Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 16: Prelude to the Formalizing of Richard’s Military

Chapter 16: Prelude to the Formalizing of Richard's Military

July 21, 2023.

[Congratulations on completing the mission: Saving your sister]

[You have received 40,000 gold coins and 20,000 experience points]

[Your level has risen to 11]

[Available skill points 4]

A holographic screen floated before Richard. And he was satisfied with the astonishing progress that he is having. It wasn't even a full day of the apocalypse and yet he already acquired a lot of resources from the system.

Immediately, Richard invested the skill points to Melee Proficiency skill, allowing him to level it up to 2. He hasn't had the opportunity to test it yet in combat but he knew one day it might save his life when he and his men venture out of the city.

He checked his stats and it displayed this.

[User: Richard Gonzales

Age: 21

Level: 11

Skills: Weapon Proficiency Level 2, Melee Proficiency Level 2, Driving Proficiency Level 2.

Health: 100/100

Experience points: 98,000/ 130,995.

Summoned Troops: 125/500

Current Balance: 2,823,000 gold coins]

He also checked his shop tab and there he noticed that some items on the display are available for purchase, most of which are military hardware.

"If only I can take a spin on the wheel of fortune," Richard sighed. He can only spin once a month, meaning he has to wait a lot of time to get another chance at potentially winning a copious amount of gold coins.

"Okay…what is the next order of business…"

Richard muttered under his breath and then he remembered it. Upon the completion of a successful rescue operation for his sister, he now needs to replenish the expended ammunition and fuel used in the operation.

He opened his shop and there bought Javelin launchers, ammunition for the GAU-2 minigun and the M4 Carbine, and aviation fuel. All in all, it cost him around 50,000, eighty percent of the cost went to the Javelin missiles while the remaining ten for the ammunition and fuel.

A magic circle brought the items he purchased and the soldiers present inside promptly took it away.

"A coffee sir?" Mark offered, holding a cup of steaming coffee in his hand.

"Thanks, Mark," Richard replied, taking the cup with a grateful nod. He took a sip, relishing the warmth and the caffeine boost.

"Sir, you are going to address the survivors in this condominium later in the morning right?" Mark asked.

"Yes, it's best that we introduce ourselves properly to the survivors," Richard said, taking another sip of his coffee. "They might grow apprehensive towards us as we have told them that we are not in league with the Philippines Armed Forces."

"True. I remember Graves telling me that you have come up with a name for our militia. Blackwatch?"

Richard chuckled. "Oh, that…I came up with that name on the spur of the moment when I was talking to this student at the rooftop…" he trailed off as the memories of his interaction with them flitted across his eyes. "I wonder what they are doing now…I couldn't save them. I could have taken some of them if that monster didn't show up."

"Yeah…I remember Graves telling me that too. It was a durable monster that could take the rounds of GAU-2 rounds head-on and was able to withstand a direct shot from a Javelin anti-tank missile."

As Mark was speaking, Richard had been hit by another realization. The Zombie Encounters.

Richard opened his system and went to the Zombie Encounters tab. There he saw two cards, one is a Walker and another one is a Hunter. So the name of the monster was Hunter huh? At least according to the system.

He tapped the Hunter Card and it displayed information about it.

[Hunters are imposing humanoid infected creatures, surpassing others in terms of strength, speed, and agility. They exhibit the remarkable ability to scale walls, hurl objects with force, and execute extraordinary leaps covering considerable distances. In terms of their physical appearance, they bear a striking semblance to a hairless gorilla, their skin taking on a pinkish hue, which appears both moist and glistening.

Tactics & Strategies to defeat a Hunter: Employing heavy weapons, such as heavy machine guns, anti-tank launchers, and explosive ordnance, is crucial when engaging a Hunter. Due to their exceptional resilience and rapid mobility, standard small-arms fire often proves insufficient to incapacitate them effectively. Heavy weaponry delivers the necessary firepower to puncture their durable hide and inflict substantial damage.]

Richard tilted his head to the side in confusion. Isn't the GAU-2 minigun a heavy weapon? How come it's dealing less damage when used against the Hunter? Well, this goes to show that he would have to invest a lot in heavy weapons to counter the Hunter's threat.

"Sir…are you listening to me, sir?" Mark's voice brought Richard back from his thoughts.

Richard blinked and focused his attention on Mark. "Sorry, Mark. I was lost in thought for a moment there. What were you saying?"

"Well, it's about the monster you encountered. Should we employ some sort of defense against it?"

"Yes, according to my system, heavy weapons are the best weapons against it. So I'll acquire man-portable anti-tank systems and heavy machine guns."

"I see…" Mark said. "Sir, there's another thing I would like to discuss with you."

"What is it?"

"It's about the organization of our military sir. Shouldn't this be a perfect time for us to organize? For now, there is no clear chain of command. And since you already have come up with a name for the organization, Blackwatch, why not formalize our structure?" Mark suggested.

Richard leaned against a table, considering Mark's words. "You're right, Mark. With the growing number of survivors and troops and the increasing threats we're facing, having a clear chain of command and organized structure is crucial."

"Well, you are in luck, sir because I already came up with one," Mark smirked as he whipped out a document and he handed it to Richard, who took it and began to read.

[Blackwatch Organizational Structure:

Commander-in-Chief (C-in-C): Richard Gonzales

The highest-ranking leader is responsible for making critical strategic decisions, overseeing the base's operations, and holding final authority.

Chief of Staff:

The second-in-command, offering valuable counsel and guidance to the C-in-C. This role also involves administrative coordination to ensure the smooth operation of the company.

Chief of Staff of the Army:

In charge of managing the ground forces, including deploying troops, developing strategic plans, and leading combat operations.

Chief of Staff of the Air Force:

Responsible for overseeing all aerial operations, including air support, reconnaissance missions, and maintaining air superiority.

Chief of Staff of Special Operations:

Leads the elite special forces units, responsible for high-risk missions such as rescues, reconnaissance, and targeted strikes.

Chief of Staff of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance:

Manages the gathering, analysis, and distribution of vital intelligence to support informed decision-making.

Chief of Staff of Logistics and Supplies:

Ensures the efficient flow of supplies, manages transportation networks, and allocates resources to support the company's operations.

Chief of Staff of Medical Operations:

Oversees medical teams and facilities, prioritizing the well-being of personnel and handling medical emergencies effectively.

Chief of Staff for Training and Education:

Responsible for designing and implementing training programs, and fostering skill development for the survivors and troops. ]

"I must say that this is quite a detailed organization chart, Mark," Richard mused.

"Although our current numbers are low, it's best that we prepare for the future. Sir, the expansion of your troops is inevitable, so why not take this opportunity to establish an organization so things get easier?"

"I understand your point, Mark, and I approve of this idea. However, how will I fill up these positions?"

"For that sir, you can either purchase a personnel to lead it or you can assign someone else as you did to me," Mark said.

Richard hummed in thought and swept his gaze at the room. There are individuals that he already summoned that could fill up some of the roles. For example, Sara as Chief of Staff of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance. Graves as the Chief of Staff of Special Operations. Mark as his Chief of Staff. The others, well he can simply purchase a personnel for that.

"Okay, Mark, you will become my Chief of Staff. Get Graves and Sara here and I'll tell them that they have just ranked up."

"Will get it done sir."

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