Chapter 172 What in the Actual F.

The two F-35A Lightning jets, powered by state-of-the-art Pratt & Whitney F135 engines, cut through the skies at supersonic speeds. These engines, with their unparalleled thrust-to-weight ratio, enabled the jets to cover vast distances in a matter of minutes, crucial for the mission at hand.

As the pilots neared the last known coordinates of the unidentified object, they relied heavily on the F-35's integrated sensor package. This included the AN/APG-81 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, known for its advanced air-to-air and air-to-ground tracking capabilities. The radar system, combined with the Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS) and the Distributed Aperture System (DAS), provided a comprehensive view of the airspace in all directions.

The EOTS offered high-resolution imaging, while the DAS provided spherical situational awareness, enabling the pilots to detect and track the object even if it was not directly in their line of sight. These systems worked in conjunction to scan for any unusual activity or anomalies that could indicate the presence of an unidentified object.

In addition to these systems, the pilots also utilized the aircraft's advanced avionics and communication systems to maintain a constant link with the command center. They shared real-time data and visuals, ensuring that Richard and his team were fully apprised of the situation.

As the F-35s approached the coordinates, the pilots adjusted their altitude and speed for optimal sensor performance, ensuring that they could effectively scan the area without alerting the target to their presence.

Their callsigns, Lightning One and Lightning Two, were now fully engaged in the operation. Lightning One adjusted the jet's altitude to 20,000 feet, optimizing the range of the AESA radar, while Lightning Two maintained a slightly lower altitude, broadening the field of view for the EOTS.

"Lightning One to Blackwatch, we're scanning the target area. Adjusting AESA radar for a finer sweep," the pilot of Lightning One communicated.

The AN/APG-81 radar, with its agile beam steering, began a meticulous scan of the region. The radar's multi-mode functionality allowed the pilot to switch between air-to-air and air-to-ground modes, ensuring no details were missed. The radar's synthetic aperture radar mode was particularly useful in this terrain, providing detailed images of the ground, regardless of weather conditions.

"No signs of the magic users on foot," Lightning Two reported, focusing the Electro-Optical Targeting System on the landscape below. "The EOTS isn't picking up any human-sized heat signatures within the vicinity."

Richard, at the command center, listened intently. "Copy that, Lightning 2. Lightning 1, you are approaching close to the unidentified object's last known location. Stay vigilant," he directed.

Richard frowned a little as he heard no response from Lightning 1. "Lightning 1, do you read over?"

"Uhm…Eagle…I think I found our unidentified flight."

"What do you mean?" Richard's attention was now fully on the monitor displaying the live feed from Lightning Two's onboard cameras.

"Blackwatch, this is Lightning One. You're not going to believe this," the pilot muttered and he continued in a clear voice. "We have a visual of a large bird-like creature. It's massive, with wings that span wider than anything I've seen. There's something like molten lava running across its body."

Richard's team zoomed in on the feed from Lightning One. The image on the screen was almost surreal – a gigantic bird, its body pulsating with what looked like flowing lava. In its talons, it clutched two large containers, unmistakably similar to the type used for transporting the magic users.

Richard remained silent, his eyes fixed on the screen. That bird is really massive, it looked like a flying mutated infected like the Flyers. Could this be a new mutated zombie? And if so, where did it come from? No, it could be from the master because it is clutching the containers where Violet and Seo-Jun are held.

Further confirming his suspicion, there was a health bar atop its head. Its name was Alpha Gryphon, according to the display. Richard quickly realized that this creature was not just a random anomaly, it was indeed summoned.

"Lightning 2, link up with Lightning 1, we can't let that thing get away with the magic users. Once you are both together, I want you to engage on the target. Kill it if you have to," Richard commanded firmly.

"Roger that, Eagle," replied Lightning Two, adjusting course to join Lightning One.

The two F-35s swiftly maneuvered to flank the Alpha Gryphon, maintaining a tactical formation.

"Eagle, we're in position," Lightning One announced.

Sara turned around and walked closer to Richard. "Sir, if I may."

"What is it, Sara?"

"Wouldn't it be better if we just let them go? Like, that thing is heading to where the progenitor is hiding. This is our best chance of finding the one responsible for this apocalypse."

"As much as I agree, I can't do that," Richard shook his head.

"Wah…why sir? This doesn't make any sense," Sara said with a slight frustration in her voice.

"It's simple really, we haven't put a tracker on those magic users," Richard revealed. "Look, it's not like we expected them to escape from that container let alone from a plane that is flying at high altitude. It's heading to New Clark City with us so we found no need to put a tracker on those two, never mind considering it in the first place. That's why we can't let it get away or else the progenitor could use them again to strike our base. It's best that we eliminate them here so that they won't be a problem in the future."

"Is that so…" Sara was taken aback by Richard's explanation.

"Lightning 1 and 2, you are cleared hot to engage on the target," Richard repeated his command.

"Copy that, Eagle. Engaging now," replied Lightning One.

The two F-35s, now in perfect formation, prepared for another attack run. This time, they coordinated their approach, with Lightning One taking the lead. The pilot expertly maneuvered the aircraft into an attack position, lining up the Alpha Gryphon in the sights of the 25mm GAU-22/A Gatling gun.

Lightning Two followed suit, providing cover and ready to engage with its own weapons system.

"Firing," announced Lightning One, as the GAU-22/A gun roared to life, releasing a controlled burst of rounds towards the Alpha Gryphon.

The rounds struck the Alpha Gryphon, but it seemed to have little effect. The creature continued its flight, unfazed by the attack.

"Eagle, our rounds aren't making an impact. It's like we're hitting armor," reported Lightning One, frustration evident in the pilot's voice.

Richard assessed the situation quickly. "Switch to AIM-9X Sidewinders. Aim for the wings, try to disable its flight."

The pilots acknowledged and armed their AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles.

"Missile away."

"Fox one."

These heat-seeking missiles were more likely to impact the Alpha Gryphon, given its large heat signature.

Moments later, the missiles struck the wings of the Alpha Gryphon. It turned its head towards the two fighter jets and opened its maw. Suddenly, a stream of intense fire erupted, aimed directly at the F-35s.

"Evasive maneuvers!" shouted Lightning One. The pilots, trained for split-second reactions, immediately veered off to the sides, dodging the flame.

"What the fuck?!" Richard cursed.

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