Chapter 156 The Unusual First Contact

"Why the hell are those survivors firing at the helicopters?" Richard exclaimed, confused about what was happening. This is not the way it was supposed to happen as normally, when a survivor saw a helicopter, it automatically meant that it was from the government. Yet, those survivors fired without hesitation.

Beside him, Mark, his eyes narrowed in concentration, studied the footage closely. "Based on the firing pattern and sound, that's a FN Minimi they're using," he noted analytically. "Fortunately, it's not particularly effective against a helicopter, especially if the pilot keeps a good distance."

Sara interjected with a pragmatic tone. "Sir, we have two options," she said. "First, we can attempt communication using the helicopter's long-range acoustic device to clarify our intentions and calm the situation. The second option," she paused, weighing her words, "is to consider a tactical response, which is retaliation. We have the MQ-9 Reaper standing by and ready to blow them to smithereens."

Richard frowned at Sara's suggestion, his tone firm. "Sara, I made it clear earlier, that we are not engaging with force. Violence isn't the answer here. If we start firing, we risk alienating any survivors there, potentially turning them against us."

He turned back to the monitor, watching the tense situation unfold. "Let's stick to the first option. Use the long-range acoustic device for communication. We need to establish that we're here to help, not to harm."

Richard grabbed the microphone and spoke. "All stations, this is Eagle, establish communications with the survivors, over."

"Copy that, Eagle, Specter-1 will initiate communication using the LRAD now," came the response from the helicopter.

Richard watched as the helicopter carefully maneuvered to a safer altitude, ensuring it was out of the direct line of fire from the ground. The team in the command center focused on the live feed, waiting for any change in the situation.

The helicopter's long-range acoustic device was activated, broadcasting a clear message to the survivors below. "This is the government rescue team. We are here to assist, not to harm. Please cease-fire and allow us to land. I repeat, we are from the government rescue team, we are here to assist, not to harm."

They introduced themselves as government forces for it to be easy to understand. If they were to tell the survivors that they are a private militia called Blackwatch, they might be doubtful.

The command center expected that the shooters would stop shooting their weapons, but the opposite happened, the firing intensified.

As the firing from the ground intensified despite the helicopter's message, frustration and concern grew in the command center. Mark shook his head, his expression grim.

"If talking isn't working and we're not going to use force, we might as well pull back. It's too risky to keep the helicopter in the line of fire."

"No, maybe we can convince them, we have the MQ-9 Reaper on station, how about we fire an air-to-ground missile near them as a warning that if they continue doing so, we will fire at them. Sir, I have a bad feeling about this. Normally, survivors won't attack anyone without them knowing who they are dealing with first. It seems that they are operating under high stress or paranoia," Sara suggested, focusing on the behavioral aspect. "This kind of preemptive aggression could be a result of past trauma or threats. They might be assuming the worst, considering everyone a potential enemy."

Richard listened intently, nodding in understanding. "You have a point, Sara. But using a missile, even as a warning, is too risky. It could easily be misinterpreted and escalate the situation. It's just proving to them that we are hostile."

"Sir, you've decided we're moving our base of operations to New Clark City, and they're occupying it as we speak. We'll have to deal with them one way or another," Sara urged. "Fire the missile."

Richard sighed, acknowledging his girlfriend's point. "Eagle to Reaper-1."

"This is Reaper-1, send traffic," the pilot of the MQ-9 Reaper responded.

"I want you to fire a warning shot near the survivors' position. Make sure it's a safe distance away, just enough to show our capabilities without posing a real threat," Richard instructed.

"Understood, Eagle. Preparing for a warning shot," the pilot of the MQ-9 Reaper responded.

Moments later, the feed showed the Hellfire missile impacting a safe distance away from the survivors' location, resulting in a controlled explosion that was more of a display of force than an actual threat.

Sara watched the survivors' reactions closely on the monitors. "Let's hope this convinces them that if they are to go against us, the next missile will hit them."

Richard sighed as he rubbed his hand over his face. His girlfriend is sure prickly.

As they expected, the survivors stopped firing their weapons. However—the explosion attracted hordes of zombies coming towards the camp.

"Damn it," Richard muttered. "Now they are going to think that we fired those missiles so that zombies can get them…Reaper-1, you're cleared to engage the zombie hordes. Use your discretion, but avoid civilian casualties."

"Copy that, Eagle," came the response from the MQ-9 Reaper pilot. The drone, equipped with precise targeting capabilities, began to fire upon the advancing zombies, trying to stem their tide.

Richard then turned to the helicopter team. "Specter-1, provide support to Reaper-1. Engage the zombie hordes."

"Jolly 1 and 2, copies all, engaging the zombie hordes."

The Pave Hawk helicopters turned to their side, positioning the M134 Minigun for optimal engagement. The distinct sound of the rapid-fire Minigun echoed through the feed as they targeted the approaching zombie hordes.

In the command center, Richard and his team watched as the coordinated attack between the Reaper and the helicopters started to thin the horde. The precision of the Reaper, combined with the sweeping fire from the helicopters' Miniguns, was effective in pushing back the zombies.

"Keep the pressure on," Richard instructed firmly.

"Roger that, Eagle,"

As the minutes passed, the zombie horde began to diminish under the relentless assault. Richard watched, his expression tense, as the situation gradually came under control.

With the zombie threat diminishing, Richard began to consider their next move. "Once the area is clear, let's try to re-establish communication with the camp," he said. "We need to explain our actions?and assure them of our intentions."

As the last of the zombies were taken care of, the Pave Hawk where Graves was riding on, spoke to the comms one last time.

"I repeat, we are from the government rescue team. We are here to assist, not to harm,"

The helicopter hovered at a safe distance but was ready to make evasive maneuvers should they try firing back again.

Seconds later, a voice amplified by the megaphone sounded.

"You are not from the government!"

Richard furrowed his brows. "How the hell did he know?"

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