Meanwhile, on one of the interceptor sites of the United States Armed Forces located in the Midwest, military personnel were engaged in a similar state of urgency. The screen in their command center showed the tracking of a bogey missile, which was now a direct threat to national security.

"Sir, the incoming missile has been confirmed as hostile," a technician reported to the commanding officer. "It's on a direct path to New York City."

The commanding officer, a stern-looking individual with years of military experience, assessed the situation quickly. Based on the signature of the missile alone, it's no doubt it is an ICBM. But what nation would launch a nuke on them?

"We need to intercept that missile before it reaches its target. Prepare to launch a Ground-Based Interceptor (GBI)."

The Ground-Based Interceptor, part of the United States missile defense system, was designed to detect, track, and then destroy incoming ballistic missiles by colliding with them outside the Earth's atmosphere, a process known as "hit-to-kill."

"GBI launch sequence initiated," another technician announced as he activated the system. The command center's atmosphere was tense as everyone focused on their screens, watching the interceptor missile being prepared for launch.

Within moments, the Ground-Based Interceptor was launched. Its trajectory was calculated to intersect with the Minuteman missile, aiming to neutralize it before it could reach its target. The GBI soared into the sky, leaving a trail of fire and smoke as it raced towards the incoming threat.

Back at Richard's command center, the situation was rapidly unfolding. The screens showed the GBI's launch and its trajectory converging with their Minuteman missile.

"Sir, it is positive. The U.S. Armed Forces have launched a Ground-Based Interceptor. It's on a collision course with our missile," Sara reported, her voice tense.

"So the U.S. is not knocked out from this world eh? Well since they launched an interceptor missile meant that they really wanted this missile down. Very well, initiate the self-destruct mechanism on our Minuteman," Richard commanded firmly, his eyes fixed on the screen.

Sara quickly complied, tapping into the command system of the missile. "Initiating self-destruct sequence for the Minuteman missile," she confirmed.

"Then can you at least track where that missile was fired from?" Richard asked, shifting to a more tactical approach.

Sara nodded, her focus returning to her console. "I'll see what I can do. It won't be easy, but we might be able to trace the launch point of the interceptor missile. It should give us an idea of where the U.S. Armed Forces is based."


Inside the interceptor site in the Midwest. 

Sir, the incoming missile has self-destructed," a technician announced urgently, drawing the commanding officer's attention back to the screen.

The commanding officer studied the monitor, which now displayed the dissipating cloud from the missile's detonation. "Self-destructed? That's an unexpected move. It suggests whoever launched it has direct control and is monitoring the situation closely," he mused aloud. "But the missile, it's Minuteman right?"

"Based on the signature and trajectory, it's highly likely it was a Minuteman missile," another technician confirmed, analyzing the data on his screen.

"Try to trace the launch point," the commanding officer ordered. "We need to find out who is behind this and why they targeted New York City with such a weapon."

The technician nodded and immediately set to work. "Based on the missile trajectory, it's most likely the origin point is in Asia."

"Not Europe?" 

The technician shook his head. "If it's in Europe, the flight path would be different. The trajectory suggests an Asian origin, possibly Southeast Asia."

"Do we have silos in Southeast Asia that may have been compromised?" 

"I don't know, it's way above my pay grade. Perhaps the top brass would have an answer to that question." 

"Okay, I'm going to inform the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the President, and the National Security Council in Raven Rock Mountain Complex of this development." 

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