Chapter 167 Titan vs Titan

The Chinook helicopter lifted off the ground and flew at an altitude not too high for them to not miss out on any details.

"Okay, radio check," Richard spoke through his radio. "Do you hear me, Graves, Titan?"

Clear as day, Sir," Graves responded, his voice coming through the radio crisp and focused.

Titan, in his usual stoic manner, simply replied with a firm "Affirmative."

Richard nodded, satisfied with the communication check.

"Remember, this is about testing your limits, not going overboard," Richard reiterated.

Graves activated his suit and immediately was wrapped in nanotech armor. Meanwhile, the Titan simply stood at a distance, staring menacingly at Graves. Even though this is just a friendly bout to find out the capabilities of the super soldier, Graves could feel the intensity of the situation. The knowledge that he was about to engage in a combat simulation with a super soldier of Titan's caliber was daunting yet exhilarating.

"On my signal, you are going to start clashing, are you ready?" Richard asked.

"Yes sir," they intoned together.

"Very well. Three…two…one," Richard counted down and then gave the command, "Go!"

As soon as the word left Richard's mouth, Titan charged towards Graves with a sudden acceleration that was startling. The super soldier moved from a standstill to a blistering 60 km/h in mere seconds, closing the gap between himself and Graves rapidly.

Graves, taken aback by Titan's speed, quickly adjusted his stance, preparing to counter. His suit's systems whirred and buzzed, enhancing his reflexes to match Titan's approach. He braced himself just as Titan reached him, launching a powerful strike.

The impact of Titan's blow was absorbed by the nanotech armor surrounding Graves, but the force still pushed him back a few steps. Graves quickly regained his footing and counterattacked with a series of rapid punches, utilizing the enhanced speed provided by his suit.

Titan deftly blocked and dodged Graves' strikes, moving with a fluidity that was almost inhuman.

"So, the super soldier can punch at that speed huh?" Richard observed.

Graves, now more accustomed to Titan's speed and power, began to employ more strategic maneuvers. He used the agility granted by his suit to create distance, then closed in for quick, powerful strikes. Titan, however, seemed prepared for this tactic, countering with equal speed.

From the helicopter, Richard and Sara watched intently, analyzing every move and countermove. "Graves is using the suit's agility to its fullest potential, but Titan's reaction time is extraordinary," Sara commented.

Richard nodded in agreement. "This is exactly why we're here. To see what our current technology and superhuman abilities can do and what limitations they have. But it looked like Titan was on steroids…don't you agree?"

Sara chuckled. "It seemed that way."

The bout continued with both Graves and Titan adapting and responding to each other's tactics. Graves jumped back to create a distance but the Titan, having tired of going after him, decided to switch his approach.

In a sudden, unexpected movement, Titan clenched his fist and, with a powerful thrust, punched the ground. The impact was colossal, sending a shockwave through the Skyway. The ground beneath them trembled violently, and the elevated highway, unable to withstand the force of Titan's blow, began to collapse.

With that, Graves' footing was lost, and he was falling down to the ground surrounded by huge rubbles. But in front of him, the Titan barreled through the crumbling debris.

He tackled Graves to the ground, mounting on top of him. Now in a perfect position, Titan's fist rained down on Graves.

Graves could feel the impact of every punch as it shook the earth beneath his back. He has to get out of this because his shield integrity is decreasing from every punch.

"Get off me."

He first tried to create some space between himself and Titan. Using a "frame" with his arms, Graves pushed against Titan's neck and hips, trying to disturb Titan's balance. Once he created enough space, Graves swiftly moved his hips to the side, executing the "shrimp" move, a fundamental escape maneuver in Jiu-Jitsu.

This movement allowed Graves to slip one knee between himself and Titan, creating a barrier. Using this leverage, Graves pushed with his knee and rolled, aiming to reverse the positions. The agility of his suit aided him in these movements, making them more swift and powerful than they would be otherwise.

With a quick, fluid motion, Graves managed to get out from under Titan, now positioning himself on top. He didn't waste any time and quickly moved away from Titan, creating a safe distance between them, ready to continue the bout if necessary.

"You really have to take it easy, Titan. You are going too reckless."

"But you are still standing fine. I don't think my punches are hurting you one bit…" Titan reasoned.

"Okay…" Graves figured that there was no point in talking. He grabbed one of the sedans next to him and swung his arm, hurling the vehicle towards Titan with tremendous force. The sedan spun through the air, a blur of metal and glass, aimed directly at the super soldier.

Titan, unfazed, watched the incoming vehicle calmly.

In a display of sheer power, he caught the sedan mid-air, his hands gripping the metal as if it were mere paper. With an almost casual motion, Titan set the vehicle down beside him, the car's frame groaning under the stress of his grip.

Richard, observing from the helicopter, couldn't help but be impressed. "Incredible strength," he muttered. "Graves's suit gives him the power to lift and throw a car, but Titan just caught it like it was nothing. At this point, it seems that there is no difference between their strength—Both of them wore a suit—it's just that the Titan appears more bulky. If they are both same in strength then it would be cost-effective if he were to mass-summon supersoldiers rather than handing out a gear that is twice the amount of the unit."

"There's still one minute left Richard," Sara reminded.

"Well, I learned what I needed to learn," Richard responded, making a decision. "Let's call it a day. Titan, Graves, stand down."

The message was relayed, and both combatants immediately ceased their actions.

The Chinook landed near them and Richard stepped out of the cabin.

"That was a magnificent display," Richard clapped. "Super soldier is definitely going to be our main force when fighting mutated zombies…As for the suit, well, I guess only a handful of people can receive it for the time being."

"So you are focusing on the super soldier?" Graves asked.

"Yes," Richard confirmed and shifted the topic. "Let's go back to the command center, and focus on the relocation."

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