Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 246 The Right Weapon For The Aquatic Threat

After saying that, Richard finalized his purchase of one P-8 Poseidon and set off to the Clark International Airport. 

"Where did Eagle go?" Graves inquired.

"He's heading to the airport, he'll be in contact in a few moments, hold tight," Mark said.


At the New Clark International Airport, Richard opened his inventory and tapped the icon. A green overlay of the schematic of the P-8 Poseidon appeared on his device's screen. He pressed the deploy button, and within moments, the aircraft materialized on the runway in a flash of light.

When fully materialized, Richard's eyes wandered over the impressive aircraft before him.

"So this is the P-8 Poseidon huh?" Richard mused. Along with the aircraft, the crews were also summoned. There are:

Pilot and Co-Pilot: They fly and navigate the aircraft.

Tactical Coordinator (TACCO): Manages the mission and tactics.

Co-Tactical Coordinator: Assists TACCO in tactical management.

Navigator/Communicator: Handles navigation and communications.

Acoustic Operator: Analyzes sonar data for underwater threats.

Electronic Warfare Operator: Manages electronic sensors and countermeasures.

Ordinance Operator: Handles weapons systems and deployment.

Maintenance Technician: Ensures aircraft systems function properly.

Observer: Assists in observation and provides additional support.

One of the crew stepped forward and performed a salute.

"I represent the crew of the P-8 Poseidon, what are your orders, sir?" 

"I want you to go at the designated coordinates and bring down the unknown aquatic creature that is lurking and sinking our ship transporting local survivors from the Babuyan Islands."

"Roger, Blackwatch. Moving to coordinates now," the pilot responded, adjusting the aircraft's course toward the specified location. The co-pilot kept a vigilant eye on the navigation systems, ensuring they stayed on course despite the stormy conditions.

Inside the aircraft, the Tactical Coordinator (TACCO) was in constant communication with the rest of the crew. "TACCO to Acoustic Operator, prepare to deploy sonobuoys upon arrival at the target area. We need a quick acoustic profile of the creature."

"Understood, preparing sonobuoys for deployment," replied the Acoustic Operator, checking the sonar equipment and ensuring the sonobuoys were ready for launch.

The Ordinance Operator confirmed the status of the armaments. "Torpedoes and Harpoon missiles are armed and ready for engagement on your command."

As the P-8 Poseidon neared the target area, the Navigator/Communicator provided a critical update. "Approaching target area. Adjusting course for optimal engagement."

"TACCO to crew, prepare for target acquisition and engagement," the TACCO announced. "We have one shot at this. Let's make it count."

The Observer, with binoculars in hand, peered out into the stormy seas, trying to catch a glimpse of the creature or the distressed LPD-1.

"Drop the sonobuoy," the TACCO instructed crisply.

The Acoustic Operator, positioned at their console, initiated the deployment sequence. A soft mechanical whirr resonated through the aircraft as the sonobuoy release mechanism activated. The crew watched as the sonobuoy—a cylindrical device equipped with sonar equipment—was ejected from the aircraft's underbelly. It plummeted into the churning sea below, disappearing into the waves with a faint splash.

"Sonobuoy deployed," the Acoustic Operator announced, turning their attention to the sonar screens as the buoys began transmitting data. The screens flickered to life, displaying the acoustic readings being sent back from the sonobuoy.

On the navigation panel, the Navigator/Communicator adjusted the aircraft's flight path to maintain a stable position above the deployment area. "Maintaining steady hover. We're right above the drop zone."

The TACCO leaned in to observe the data. "Start analyzing the readings. We need to locate the creature and assess its movements."

The Acoustic Operator's fingers danced over the controls, filtering and amplifying the sonar signals. The room was silent except for the soft hum of the equipment and the distant rumble of the storm outside.

"Contact established," the Acoustic Operator finally said. "I have a large object moving beneath the surface, consistent with the size and behavior of the reported entity."

"Confirm the target's position relative to LPD-1," the TACCO directed.

The Acoustic Operator quickly cross-referenced the data. "The target is currently located approximately 4 nautical miles southwest of LPD-1, moving in a northeasterly direction."

"TACCO to Pilot, adjust for a firing run. Prepare to engage with torpedoes," ordered the TACCO.

The Pilot acknowledged the command, skillfully maneuvering the Poseidon into an attack vector. "Lining up for a torpedo run."

The Ordinance Operator, monitoring the targeting systems, waited for the perfect moment to launch the torpedoes. "Target in range. Awaiting your command, TACCO."

"Fire torpedoes," the TACCO commanded without hesitation.

The sound of torpedoes launching reverberated through the Poseidon. Everyone on board watched the radar, tracking the torpedoes as they sped towards their underwater target.

"Torpedoes away," confirmed the Ordinance Operator. "Tracking towards the target."

All eyes were on the sonar screens, waiting to see the impact. Please visit website to read fastest update

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