Chapter 216 Noticing Something

Meanwhile, in Tokyo, Japan, on the same day, Lin Feng was closely monitoring his system when he noticed an alarming trend.

"The number of my zombies in China is decreasing at an unprecedented rate," he observed, a frown creasing his forehead. "And not just gradually—there's been a sudden, massive drop. What in the world is happening there?"

Su Xue stepped forward with a potential explanation. "Lin Feng, I suspect it's the work of Blackwatch. It appears they're using their nuclear arsenal to strike Chinese cities," she said, her tone serious.

Lin Feng's expression turned contemplative. "But that doesn't make sense. Why would they target China, a country we've already abandoned? If they had such firepower, Tokyo would be a more logical target...because we are here."

As he spoke, Lin Feng's gaze drifted towards Su Xue, noticing a certain knowing look in her eyes. It dawned on him that she might have already pieced together the puzzle. "You seem to have an idea about their strategy," Lin Feng said, his voice trailing off, his focus now entirely on Su Xue's reaction.

He waited for her to reveal what she knew, the gears in his mind turning as he tried to anticipate her explanation.

"It's simple, master. If our enemy is a system user, then that means he is grinding gold and experience. China is the most populous country on Earth, and of course given that standing, it will have the most zombies. So if you struck one city with a nuclear missile, hundreds, if not millions of zombies will perish instantly. Imagine the numbers…"

Su Xue's words seemed to click something into place for Lin Feng. He leaned back, absorbing the implications of her theory. "Grinding gold and experience," he repeated thoughtfully. "A strategic move to rapidly increase power and resources through mass extermination of zombies. He is using the same tactic I employed when I infected the world. But still…why not strike us if they still have a lot of nuclear missiles? It would have been a better tactic to kill me with multiple nuclear strikes."

"I think I can come up with a possible reason," Su Xue said. "All warfare is based on deception. The goal of any conflict is to control your opponent and overcome them. We have given them the expression that we are a formidable adversary to them, and we are under the impression that they are weak given how you eliminated Blackwatch forces so easily. So what if he is secretly getting himself stronger so that when the two of you encounter once more, you will be surprised by his enhanced capabilities," Su Xue elaborated. "It's a strategy of misdirection and power accumulation. By focusing on leveling up and boosting his resources discreetly, he's preparing for a confrontation on his terms, not ours."

Seemingly convinced by Su Xue's explanation, Lin Feng smirked. "So that's what they are doing huh? In that case, let them do what they are doing right? We have to stop them…Hmm…I guess it's time that we really shut them for good."

"What are you planning to do?" Su Xue asked.

"I'm planning on sending one of the strongest…"

Upon saying that, Lin Feng turned his gaze to a beautiful woman. The woman standing before Lin Feng was striking, with a youthful appearance suggesting she was in her early twenties. Her attire was bold and eye-catching, dominated by shades of black and vibrant crimson. The dress she wore was a statement piece, featuring ruffles and layers that gave it volume and a dynamic flair, reminiscent of a flamenco dancer's traditional garb. The skirt's hem was adorned with alternating patterns of black and orange, creating a fiery effect that seemed to mimic the flickering of flames.

Her hair was a cascade of dark, chestnut locks, with some strands rebelliously framing her face, which held a poised and confident expression. A red ribbon accented her hair, adding a playful yet elegant touch to her overall ensemble.

"At last…my time has come to prove myself to you, master," she moaned.

"Crimson, I highly expect of you," Lin Feng said. "You'll go to the Philippines and take down their base."

"No problem master. Those pests called Blackwatch will soon understand the price of their actions," Crimson replied with a derisive sneer. "They think they can hide behind their missiles, launching them from a safe distance like cowards. I will face them personally."

Lin Feng gave a slight nod, his confidence in Crimson's abilities clear.

"But Master…isn't sending Crimson alone in the Philippines dangerous?" Seo-Jun interjected. "Blackwatch may be using conventional weapons but they can still kill us. Violet and I almost got killed."

"But Crimson is different from you two," Lin Feng said, his tone laced with disappointment. "You two have failed me. She won't falter as you did."

"Big brother..!" Violet softly uttered tears about to escape her eyes upon hearing hurtful words from the one she looked up to.

"Master, my worry is not for her strength but for the unpredictability of the enemy. Their tactics are unconventional, and they have already proven to be resourceful."

Lin Feng waved her off. "Your caution has been noted, but Crimson's mission will proceed. She's more than capable."

Before Seo-Jun could utter another word of protest, Crimson extended her arm, and with a swift motion, a spear of solidified blood materialized in her grasp.

The spear extended in range, piercing Seo-jun's stomach and pinning her against the wall. Crimson's expression remained impassive, her disdain for Seo-Jun's challenge to their master's plan clear in her icy gaze.

"Why question our master's orders?" Crimson's voice was as sharp as the weapon she wielded. "We are not here to debate strategy or cower in fear of Blackwatch's conventional arms."

"Let me go…!" Seo-Jun extended her arms forward, summoning her pinkish thorns. It coiled together in the air, materializing an AIM-9X Sidewinder and it bustled toward Crimson.?But before the missile could find its mark, Lin Feng raised his hand with a bored expression and caught it mid-air. The missile exploded within his grasp, a brilliant flare of light and fire that seemed to do little more than ruffle his armor.

"Enough of this," Lin Feng declared, his voice echoing with a power that silenced the room. He released the remnants of the missile from his hand, letting the twisted metal fall to the ground with a clatter. He turned his gaze to Crimson, his eyes reflecting not a shred of doubt. "Proceed with the mission. And let this be a lesson to all—there will be no insubordination."

Crimson gave a curt nod, her posture straightening with renewed purpose. "With pleasure, master. Blackwatch will learn the true meaning of fear," she replied coldly, her eyes gleaming with the thrill of the hunt.

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