Richard, still processing the monstrosity before his eyes, managed to catch a glimpse of its health bar.

"It's at 50 percent," Richard announced.

Mark, incredulous, leaned forward. "Wait…you are telling me that despite Poseidon unloading all of its armaments, the creature's health is still at 50 percent?"

Sara, looking equally shocked, added, "Just how and what can't Lin Feng summon at this point?" Her face paled at the thought of the limitless power at Lin Feng's disposal.

Richard's mind raced, processing the situation. The Abyssal Leviathan's resilience was beyond anything they had prepared for. "Eagle to Poseidon, your bird is armed with a harpoon missile right?"

"Affirmative, Eagle," the pilot responded, his voice tense but focused.

"Now that the Leviathan has surfaced, it's vulnerable to a direct hit. Use the AGM-84D Harpoon missile," Richard instructed.

The TACCO of Poseidon quickly responded, "Understood, Eagle. Preparing for a Harpoon missile strike."

The crew on the Poseidon sprang into action. The Ordnance Operator swiftly readied the Harpoon missile, a weapon designed primarily for anti-ship warfare but now repurposed for a more daunting target.

"Harpoon missile armed and ready," announced the Ordnance Operator. "Targeting system locked on the Abyssal Leviathan."

The Pilot maneuvered the aircraft into an attack position, maintaining a safe distance yet ensuring a clear line of sight for the missile. "In position for a missile launch."

Fire when ready," commanded the TACCO, his voice steady over the intercom.

With a roar, the Harpoon missile launched from the Poseidon, trailing a plume of smoke as it sped towards the monstrous creature. All eyes were fixed on the monitors, tracking the missile's trajectory.

"Missile in flight, tracking towards target," the Navigator/Communicator updated.

The Acoustic Operator, though shaken, maintained focus on the Leviathan. "The creature... it's still pursuing us!"

Inside the Poseidon, the situation was rapidly deteriorating. The Pilot, with sweat beading on his forehead, fought against the controls, trying to counteract the list caused by the damaged wing. "I need more power to the engines! We're losing altitude!"

The Co-Pilot, equally focused, worked on redistributing the power, attempting to compensate for the loss of lift. "Rerouting power, but it's not enough!"

The TACCO, maintaining a calm demeanor amidst the chaos, directed the crew's efforts. "Navigator, plot a course for the nearest safe landing zone. We need to set this bird down before we lose it entirely."

The Navigator, his hands flying over the controls, replied, "Plotting course now, but it's going to be tight with our current rate of descent."

The Observer, eyes fixed on the monitor, suddenly called out, "The Leviathan! It's making another move!"

The crew braced themselves as the creature, with another of its massive tentacles, launched a second attack. This time, the tentacle didn't just graze the Poseidon; it struck with full force, targeting the fuselage. The impact was like a sledgehammer, the sound of rending metal deafening inside the cabin.

A massive hole was torn in the fuselage, exposing the interior of the Poseidon to the harsh elements outside. The explosive decompression sucked equipment and loose items out into the stormy sky.

The Pilot yelled over the cacophony, "We're going down! Brace for impact!"

In the command center, Richard and the others could only watch in horror as Poseidon's feeds flickered erratically, transmitting images of chaos inside the aircraft. The last thing they saw before the feed cut out was the ocean rushing up to meet the plummeting aircraft.

A great explosion lit up the screens for a moment before everything went dark.

There was a stunned silence in the command center. Richard stared at the blank screens, his mind racing. 

"Okay, the Poseidon has done its purpose, it was able to damage it by 50 percent, their efforts are not in vain." 

"What are we going to do sir?" Sara asked.

"Send in the cavalry, let our F-35s handle this."

"I can handle it, Eagle," Graves interjected. 

"No Graves, the monster is vulnerable against conventional weapons, just focus on assisting the rescue efforts, let our birds rain hellfire on it." 

"Understood, Eagle."

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