Chapter 36 New Threat

Their eyes fixed on the monitor, watching the girl with the katana fighting her way through a hordes of zombies.

They were figuratively on the edge of their seats, especially at the part where the girl was flickering here and there like a blur.

"Is that…" Sara tried voicing out her remarks but was interrupted by Mark.


Richard had told Mark before, that there is a possibility that he is not the only unique one with ability in this world. And now, the proof of it is in front of them, exhibiting flashy skills that one could only see in movies and anime.

As they observed more, the more information they dissected. First the girl could move from one point to another in the blink of an eye, almost as if she were teleporting. Then there were the incredibly precise strikes of her katana, slicing through zombie skulls with ease.

But the surprises didn't end there. As the girl continued her fight against the relentless undead, she demonstrated another incredible feat. With a swift and effortless motion, she reached down, grabbed a zombie by its decaying arm, and hurled it with astonishing force at the approaching horde. The zombie projectile crashed into the oncoming mass, knocking several others down like bowling pins.

"We have the Hunters, the Goliath, and now this," Richard clicked his tongue, showing that a lot of things have been introduced since the apocalypse. He wondered how she got that ability, did she receive it the way he did? Gaining system and instead of summoning weapons, its strength? Or perhaps, she gained those abilities through infection while still retaining consciousness.

It's a possibility drawn out from one of the video games he played. Either way, there's no denying the fact that humans with superhuman abilities exist.

As they were watching, something landed in the middle. Its appearance, pinkish skin, on fours, with reddish skin, hairless skin, bulging muscles. There's no doubt about it, it's a hunter.

The Hunter charged with incredible speed, its grotesque claws extended, ready to strike. The girl, however, remained composed. Just as the Hunter lunged at her, its claws slashing through the air, she moved with a grace that defied belief.

In the blink of an eye, she shifted to the side, her katana becoming a blur of motion. With precise timing and uncanny agility, she sliced through the Hunter's outstretched limb with surgical precision. The monstrous appendage fell to the ground, severed, and the Hunter screeched in agony, its attack thwarted.

The trio watching the CCTV footage couldn't believe their eyes.

"What the…that's bullshit!" Richard cursed loudly. "It took about a hundred rounds of 7.62 mm and five 5 Javelin missiles and you are telling me that a girl with a katana sliced its arm as if it was made of butter?!"

"Well sir…by the looks of it, it seemed that this Hunter is quite smaller than the ones you encountered in the classroom."

"Possibly there is some sort of a derivative from the original Hunter strain, a lesser version I suppose?" Sara shared her insights.

Richard returned his gaze on the monitor, observing the hunter and comparing it to the ones he encountered and sure enough, it was smaller than the ones they eliminated when they rescued Lisa and her classmates.

"It is a possibility but it still, this changes things," Richard rubbed his chin and contemplated the implications of what they were witnessing. "It means that there's more to this outbreak than we initially understood. If there are different strains of these creatures, it could mean varying levels of threat and abilities."

Mark nodded in agreement. "And if there are others out there with abilities like the girl, we should find a way to connect with them. We might be able to pool our resources and knowledge to increase our chances of survival."

Sara, still watching the screen, added. "But what if they are not friendly? And wouldn't hesitate to attack before asking questions? Like we don't even know if they are human or mutated zombies that still have consciousness."

"There's only one way to find out," Richard said, focusing back on the girl. "But let's see if she can survive the—"

Richard's words were interrupted by the girl performing criss-crossing, instantaneous dance around the Hunter, slicing its limbs one by one until it went limp.

The Hunter's body fell and the girl cut its chest vertically and reached inside. To the astonishment of the trio watching the monitor, she pulled out something from the Hunter's body.

"What's that? Can you get a clear visual of that?" Richard ordered and the man who was on the station zoomed in to provide a closer look. The image on the screen sharpened, revealing the object the girl had retrieved from the Hunter's body.

Richard squinted at the screen, his brow furrowing. "It looks like some sort of capsule or pill."

Mark leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he examined the screen. "She's inspecting it carefully. What do you think it is?"

"I have no idea," Sara said.

As they watched, the girl brought the pill closer to her face, her expression unreadable. Then, to their shock, she placed the pill into her mouth and swallowed it without hesitation.

Richard's jaw dropped, and he blinked in disbelief. "Did she something from that Hunter?"

The trio exchanged bewildered glances, trying to make sense of what they had just witnessed.

Mark finally broke the silence. "It's hard to say what that pill is or why she consumed it. But one thing's for sure, it had some kind of effect on her."

The girl on the camera screamed as if in agony, her body contorted, and her eyes seemed to glow with an eerie light. She staggered backward, clutching her head as if in intense pain.

Seconds later, she returned to her composed self, standing there. The zombies that she didn't yet eliminate are converging on her once more, closing in from all sides. She readied her katana once again. As the zombies closed in on her, she twirled around with her katana in hand, executing a breathtakingly swift dance of death. With each elegant spin, she cleaved through the approaching undead with ease, her blade slicing through decaying flesh and bone. Limbs flew, and bodies fell, leaving a gruesome trail of destruction in her wake.

"She's strong," Mark said.

"And dangerous," Sara added. "Given her swift and precise movements, I don't think our soldiers would be able to get to her."

"We don't know about the strength of her body," Richard said. "Is she invincible from bullets, if so, at what caliber?? She's also fast, but how fast can she see? She is either an ally or an enemy."

"What should we do sir?" Mark asked, looking at Richard expectantly.

"Let's focus on expanding our territory," Richard said. "After that, we'll come after that girl."

"Sir?" The man on station pulled their attention back to the monitor and there they saw the girl staring back at the monitor, her eyes seeming to lock onto the camera as if she could see them on the other side.

Richard furrowed his brows, scanning her face. It was devoid of any discernible emotion. Her eyes, though fixed on the camera, remained unreadable. It was an unsettling feeling, as if she was assessing them just as they were assessing her.

"Who are you?" Richard mumbled under his breath.

The girl turned around and ran.

"Okay, that calls for an increase in our military budget," Richard smacked his lips.

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