Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 154 The Prospect of Moving to Another Place

Chapter 154 The Prospect of Moving to Another Place

After having their sexy time, Richard and Sara made their way to the command center. There are a lot of things that need to be done aside from the post-wave operation.

At the command center, there is a room exclusively used for private discussion. Inside of it was Graves and Mark, seated at their respective chairs. As soon as Richard and Sara entered the room, Graves and Mark exchanged glances at one another, as if sensing something.

"It seems that someone had a very good night today," Mark commented, chuckling softly.

"I agree," Graves concurred.

"What do you mean?" Richard asked, glancing between the two.

"We are men, sir, we can read one another, and what I'm reading right now is that you and Sara had a very satisfying evening."

"Wait…is it really that obvious?" Richard asked in a slight embarrassment.

Mark laughed, a light-hearted sound that filled the room. "Don't worry, it's just a hunch. We're just teasing you a bit.?Let's get back to business."

Graves, with a more serious demeanor, redirected everyone's attention. "Right, let's focus on what needs to be discussed, which we are not informed yet."

"I'm going to reveal it right now," Richard said as he tapped lightly on Sara's back, beckoning her to take a seat. Once Sara is in her seat, Richard takes his place beside her and clears his throat, ready to discuss the important matters at hand.

"First of all, congratulations to all of us because we have successfully held off the wave. Now, for the next part. We all know that this current camp of ours is unsustainable in the long run. After all, we are in the middle of the urban city. So I'm proposing to create another camp which will be our main camp and also sustainable in the long run."

"Where is it?" Mark asked.

Richard glanced at Sara, signaling her to take over. Sara nodded and activated a screen displaying a map. "We've identified a location in Tarlac that It's more secluded and defensible. It's called the New Clark City. For those of you who are unaware, New Clark City is a megaproject initiated by the government a few years back," Sara explained. "It's designed to be a sustainable city with modern infrastructure. It's still under development, but it has the potential to serve as an ideal base for us."

"Also, it's only twenty-seven minutes away from the Clark International Airport. We can use those spaces for our air assets. The region is also surrounded by green spaces and agricultural lands, which can be pivotal for our self-sustenance and long-term resource management," Sara continued.

Graves nodded, clearly impressed. "That looked like an ideal base. If that's going to be our base, I am down, don't you agree, Mark?"

Mark nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. Oh before I forget, Sara, you have tasked one of our MQ-1 Predators for a reconnaissance mission, is it related to what we are discussing right now?"

Sara nodded. "Two hours ago, I tasked an MQ-1 Predator to scout the place we are planning to move to. It's essential we get a clear idea of the current situation there, especially any potential threats or challenges we might face."

Sara looked at her watch and smiled. "It seems that the Predator has arrived in its area of operation. Let's link to the live feed and see what it's capturing."

The group gathered around the screen as the live feed from the MQ-1 Predator drone came into view. It was already night so the night vision was activated, providing a clear view of the area despite the darkness. The drone's camera panned over New Clark City, highlighting key features and potential areas of interest.

"As expected, it's still under construction up to this day."

However, they noticed something unusual.

"The place seems empty…like really empty, where are the zombies?" Mark observed.

"You are right," Richard concurred, his eyes narrowing as he studied the screen. "It's eerily quiet. No signs of undead movement.

Graves, leaning closer to the screen, pointed to a specific area on the map. "Wait, look there. Those structures don't look like part of the construction. They seem makeshift, like a survivors' camp."

Everyone's attention shifted to the indicated spot. Indeed, a small cluster of tents and rudimentary shelters were visible. Sara zoomed in on the area for a closer look. "It appears to be a small group, possibly survivors who've taken refuge here."

Richard considered this new development. "This is bad, if there are survivors, there will be conflict similar to the Resorts World Manila."

"Well, we can approach this diplomatically," Mark suggested. "We have the strongest army in this apocalyptic world, sir. There's no doubt if they see a helicopter approaching them from above they'd fight."

"We can integrate the survivors," Sara proposed. "It's beneficial to us as savings survivors to get you a reward, right sir?" she looked at Richard.

Richard rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "That's true. Rescuing survivors and integrating them into our camp can have significant benefits. They could provide us with valuable manpower and resources. Plus, it's the right thing to do. But we don't know who is good and who is bad in that camp. We need to assess them first."

Mark agreed. "We should send a team to make contact, as we discussed. They can evaluate the situation and report back. It's important we get a sense of who these survivors are and what their intentions might be. But who?"

Richard, Sara, and Mark's heads turned towards Graves. Graves tilted his head slightly, acknowledging the unspoken request. "Well…this is to be expected as I'm a Special Forces unit. I'll lead a team."

"Great, you'll lead ten special forces, that includes you, and get to New Clark City. You will make contact with the survivors there. As for your transportation, a Pave Hawk helicopter would be ideal for this mission.

Graves nodded in agreement. "Understood. We'll go in with minimal gear to appear less threatening. The goal is to establish contact, assess their situation, and report back. No engagement unless absolutely necessary."

"I'll have an MQ-9 Reaper orbiting the area in case something unexpected happens," Sara added. "It won't be visible from the ground, but it will provide us with real-time surveillance and a backup plan if the situation escalates."

"Okay, it seems that we are all in agreement," Richard concluded. "I'm getting hungry so I'm going to grab dinner. Dismissed."

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