Chapter 192 The Meetup Part 2

Gripping with intense pain, Lin Feng's breaths came out in ragged gasps. His gaze fell to his health bar, which showed only a minimal amount of health remaining. His situation was dire, and he knew he had to act quickly to preserve his strength.

"I need to consume!" he exclaimed desperately. Surveying his subordinates, Lin Feng's survival instincts took over. With a swift motion, he extended his arms, releasing tendrils of biomass that shot forward, piercing five of his subordinates. They didn't have time to react as the biomass enveloped them.

In a matter of seconds, their bodies disintegrated, turning into a crimson pool that flowed back into Lin Feng's tendrils, feeding him their life force. He glanced at his health bar again; it had increased, but not sufficiently. He needed more to regain his full strength.

The remaining cloaked figures, having just witnessed the gruesome fate of their fellows, instinctively stepped back, their faces etched with fear as they witnessed Lin Feng's ruthless act.

Lin Feng, aware of their fear, knew he had to be selective. He couldn't afford to diminish his force significantly. Thus, he focused on those he considered weak and expendable. Making his decision, he prepared to target a few more of the newer recruits.

With a swift motion, a tendril of biomass extended once again from Lin Feng's outstretched arms, honing in on the newer recruits.?The tendril punctured through their defenses, latching onto two more individuals whose reactions were a fraction too slow.

As the biomass absorbed their life force, their bodies began to disintegrate, much like the others. The energy flowing back into Lin Feng was visible, as his health bar incrementally increased with each absorption. Though the process was efficient, it was clear that each consumption took a toll on him, his face contorted with the strain of harnessing the power he had given to them.

Checking his health bar again, it was now nearly full. However, he noticed that it was decreasing slowly.

"That must be because of the radiation emitted by the nuclear bomb," Su Xue explained, noticing the confusion on her master. "Good thing it was a low-yield tactical nuke. If it had been a higher yield ordnance, like a B61 or W87 warhead, we would have been annihilated on the spot."

The B60 had just struck them. The mention of such a powerful weapon sent a chill through the group. Lin Feng realized that he was not invincible, he could have been killed and if it did happen, that would have been the end of his plan.

But how? He made sure prior to the apocalypse to disable the nuclear-armed stats. There was never supposed to be a nuclear weapon because he knew that was the biggest threat to his existence and ambitions. Lin Feng, still catching his breath, pondered over this alarming development.

"Could it be the Blackwatch?" Violet asked.

"But how can they see us here?" Seo-Jun added, confusing herself.

Su Xue, always ready with analysis, chimed in. "A drone from the Philippines wouldn't reach the Korean Peninsula. It would run out of fuel so there's no way there would be drones hovering above us, and if it did, I would have sensed it. Possibly it could be a…"

Su Xue paused, craning her neck up to the sky. She continued. "A satellite."

Upon hearing that, Lin Feng looked up to the sky. "That makes sense. Blackwatch must have satellite capabilities to have targeted us so accurately. So how did they locate us?"

"It's possible that they followed Violet and Seo-Jun's movements. The Alpha Gryphon that they brought with them is large enough to be tracked so easily."

As Su Xue was saying that, she glanced at the corpses of the Alpha Gryphon, dying instantly from the nuclear explosion.

"Let's discuss this in another place, we are taking damage from the radiation."

"Now this warrants the need to expand my forces," Lin Feng grinned. "The Blackwatch has nuclear capabilities huh? Okay, since they are watching us, we can't just show them where we are heading."

Two biomass balls materialized on his hands, and he threw them in the air.

Seconds later, the two biomass balls exploded high above them, releasing a thick cloud of deep red smoke. The cloud quickly expanded, enveloping the entire area in a dense, opaque fog.


Minutes earlier. In the command center, Manila International Airport.

Richard watched the display screen while clearing his notifications. The nuclear explosion had eliminated thousands of zombies, mutated zombies included. This resulted in him receiving huge chunks of money and experience points that are still pouring in.

"It seems that they have noticed us, sir," Sara said. "They are looking directly at us."

"They must have figured that we have satellite capabilities. That's good for them," Mark commented.

"Yeah, that means they can't get away from our sight that easily," Graves added. "Still, they survived the explosion huh?"

"I think they barely survived," Sara said, observing the earlier footage. "The master is struggling and consuming his subordinates. He wouldn't do that if he is immune to nukes. Sir, I suggest that we blow them up if you unlock the Tsar Bomba."

"Unfortunately, it's not yet available," Richard said, just checking on his shop tab. "However, it's reassuring that the master is not that invincible. If W-60 already did that kind of damage to him, then a higher yield weapon could be more effective."

"Oh…what's it doing now?" Graves pointed at the display screen, prompting Sara, Mark, and Richard to return their attention to the monitor. There, they saw Lin Feng just threw something into the air, which exploded, creating a dense cloud.

"They are covering their tracks," Graves noted.

"Switch to infrared and thermal," Richard instructed Sara, hoping to penetrate the visual barrier.

Sara quickly toggled the settings, but the screen still showed nothing but the dense cloud. "No luck, sir. Whatever he's released, it's effectively blocking both thermal and infrared."

Richard frowned, realizing that Lin Feng had effectively blinded their high-tech surveillance for the moment.

"Shit…okay, zoom out, and check for any movement in the surrounding area. They might try to slip away under the cover of that smoke."

Sara quickly adjusted the satellite view, widening the scope to monitor the broader vicinity around Gwanghwamun Square. The team watched intently, searching for any signs of movement or escape.

"We should be able to catch any large group movement even without thermal or infrared," Sara said, her eyes scanning the screens.

But five minutes later, they saw nothing coming out from the dense fog.

"They managed to slip away huh?" Richard sighed. "Graves, I want you to prepare in the next three days. I'll send you to Seoul."

"Understood sir."

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