Chapter 208 He Really Made an Appearance Part 2

The crowds gasped at Richard's suggestion. The suddenness of the proposal sent a ripple of surprise and unease through the assembled residents. Richard's face remained impassive, but his eyes scanned the crowd, gauging their reaction.

"Let's consider it for a moment," Richard continued, his voice steady. "If Blackwatch were to leave, the security and organizational structure we've provided would go with us. The trade system, the job opportunities, the resource management – all of these are parts of what we've built together. But if it's not what you want, it's important we discuss this openly."

The crowd was silent, the gravity of his words sinking in. Among them, the man who had raised the initial concern looked visibly conflicted. He hadn't expected his challenge to be met with such a drastic alternative.

Richard let the silence linger for a moment before speaking again. "Sure, you were fine when Blackwatch hadn't arrived at your place. But let me ask you this, if you are to face a monster that is so unreal you'd think it was a nightmare, then think again, because Blackwatch has faced those before and triumphed," Richard said, his tone becoming more assertive. "Our presence here isn't just about trade and jobs; it's about ensuring your safety in a world that has become unpredictably dangerous."

The crowd shifted uneasily, reflecting on Richard's words. The reality of their situation, living in a post-apocalyptic world with constant threats, was something they couldn't ignore. Richard's reminder of the dangers they faced outside the relative safety of the camp resonated with many in the crowd.

"We've provided training, security, and a sense of order in a time when chaos is the norm," Richard added. "Our goal was to create a stable environment where you can live without constant fear of the unknown. Of course, we will not stop there," Richard added. "We're always looking to improve and adapt based on your feedback and the evolving circumstances. That would be all for today's announcement. I hope there'll be no dissatisfaction among you. I will dismiss this meeting, but I encourage you all to reach out if you have further concerns or suggestions. Our doors are always open."

The crowd began to disperse, many still deep in conversation about the points Richard had raised. The initial shock of his suggestion about Blackwatch potentially leaving had sparked serious contemplation among the residents. They now seemed to appreciate the complexities of their situation and the role that Blackwatch played in their safety and stability.

Richard shook hands with the councils of the New Clark City.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity, madam vice-president," Richard said, shaking the hand of Maria.

"No problem…we were shocked too when you said you were going to leave," Maria said.

"Don't worry, we won't abandon you. And if it comes to a situation where we have to leave this place, we will include you. Because the only circumstances that we have to abandon New Clark is when it is impossible for us to hold it any longer. But until then, we're committed to working together and ensuring the safety and prosperity of this community"

"You sure sound like you are not a man in his early twenties. You spoke as if you had a political background. You are good at this," Maria said with a light-hearted tone, her giggle easing the tension that had built up during the meeting.

"Do I really?" Richard responded with a slight smile, somewhat amused by Maria's observation. "I guess leading Blackwatch has given me more experience than most my age," Richard replied thoughtfully. "But really, it's the situations we face that shape us, not necessarily our backgrounds or ages."

Maria nodded in agreement. "Well, your leadership has been a blessing in these tough times. We appreciate all that you and Blackwatch have done for us."

The conversation wrapped up, and Richard bid farewell to Maria and the other council members. As he walked away from the City Square, he could see small groups of residents still engaged in discussions. The fact that they were actively talking about their future and the role of Blackwatch was a positive sign for Richard. It showed that the community was engaged and cared deeply about their collective fate.

One of the crowds was Lisa, who nudged him gently on the shoulder as she tried to get his attention. "You sound cool back there brother. The fact that you speak as if you are the leader of a club…"

"But I'm a leader," Richard interrupted as he chuckled. "You observed the same thing as Maria, huh? It's interesting how people perceive leadership."

Lisa smiled. "Well, enough of that. What is your plan for your birthday?"

"I guess spend the time with the boys and then to my girl…and—" Richard trailed off as he noticed Lisa pouting.

"Why are you pouting?"

"Because you didn't include me in your plan that's all," Lisa said with a playful pout.

Richard laughed, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Why don't you come along? You're of legal age now, so you can join us for a drink. It'll be good to have you there."

Lisa's face brightened at the invitation. "Really? Would that be okay with your friends?"

"Graves and Mark? Oh, they wouldn't mind," Richard assured her. "Sara is also coming with us so you wouldn't feel that you are the only girl. Speaking of Sara…where is she?"

"Uhh…about that, brother," Lisa said. "She said she had to pick up this important call from the command center. She sounded serious so I let her go."

"Wait…all this time while I was talking on the stage she's not in the crowd?" Richard asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Yeah, she left just as you started speaking. Something about an urgent update.

Richard turned serious. "I wonder what that urgent update is…"

As he was about to look for Sara, he spotted her down the path, approaching him at a brisk pace.

"Richard, we need to talk," Sara said as soon as she was within earshot. There was an urgency in her voice that immediately caught his attention.

"What's going on? Is everything alright?" Richard asked.

"It's about the reconnaissance report I received," Sara explained. "Lin Feng…we have tracked him again."

"Lin Feng? Who is that brother?" Lisa asked.

Richard took a deep breath before answering her question. "Lin Feng is the one who caused this apocalypse, Lisa."

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