Browsing the naval vessels, Richard came across different options.

Destroyers: These ships, around 150 meters in length, were multi-role warships. They came equipped with systems for anti-air, anti-ship, and anti-submarine warfare. High speed and maneuverability were their key features, powered by advanced propulsion systems. A typical destroyer housed a crew of about 300.

Cruisers: Larger than destroyers, usually over 180 meters, cruisers were armed with guided missiles and rapid-fire guns. They were designed for both offensive and defensive roles. The detailed specifications pointed to their extended operational range and larger crew requirements.

Aircraft Carriers: The giants of naval fleets, these carriers, often more than 300 meters long, functioned as floating airbases. Their primary armament was their air wing, but they also possessed defensive missile systems. The scale of operations necessitated a crew of over 5,000, including aviation personnel.

Submarines: These stealth units specialize in underwater operations. Nuclear-powered variants had impressive submerged displacements and offered unlimited range. Their armaments included torpedoes and missiles, ideal for covert and strategic operations.

Amphibious Assault Ships: Over 200 meters in length, these ships were designed for deploying ground forces. They featured well-decks for landing craft and extensive support for helicopter operations, catering to varied amphibious missions.

Frigates: Smaller than destroyers, at around 130 meters, frigates were versatile, and used for escorting larger ships and patrolling. Their armaments were suited for multiple threat scenarios, and their propulsion systems emphasized range and efficiency.

Amphibious Warfare Ships: Similar to assault ships but focused more on troop and vehicle transport. They were equipped with facilities for extensive cargo and supported various landing operations.

Amphibious Transport Docks: Amphibious Transport Docks, also known as Landing Platform Docks (LPDs), are a type of amphibious warfare ship designed for the deployment and support of ground forces across naval operations. 

Littoral Combat Ships: Small, agile ships designed for close-to-shore operations. Their modular design allowed for flexibility in mission types, from surface warfare to mine countermeasures.

Patrol Boats and Fast Attack Craft: These smaller vessels were suited for coastal defense and rapid response tasks. They were armed with machine guns and missiles for quick engagement capabilities.

Helicopter Carriers and Corvettes: The former offered air-mobile operations despite being smaller than traditional carriers, while corvettes provided heavily armed but cost-effective options for littoral defense.

Battleships: Now obsolete, these ships were a nod to historical naval power, with immense firepower and armor but lacking in modern naval warfare utility.

[To see the available ships based on each category, simply tap their respective icon.]

With that instruction, Richard tapped the destroyer icon, and then a comprehensive list of available ships from various countries, notably from first-world countries like the USA, France, UK, Russia, Japan, China, Korea, and Germany, appeared. Each destroyer was listed with detailed specifications:

USA - Arleigh Burke-Class Destroyer

Size: Approximately 155 meters

Armament: Tomahawk missiles, Aegis Combat System, anti-aircraft missiles, torpedoes, Phalanx CIWS

Propulsion: 4 gas turbines, 2 shafts, 100,000 horsepower

Complement: 300-380 crew

Notable Features: Advanced radar systems, ballistic missile defense capabilities

Price: 45,000,000 gold coins

France - Horizon-Class Destroyer

Size: 152 meters

Armament: Aster 15 and 30 missiles, Otomat Mk 2 missiles, MU90 torpedoes, 76mm cannon

Propulsion: Combined diesel and gas propulsion system

Complement: About 200 crew

Notable Features: Principal Anti Air Missile System (PAAMS), stealth features

Price: 40,000,000 gold coins

UK - Type 45 (Daring-Class) Destroyer

Size: 152 meters

Armament: Sea Viper air-defense missiles, Harpoon anti-ship missiles, 4.5-inch Mk 8 gun, Phalanx CIWS

Propulsion: Integrated electric propulsion

Complement: 190 crew

Notable Features: Enhanced radar capabilities, electric propulsion for efficiency

Price: 42,000,000 gold coins

Russia - Sovremenny-Class Destroyer

Size: 156 meters

Armament: P-270 Moskit anti-ship cruise missiles, Shtil surface-to-air missiles, torpedoes, anti-submarine rockets

Propulsion: Steam turbines, 2 shafts

Complement: 350 crew

Notable Features: Strong anti-ship capability, versatility in armaments

Price: 38,000,000 gold coins

Complement: Accommodate 450 troops, 60 vehicles

Notable Features: Well deck for landing craft, hospital facilities, capable of operating helicopters

Price: 32,000,000 gold coins

UK - Albion-Class Amphibious Transport Dock

Size: 176 meters

Armament: Two 30 mm DS30M Mk2 guns, two Phalanx CIWS

Propulsion: Two Wärtsilä Vasa diesel engines, 24,000 horsepower

Complement: 305 troops plus a crew of 325

Notable Features: Dock for four large landing craft, vehicle deck, enhanced command facilities

Price: 30,000,000 gold coins

Russia - Ivan Gren-Class Landing Ship

Size: 120 meters

Armament: Two AK-630M CIWS, two 30 mm grenade launchers

Propulsion: Diesel-electric, 9,000 horsepower

Complement: 300 troops and 13 main battle tanks or 36 armored vehicles

Notable Features: Ice strengthened hull, helicopter deck, self-defense capability

Price: 25,000,000 gold coins

Japan - Ōsumi-Class Tank Landing Ship

Size: 178 meters

Armament: Two 20 mm Phalanx CIWS, two 12.7 mm machine guns

Propulsion: Diesel engines, 26,000 horsepower

Complement: 330 troops, multiple vehicles

Notable Features: Large vehicle deck, helicopter platform, rapid loading/unloading capability

Price: 28,000,000 gold coins

China - Type 071 Amphibious Transport Dock

Size: 210 meters

Armament: One 76 mm gun, four 30 mm CIWS

Propulsion: Diesel engines, 35,000 horsepower

Complement: Up to 800 troops, 20-30 armored vehicles

Notable Features: Well deck for hovercraft and landing craft, large helicopter deck, medical facilities

Price: 33,000,000 gold coins

Korea - Dokdo-Class Amphibious Assault Ship

Size: 199 meters

Armament: Two Goalkeeper CIWS, multiple machine guns

Propulsion: Four diesel engines, 33,600 horsepower

Complement: 700 troops, 10 tanks, 10 trucks

Notable Features: Well deck for air-cushioned landing craft, extensive medical and command facilities

Price: 34,000,000 gold coins

Germany - Berlin-Class Replenishment Ship

Size: 174 meters

Armament: Two 27 mm Mauser MLG 27 autocannons

Propulsion: Two diesel engines, 19,000 horsepower each

Complement: Capacity for transporting multiple vehicles and supplies

Notable Features: Replenishment-at-sea capabilities, helicopter deck, hospital area

Price: 31,000,000 gold coins.

After reading through the options, Richard decided to buy one ship.

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