pull of the switch underneath the joystick, the AC-130 shook as it unleashed another barrage of 105 rounds.

The AC-130 unleashed its full arsenal, simultaneously deploying both its 40 mm and 105 mm cannons. This dual attack resulted in a continuous and overpowering bombardment, each round forcefully striking the Goliath's body. The successive impacts from both weapons tore through the Goliath relentlessly, showcasing the formidable firepower of the AC-130.

The zombies that are marching with the Goliath are caught by the explosion but still oblivious to the fact that they are being gunned down from above.

"I am not still seeing that notification, keep firing," Richard urged, his gaze fixed on the live feed.

The AC-130, circling above, continued its relentless assault. The Fire Control Officer, following Richard's command, maintained the barrage of both 40 mm and 105 mm rounds. The Goliath, already incapacitated, was now subject to a devastating onslaught, rendering it in a state beyond recovery.

"Wait, loading rounds," the loaders communicated, indicating a brief pause in the assault to reload the cannons.

The pause allowed a momentary lull in the otherwise continuous bombardment. Richard, still intently watching the live feed, awaited the resumption of the attack.

"Sir, the Warthogs are engaging the Goliath in the West," Mark informed.

"All the more reason to wrap this up quickly and have the AC-130 support them," Richard said. "Damn, why are the Goliath so resilient?"

The brief pause in the bombardment ended as the AC-130's cannons were reloaded. The pilot promptly resumed the attack, directing the 105mm and 40mm fire towards the incapacitated Goliath. The ground shook with each impact, the continuous bombardment ensuring that the Goliath had no chance of resurgence.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the notification that Richard was waiting for appeared on the screens.

[You have killed Goliath!]

[Reward: 65,000,000 gold coins, 1,200,000 experience points!]

[User: Richard Gonzales

Health: 100/100

Age: 21

Level: 31

Experience points: 6,541,456/6,808,242

Current gold balance: 100,201,000]

"Eagle to Spooky-1, we have confirmation. Goliath is neutralized. Now I want you to change course to bearing one-eight-zero and support the Warthogs to neutralize the second Goliath, over," Richard commanded,

"Negative, Eagle," came the pilot's response. "We are bingo on our munitions. Spooky-1 needs to return to base for refueling and rearmament."

Richard's expression tightened. "Understood, Spooky-1. Return to base. Eagle out." He turned to Mark, "Inform the Warthogs they're on their own for now. In the meantime, have the security around Oriental tight. Full mobilization. I repeat, full mobilization."

"Copy that, sir," Mark acknowledged the order and pressed his earpiece, alerting the units. Full mobilization simply meant that all forces tasked under the Oriental, be it infantry or vehicles, were to engage in active defense and support roles immediately.

In the first wave, there are reserve forces on standby in case one quadrant gets overrun. Now there's nothing. The wave would be different than the first as evident from the numbers of the mutated zombies threatening to destroy Oriental.

Richard grabbed his tablet and opened the maps. He swiped north and pressed his finger on one location.

"This is the place we'll move after this wave," Richard mumbled. The name displayed on the Google map showed "Clark International Airport".

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