As the convoy moved through Manila, the leader of the New People's Army (NPA), Commander Reyes, sat in the lead vehicle. From his window, the city's devastation was evident. The streets were filled with abandoned cars and the buildings were in ruins.

Commander Reyes, a middle-aged man with a hardened look, wore a simple military uniform. He had a rugged appearance, with a few scars on his face, indicative of his years in guerilla warfare. He was known for his strategic mind and unwavering dedication to his cause. As he looked out of the window, he clicked his tongue in frustration, blaming the government for their failure to contain the outbreak.

"The government was too slow to react," he mumbled to himself. "Their incompetence has led to this disaster." 

"But look at this sir, this city is ripe for the picking. There would be no resistance for us to establish a legitimate rule over the Philippines. Governments have ceased to exist, and there is no law or order. This is the perfect time to establish a new state under "This is the perfect time to establish a new state under the principles we've fought for," continued the lieutenant in the vehicle with Commander Reyes.

Reyes nodded in agreement. 

Just then, the calm was shattered by a sudden alert from the foot soldiers. "Zombies!" one of the scouts yelled, pointing towards a group of staggering figures emerging from the shadows of the ruined buildings.

Without hesitation, the convoy came to a swift halt. The soldiers, trained for such encounters, quickly took defensive positions. The zombies, driven by their insatiable hunger, moved towards the convoy at a fast pace.

The soldiers, holding their positions, waited until the zombies were within range. 

"Fire at will!" commanded Reyes. The air was filled with the sound of gunfire as the NPA soldiers opened fire on the approaching undead.

Bullets tore through the decaying bodies of the zombies. The front line of the undead fell, but more kept coming, seemingly undeterred by the fallen. The NPA soldiers, maintaining their discipline, continued to fire in controlled bursts, aiming for the heads of the zombies, the only sure way to put them down.

During the zombie apocalypse, the NPA remained hidden for a few months until the urban cities were almost completely overrun. This period of inactivity was a strategic decision by the leadership, including Commander Reyes. They waited to assess the situation and the extent of the outbreak, as well as the government's response.

With the breakdown of government control and the spread of chaos, the NPA saw an opportunity to emerge and exert its influence. They viewed the government's failure to effectively contain the zombie outbreak as a further justification for their long-held belief in the need for a revolutionary change in the Philippines.

Upon reaching Malacañang Palace, the convoy stopped. Commander Reyes ordered his soldiers to clear the area of zombies. The soldiers quickly and efficiently eliminated a small group of zombies on the palace grounds. 

Once the immediate threat was neutralized, Reyes directed his men to secure the perimeter and establish a base inside the palace. They systematically checked each room for safety. After a thorough sweep, it was confirmed that the building was secure.

Reyes then instructed his men to set up communication lines and command posts within the palace. The NPA began to organize their operations from this new base, turning Malacañang Palace into the command center for their activities.

And then—.

"I want to make a broadcast. Let's announce to those who are hiding that the government is restored and that we will clean this country of the undead threat and rebuild a just society," Reyes stated decisively

His lieutenant quickly organized the setup for a broadcast using the equipment available in the palace. Reyes prepared his message, intending to reach out to any survivors and assert the NPA's role as the new governing body in the chaos of the post-apocalyptic Philippines.

The broadcast was set to go live, tapping into any working channels and frequencies. Reyes, standing before the microphone, cleared his throat. "To the people of the Philippines," he began. "This is the New People's Army. The old government has failed you, but we will not. We are taking control to restore order and safety. Our men will be patrolling the streets of Manila," Reyes continued, "Our men will be patrolling the streets of Manila. To those who will see them, please, reach out to them. They'll mean you no harm."

The lieutenant sent the broadcast across all available channels, hoping to reach as many survivors as possible. The message was clear: the NPA was stepping in to fill the void left by the government's collapse.

After the broadcast, Reyes turned to the next steps in his plan. "We need to start patrols immediately."

"And what are we going to do if we have gathered people?" 

"Well, we are going to make them our people, convert them," Reyes said.

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