At the command center, Richard attentively monitored the ongoing preparations for the nuclear missiles, his gaze fixed on the screens displaying various feeds. The setup was located at a remote section of the New Clark International Airport, which had been repurposed as a makeshift launchpad for their military operations. 

As he watched, a technician approached him with an update. "Sir, the nuclear missiles are being calibrated as per the new coordinates. We expect to complete the setup within the hour."

Richard nodded, acknowledging the update. "Ensure that all safety measures are strictly followed. We can't afford any errors," he instructed firmly.

Just then, Mark entered the room, approaching Richard. "Sir, there's Maria Santos here to see you." 

"Really? Well, what does she need?" Richard asked. 

"About the camp, I think it's important. You have to see her," Mark suggested.

"Very well, let her in," Richard agreed, signaling Mark to proceed. 

As Maria Santos was escorted into the room, Richard turned his attention away from the monitors. He stood up, extending a hand in greeting. "Ms. Santos, I'm Richard Gonzales. What brings you here today?"

Maria took a moment to look around the command center. It was filled with computers, panels, and maps, a clear display of Blackwatch's military efficiency. She then refocused on Richard.

"Mr. Gonzales, there is a serious matter that I'd like to discuss with you in private."

"Okay…how about we discuss it in my office?" Richard suggested. "Please, follow me."

Maria followed Richard to his office, a room that was slightly less bustling but still bore the marks of a strategic command hub. Once inside, Richard gestured for her to take a seat.

"Now, Ms. Santos, tell me more about these concerns," Richard said as he sat down across from her.

Maria leaned forward, her expression earnest. "It's about the tension between the original camp residents and the Blackwatch-affiliated civilians. There's a growing sense of division and discrimination. People are feeling marginalized and overlooked."

Richard's expression turned thoughtful. "I see. It's not the intention of Blackwatch to create such divisions. Our primary focus has always been security and survival."

He was slightly surprised that it was the case, as he didn't mind much about the camp's residents ever since they found Lin Feng, and is the sole focus of Blackwatch.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "I understand that, Mr. Gonzales. However, the actions of some individuals aligned with Blackwatch are causing distress. We need to find a way to coexist peacefully and respectfully," Maria emphasized.

"Okay…I'm open to suggestions. What should I do to make sure that this won't happen again?" Richard asked.

"For starters, let's dive first at the politics in New Clark City. We handle domestic affairs while Blackwatch handles security. One of our councils suggested that we should create a unified government with Blackwatch as the head, overseeing both security and domestic affairs. This would ensure a more streamlined and effective governance structure, reducing any conflicts or misunderstandings between our groups," Maria proposed. 

"But Blackwatch expertise lies in the protection…not on domestic affairs," Richard said. "Thank you for the proposal, ma'am vice president but I can't accept the offer. I think it's best for the camp that we remain the status quo."

Maria leaned forward, her determination clear in her eyes. "Mr. Gonzales, what I propose is a unification, but under Blackwatch's leadership. We dissolve the existing council and integrate its members into Blackwatch's civilian department. This way, there's no distinction between original settlers and those affiliated with Blackwatch. We become one cohesive unit under your leadership."

Richard's brows furrowed. "Have the other council members approved of this proposal of yours?" 

"Well…there is one who is worried about losing privilege for being a council…but it's useless. Look, if we want to build a community that will be the future of humanity, there must be peace between them." 

Richard sighed. "Fine…if you want then I'll give it to you. Okay, Blackwatch will serve as the head of the unified government. The council members will be absorbed into our civilian department, where they can continue to contribute their expertise and knowledge. We will ensure that all residents, regardless of their original affiliation, are treated fairly and have their needs met."

Upon saying that, Maria was silent for a moment. 

"What's the matter?" Richard asked.

"Well…that was easy…" Maria replied, slightly taken aback by the straightforward acceptance of her proposal. "I expected more resistance or at least a lengthy negotiation."

Richard leaned back in his chair, his expression serious yet open. "Ms. Santos, the current situation doesn't afford us the luxury of lengthy deliberations. The world has changed, and our priority is the safety and stability of our community. If integrating the council into Blackwatch streamlines our governance and resolves internal conflicts, then it's a pragmatic decision."

Maria chuckled softly. "You don't really sound like a man in his early twenties. The way you speak, it's like you've seen a lot more than your years."

Richard gave a wry smile. "The world we live in ages you faster than normal. We've all had to grow up quickly to survive."

Maria nodded, a look of understanding in her eyes. "Indeed. Well, I'll communicate this decision to the rest of the council. The integration process will require careful planning and execution. Perhaps a speech from the commander-in-chief to announce this decision would be beneficial. It could help ease any tensions and set the tone for our new unified community."

Richard considered the suggestion. "That's a good idea but I'm in the middle of something."

"Must be the rocket noises," Maria guessed. "Speaking of rockets, the noise they produce causes disturbance to the camp. Is it okay for me to ask why you are launching those missiles?"

"Ah…that," Richard smacked his lips. "We are firing missiles at the enemy, zombies. Nothing for you to get concerned about." 

He can't tell her that they are launching ICBM across the world. 

Maria looked slightly doubtful but chose not to press the issue further. "I see. Well, as long as it ensures the safety of the camp, I suppose it's necessary."

"Yes, it's all about keeping everyone safe." 

"Okay, how about contacts from other groups or countries? Has there any been luck?" Maria asked.

"Hmm…we think the national governments of other countries are hiding in their bunkers. I don't believe that foreign countries totally collapsed from the apocalypse. In fact, there is one, it's the United States. We don't know for certain but we believe they are still active," Richard said.

"The United States…that's good to hear," Maria replied thoughtfully. Sensing that the conversation was nearing its end, she stood up. "Well, I'll leave you be, Mr. Richard."

Richard stood and shook her hands. "My men will escort you out, thank you for the time."

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