Chapter 189 This Could be It

October 10th, 2023.

Blackwatch continued monitoring the movements of Violet and Seo-Jun with the satellite they had purchased six days ago. And just as Sara worried about, the influx of zombies around the Manila International Airport is growing rapidly, with mutated zombies joining their ranks.

Hunters are prominent, followed by the Flyers that were incursion the airspace of the airport. The Flyers were easily dealt with by anti-aircraft weaponry but the Hunters? Well, they are the harder ones as one would need heavy weaponry and hardware to take them down.

Despite them waiting for three days, the two magic users barely even moved in their position.

"Richard…it seems that they have no intention of meeting with the progenitor. Suggest that we should take them out and get out of this place, immediately," Sara urged carefully.

Richard's response was firm. "We wait. That's the plan."

"Sir, if I may," Sara interjected, "our defenses at the airport are being stretched thin. The continuous gunfire, let alone explosions, is drawing in even more zombies. We can replenish weapons and supplies, but there's no certainty that these magic users will lead us to the progenitor."

This remark drew Richard's attention to the CCTV displays, where he witnessed an unnerving sight – heaps of zombie corpses accumulating around the airport perimeter. Despite his reluctance to deviate from the plan, the mounting external threat and the uncertainty surrounding the magic users' intentions were becoming hard to ignore.

Moreover, Richard couldn't help but notice the change in Sara's demeanor. Her face seemed to reflect an inward struggle, her lips almost forming a pout, a subtle indication of her growing frustration and concern.

Richard straightened in his chair, steepled his fingers, and contemplated. "Let's look back to when we were transporting these two magic users. Like how the hell did the Alpha Gryphon locate them? Do the progenitors have some sort of beacon device placed inside of their bodies?"

Richard also recalled the time when they first locked up Andrea. And he still could remember clearly that Andrea was experiencing intense feelings, where she could feel her master's presence.

"What are you getting at, sir?" Sara asked, following Richard's train of thought.

Richard, staring at the satellite images, proposed a theory. "I'm wondering if the progenitors, or some of them, might have telepathic abilities or some sensory connection we haven't considered. If they can communicate telepathically, then there's no need for a physical meetup. But this is just a theory."

Sara nodded, mulling over the implications. "It's a theory worth exploring. If they didn't have some telepathic link, why would those two remain in the forest clearing for so long without any visible activity? If that is the case, we can blow them up, and weaken their organization quickly."

"Why are you so eager to blow them up?" Richard questioned

"Because those two have taken so much from us!" Sara snapped and everyone inside the command center gasped in surprise.

Richard felt slightly embarrassed from all the eyes trained on them, but Sara, was unfazed, like she didn't care about them while scolding her boyfriend.

"Sir…it's been three days. If they were meeting up, it would have happened the day they arrived in the Korean Peninsula. Let's blow them up while they are idle, and not expect any retaliatory strikes from us."

"Sara…calm down," Richard said as he reached to her shoulders, trying to reassure her.

"I think Sara is right here sir," Mark interjected. "I think we should blow them up now. If there is a telepathy among them, then surely, the master could simply issue out commands and they'll move wherever they are tasked."

"I'm starting to consider it," Richard said, glancing at Mark. "Okay, it's been three days and there was no movement. Sure we can blow them up but the progenitor would know that we have a nuclear arsenal in our hands. That's our trick in our sleeves. Finding him is the key, we have to be strategic here."

"In that case sir, let's abandon the Manila International Airport. Move our equipment to New Clark City because this place is not that worth of an effort to defend," Sara proposed. "There we can wait all the time—"

"Wait…sir…look, they are moving," Mark interrupted as he pointed at the display screen.

Richard and Sara quickly turned their attention to the satellite feed. On the screen, they could see Violet, Seo-Jun, and the Alpha Gryphon finally on the move after days of inactivity.

"This changes things," Richard muttered, his eyes fixed on the screen. "They might be heading towards a meeting point with the progenitor or relocating to a safer location."

Sara leaned closer to the screen, analyzing their route.

"It doesn't look like they are moving to a safer location," Sara observed. "Because they are heading towards the city of Seoul. It doesn't make any sense."

Richard checked the screen to confirm Sara's observation. Indeed, the satellite imagery showed Violet, Seo-Jun, and the Alpha Gryphon moving towards Seoul. This development was unexpected and complicated their assumptions about the group's intentions.

"You're right, Sara. Heading into a densely populated area with nothing but zombies is definitely not giving me vibes of them moving into a safe place. They may be meeting someone there."

Thirty minutes later. Violet, Seo-Jun, and the Alpha Gryphon reached Seoul.

"Can you pinpoint exactly where that is?" Richard inquired and Sara quickly

zoomed in on the satellite imagery. After a few moments of adjusting the focus and coordinates, she identified the location.

"They're on Yeouido-dong street, near the Han River," Sara reported. "It's a central area, could be strategic for a meeting point."

As the team monitored, Violet, Seo-Jun, and the Alpha Gryphon continued their movement. After navigating through the streets of Seoul, they finally stopped at a more specific location.

"They've stopped at Gwanghwamun Square," Sara updated, her eyes not leaving the screen. "It's a major public square in Seoul.

"Gwanghwamun Square? That's a highly visible area," Richard commented, puzzled. "But there are zombies there. We can see it literally from space."

Sara adjusted the satellite imagery, zooming in further on Gwanghwamun Square. As they watched, an unexpected scene unfolded. The dense crowd of zombies that had been swarming the area began to disperse, moving away from the square as if being directed or controlled.

"Look at this," Sara pointed out, "The zombies are clearing out."

Richard leaned in, observing the strange phenomenon. "This is highly unusual. Zombies don't just move in an organized way unless... they're being controlled—"

Richard paused as they saw thirty or forty people entering the Gwanghwamun Square.

"Zoom on that," Richard ordered.

Sara zoomed the camera of the satellite and there they saw a figure stepping forward with a black cloak. And then saw Violet rushing to that figure like a little sister missing his older brother.

"There's no mistaking it, that's their group," Richard said, his eyes widening. "So they are the ones who caused this mess huh?"

"Should we prepare it, sir?" Mark asked, referring to the thing.

"Yeah, prepare it immediately!"

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