Chapter 197 Taking Off to Seoul South Korea

The C-17 Globemaster was ready on the runway, engines humming and poised for departure. Around the massive aircraft, Blackwatch personnel operated efficiently, loading equipment and conducting final checks.

Richard watched from the distance, occasionally glancing around as he couldn't help but be amazed at how Blackwatch transformed this once barren, zombie-infested airport, into a well-functioning military airbase. There are helicopters parked here and there, some hovering above conducting their missions, perimeters were guarded with soldiers from the recently constructed watchtowers.

While at it, Richard checked his system and checked his stats.

[User: Richard Gonzales

Health: 100/100

Age: 21

Level: 36

Available Skill Points: 2

Skills: Weapon Proficiency Level 2, Melee Proficiency Level 3, Driving Proficiency Level 2. Tactical Mastery Level 1.

Experience points: 17,225,520/19,742,022

Current limit to summon forces: 1,800

Current gold balance: 411,523,890]

A smile spread across his lips. He invested his two points into Weapon Proficiency Level 2 and suddenly, there was a chime, notifying him that his skill had increased to level 3. One goal finished, now he would focus on leveling his Tactical Mastery Skill, he would need three points to do so, meaning he has to increase his level by three, so by the time he is level 39, he would be able to upgrade his Tactical Mastery Skill to the next level. The importance of this skill in coordinating complex operations and enhancing his strategic capabilities was paramount, especially considering the increasingly challenging scenarios Blackwatch faced.

Richard exited the system interface and returned his attention to the ongoing operations. The team assigned to South Korea walked towards him. There are ten super soldiers and five Special Forces equipped with Titan's Guard. This would be one of his expensive acquisitions as super soldiers and Titan's Guard are an expensive unit.

They parted in the middle, allowing Graves to approach Richard. Graves, wearing his tactical gear, saluted crisply. "Sir, the team is ready. We've completed the final gear check, and all systems are operational."

"Good," Richard replied, returning the salute. "Remember, your mission is reconnaissance and engagement. I want detailed intel on the progenitor's capabilities. Use your discretion, and I know, this is going to be a formidable mission as we are going to confront the progenitor himself, the man who took a direct hit from a tactical nuke. There's no guarantee you will survive if he engages you in combat."

"They know the risk, sir," Graves said, glancing at his team.?"They are willing to sacrifice themselves just so we can analyze and study the progenitor…Isn't that right boys?"

"Yes sir!" They responded in unison, their voices firm and resolute.

Richard gave them a solemn nod, acknowledging their bravery. "Your courage is commendable. That's all, good luck, and dismissed."

Graves turned back to his team, giving them a brief, encouraging look before they boarded the aircraft. "You heard the man, let's go, and let's survive this."

The team boarded the C-17, their gear securely strapped and their faces set with determination. Richard watched as the aircraft's doors closed, sealing the team inside.

Inside the cockpit of the C-17 Globemaster, the pilot and co-pilot commenced their pre-flight checks.

"Flight control systems check," the pilot announced, his hands moving over the controls. He tested the yoke, ensuring smooth movement in all directions.

"Check complete, controls are responsive," the co-pilot confirmed, monitoring the readings on his instruments.

"Engine systems and instruments," the pilot continued, his eyes scanning the array of dials and screens. "All engines are green. Fuel levels are optimal."

"Navigation systems are online and GPS is locked in. Flight plan to Seoul is uploaded and cross-checked," the co-pilot added, adjusting the navigation settings.

"Communications check," the pilot said, testing the radio and intercom systems. "Tower, this is Globemaster Charlie-Three-Niner requesting clearance for takeoff."

"Charlie-Three-Niner, you are cleared for takeoff. Winds are calm, runway is clear," came the response from the control tower.

"Copy that, tower. Initiating taxi to the runway," the pilot replied.

The co-pilot checked the hydraulic systems, ensuring that the landing gear and flaps were functioning correctly. "Hydraulics are operational. All systems are ready for takeoff."

As the C-17 Globemaster lined up on the runway, the pilot and co-pilot entered the final phase of their pre-flight procedures, preparing the aircraft for takeoff. The pilot steadily increased the throttle, the engines' roar intensifying as they generated the necessary thrust.

"Engaging engines to full power for takeoff," the pilot announced, monitoring the engine thrust indicators carefully. The aircraft's four massive turbofan engines responded, their power reverberating through the airframe.

"Thrust levels optimal," the co-pilot confirmed, keeping an eye on the engine performance data. "All systems are nominal."

The pilot held the brakes, allowing the engines to spool up to their full takeoff power. With a final check of the runway ahead and a nod from the co-pilot, he released the brakes, and the C-17 began to roll forward, gaining speed rapidly.

"V1," called out the co-pilot as the aircraft reached the decision speed. At this point, the takeoff was committed, and there was no turning back.

"Rotate," the pilot said as they reached the takeoff speed, Vr. He gently pulled back on the yoke, and the huge aircraft's nose lifted off the tarmac. The C-17's wings bit into the air, and it began to climb, leaving the runway behind.

"Positive rate of climb," the co-pilot reported, watching the altimeter begin its steady ascent. "Gear up."

The pilot retracted the landing gear, and the aircraft's undercarriage doors closed smoothly. The C-17 was now fully airborne, climbing into the evening sky.

"Set course for Seoul," the pilot instructed, adjusting the flight controls for the designated flight path. "Engage autopilot for the cruise phase."

The co-pilot activated the autopilot, ensuring the aircraft maintained its climb and heading towards its destination. As the C-17 ascended, it left the Clark International Airport behind, embarking on its critical mission.

"Let's inform the boys on the cargo the ETA," the pilot turned to his co-pilot.

"Copy that," the co-pilot acknowledged, reaching for the intercom system. "Attention Specters…this is the flight deck. We're en route to Seoul. Estimated time of arrival is approximately four hours. Prepare for jump in three hours and forty five minutes."

In the cargo hold, Graves and his team, seated and strapped in, listened to the announcement. Each member of the squad checked their gear one more time, ensuring everything was secure for the jump.

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