Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 214 The Effect of the New Grinding Method

Chapter 214 The Effect of the New Grinding Method

"Great work, team!" Richard exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm as he clapped his hands together. The command center, still reverberating with the echoes of the successful strike in Beijing, buzzed with a mixture of relief and renewed energy.

Richard turned towards the main screen, which now displayed the aftermath of their recent tactical move. The devastation was clear, but so was the efficacy of their strategy.

"Let's not lose momentum," he said, his eyes scanning over the room filled with his dedicated staff. "We need to maintain this pressure."

Sara, who had been instrumental in coordinating the satellite data for the Beijing strike, nodded in agreement.

"Shall we focus on another target, sir?" she asked, her fingers already poised over the control panel.

"Yes," Richard affirmed, his gaze locking onto the large screen. "Our next target is Shanghai. It's another major city in China with a high zombie concentration. We need to replicate our success in Beijing and continue to cull their numbers so we can benefit."

Well, the reason why China is the one on the receiving end instead of other countries is due to its distance from the Philippines, and the fact that they are a country with the densest population, making them a prime target for maximizing the effectiveness of their strategy.


"Sir, given the position of our satellite in Beijing, we'll have to move the satellite over to Shanghai so that we can get an exact coordinate."

"How long would it take for a satellite to reposition?"

Sara checked the satellite control panel, calculating the time needed for repositioning.

"It will take approximately fifteen minutes to reposition the satellite over Shanghai and acquire the necessary data for a precise strike."

Richard nodded, understanding the importance of accuracy in their operation. "Alright, proceed with the repositioning. In the meantime, I'll go check the updates on my system."

Upon saying that, Richard focused his attention on the system. He opened it and the user interface popped up before him.

User: Richard Gonzales

Health: 100/100

Age: 22

Level: 45

Available Skill Points: 9

Skills: Weapon Proficiency Level 2, Melee Proficiency Level 3, Driving Proficiency Level 2. Tactical Mastery Level 1.

New Skills Available!

Experience points: 174,877,200/351,764,589

Current limit to summon forces: 6,300

Current gold balance: 2,4865,349,890]

There was no doubt that there was a significant effect on his system after that nuclear strike on Beijing. The fact that he was able to gather these resources from a single strike alone proves that the plan he came up with is foolproof. With this, there's no problem with catching up to Lin Feng's current level, which he assumed to be above 50 or even greater than that.

The first thing he noticed was the jump on the level. From level 36 to 45! That's a huge jump. And an increase in one level meant one additional skill point. He only needed two to increase his Tactical Skill to level 2, so without hesitation, he invested two points on it.

As soon as he did that, new indescribable military knowledge was uploaded into his brain. It left him with seven points. Instead of putting it on the skill he already had, he checked the skill he had acquired.

[Congratulations! You have received piloting skills!]

[Pilot Skill Level 1: The user would be able to operate any kind of aircraft skillfully.]

It was a nice skill but flying was not his priority because he had someone who was doing it for his convenience. So he didn't invest points to increase its level to two, rather he focused on Weapon Proficiency Skill. Using five points, he leveled the Weapon Proficiency Skill to Level 3, enhancing his ability to handle a wide range of firearms and weaponry with greater efficiency and accuracy.

With his skills updated, he had two points left. It would be useless to invest it on another skill unless it was a guaranteed increase in level, so he chose not to spend it, rather going forward with another matter at hand, the gold coins.

One billion gold coins! That's a huge chunk of money, he could probably buy himself military hardware that has the same composition as the United States Armed Forces! Except for the navy of course. Speaking of the navy, even though there is a list of naval vessels such as American, Russian, and Chinese destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft carriers. He doesn't find any need for those vessels yet as he primarily focuses on land and air. So maybe next time.

As for the experience points gained, Richard noticed that the required experience points to go up one level increased dramatically. It was a clear indication of the higher demands of leveling up as he progressed further. The system mechanics seemed to be scaling up the difficulty. Well, it won't be a problem leveling up as long as there are zombies, and there are over a billion of them, presumably.

He'll go on a shopping spree later in this operation,?for now, he'll focus back on the task at hand.

He waited fifteen minutes for the satellite to complete its repositioning over Shanghai.

"Sir, the satellite is now positioned over Shanghai. We're acquiring the exact coordinates," Sara reported, her eyes fixed on her screen as she manipulated the controls.

"Good, let's get the visual up on the main screen," Richard instructed, closing the system interface as his gaze returned to the large display.

The screen flickered, and then displayed a new live overhead view of Shanghai. The image showed a sprawling urban landscape, now overrun with the chaos of the zombie apocalypse. The undead swarmed through the streets, crowding around the remnants of what once was a bustling city.

"Just like Beijing…" Richard studied the feed closely. "Sara, zoom in on the areas with the highest concentration. We need to maximize the impact just like we did in Beijing."

Sara adjusted the satellite feed, zooming in on specific sectors of Shanghai. The screen displayed various districts, each teeming with undead.

"This commercial district here," she pointed, "and these residential blocks have the highest density."

"Lock in those coordinates."

"Coordinates locked in, sir. 31.2304° N, 121.4737° E," Sara confirmed.

"Confirming coordinates: 31.2304° North, 121.4737° East," Richard repeated, ensuring accuracy. "Zeus, you are cleared to prepare for launch. Await my fire command."

"Zeus copies, Eagle Actual. Missile is being prepped," came the response.

"Missile is ready for launch, Eagle Actual. Awaiting your command," Zeus reported.

Richard drew in a deep breath, the weight of his decision heavy on his shoulders. "Zeus, on my command... three, two, one, mark!"

"Missile launched," Zeus confirmed.

"Great…now we wait for the rewards."

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