Chapter 151 The Second Wave Part 11 (Final)

As Richard arrived at the northern quadrant where the Hydra was engaged with the Blackwatch soldiers, he quickly assessed the battlefield. The scene was chaotic, with the massive Hydra attacking relentlessly, striking at soldiers and vehicles alike.

Simultaneously, a pair of AH-64 Apache helicopters arrived, their rotor blades cutting through the air with a distinctive whirr. They immediately began engaging the Hydra. The Apache's primary weapon, the 30mm M230 Chain Gun, was put into action. This automatic cannon, mounted beneath the helicopter's fuselage, fired high-explosive rounds at a rapid pace, aiming at the Hydra's maw to inflict maximum damage.

Alongside the Chain Gun, the Apaches utilized their AGM-114 Hellfire missiles. These air-to-surface missiles were ideal for targeting the larger mass of the Hydra. As the pilots locked onto their target and fired, the Hellfires streaked across the sky before impacting the Hydra, each hit resulting in a significant explosion that tore into the creature's tough hide.

On the ground, Richard, in his advanced combat suit, quickly joined the fray. He activated the suit's targeting system, focusing on the Hydra's weak points. His weapon of choice, a high-powered pulsefire cannon, was ready for action. Richard strategically fired concentrated energy beams, aiming for the Hydra's gaping maw which was a critical target.

The Blackwatch soldiers, meanwhile, maintained a consistent barrage of fire. They utilized their standard-issue M4 carbines, firing in controlled bursts. For heavier firepower, several soldiers were equipped with Javelin anti-tank-guided missiles. These missiles, known for their effectiveness against armored targets, were used to target the Hydra's thicker skin sections. In addition, M32 Multiple Grenade Launchers were employed by some soldiers, hurling high-explosive rounds that exploded on impact, causing additional damage and disorientation to the Hydra.

As the battle raged on, the effectiveness of the coordinated assault became evident. The Hydra's health bar continued to decrease steadily. 80 percent…78…percent…75 percent…

The Apaches, circling overhead, continued their assault. Their 30mm Chain Guns rained down bullets, while the Hellfire missiles provided heavier strikes. On the ground, the Blackwatch forces, supported by Richard's precision strikes from his pulsefire cannon, kept up their relentless attack.

The combined assault from the air and ground gradually began to overwhelm the Hydra. Its movements slowed, and its attacks became less frequent, indicating that it was succumbing to the sustained firepower.

Suddenly—the Hydra began to burrow beneath the earth and tried to escape from the intense barrage of attacks. Richard, noticing the shift in the Hydra's tactics, quickly relayed a warning to the rest of the team.

"It's burrowing, trying to escape! Focus on the ground movement!" he shouted over the radio.

"Blackwatch Actual, this is Eagle. I want the Warthogs and the AC-130 here now!"

"Copy that Eagle…tasking the Warthogs and the AC-130 to your position," Mark responded promptly.

As Richard waited for the additional air support, he and the Blackwatch soldiers kept their focus on the disturbed ground, tracking the Hydra's movements. The Abrams tanks and LAV 25s were positioned strategically, ready to fire as soon as the Hydra resurfaced.

But the Hydra showed no signs of emerging. So the only choice they have left is to force it out.

Shortly after, the sound of approaching aircraft signaled the arrival of the A-10 Warthogs and the AC-130 gunship.

"Spooky-1, use your 105 shells to force the Hydra out from the earth," Richard ordered. "I'm going to laze it for you."

"Roger, Eagle. Preparing to fire," came the response from the AC-130, call sign Spooky-1.

Richard quickly activated the laser designator in his suit, pinpointing the exact location where the Hydra was likely to be underground. The AC-130's 105mm howitzer was then used to fire shells into the ground where the Hydra was detected. The impact of the heavy shells created massive shockwaves, designed to drive the Hydra back to the surface.

Meanwhile, the A-10 Warthogs circled above, ready to engage as soon as the Hydra reappeared.

As the 105mm shells continued to pound the ground, there was a sudden movement beneath the earth. The Hydra, unable to withstand the concussive forces any longer, burst through the surface, visibly disoriented and damaged.

"Target resurfaced! Engage!" Richard commanded.

The A-10 Warthogs swooped in, their cannons roaring to life. The sound of the GAU-8 Avenger was unmistakable, a rapid, thunderous burst that resonated across the battlefield. The rounds tore into the Hydra, ripping through its hide and causing severe damage.

On the ground, the Blackwatch soldiers resumed their attack. The Abrams tanks fired their main guns, while the LAV 25s launched TOW missiles, all aimed at the Hydra's now-exposed body. The infantry, using their M4 carbines and M32 grenade launchers, continued to provide supporting fire.

Richard, seeing the Hydra weakened and battered, took the opportunity to deliver the final blows. He rushed towards it while making sure to avoid getting hit by his own forces and the Hydra's retaliatory strikes. Closing in, Richard targeted the creature's most vulnerable areas that were exposed after the heavy bombardment.

He fired his pulsefire cannon…but this time, it was not a bolt but a highly concentrated energy beam that tore through the Hydra's flesh. After that, he leaped away, giving his forces a chance to land their hits.

Moments later, after an intense ten-minute battle, the Hydra's worm-like body collapsed to the ground, its movements ceasing as life finally drained from it.

The Abrams tanks ceased firing, their barrels smoking from the intense action. The LAV 25s and the infantry also stopped their assault, lowering their weapons as the realization of victory set in. Overhead, the A-10 Warthogs completed their final pass over the battlefield, ensuring no further threats were present. The AC-130, high above, also began to circle down, its mission accomplished.

The Apache attack helicopters continued hovering over the AO, ready to support the ground forces if unexpected things happened.

"Hydra is confirmed down. Good work, everyone," Richard communicated over the radio.

The soldiers on the ground began to regroup and assess the situation. Medical teams swiftly moved in to tend to any wounded, navigating through the debris and remnants of the fierce battle. The sound of approaching vehicles signaled the arrival of support and recovery teams, ready to start the cleanup process and salvage anything useful from the battlefield.

Richard sat on the ground and looked up to the sky. "Finally…it's done."

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