Chapter 44 The "Master"

Meanwhile, in Beijing, China, an eighteen-year-old boy named Lin Feng stood on the rooftop of the city's tallest building, known as the China Zun. He had a slender frame, and his black coat flapped in the wind. His glossy black hair framed a pair of eyes that resembled the night sky over the city below.

The corner of his lips twitched into a smile as he watched the chaos befall the city. It was a beautiful sight, so beautiful that it made him intoxicated with euphoria. After all, it was he who created this art, who summoned otherworldly creatures on the planet.

"Master…" An angelic voice sounded from behind. "We have a problem."

"A problem?" Lin Feng repeated, glancing over his shoulder to see a figure standing in the doorway of the rooftop access. The newcomer was a stark contrast to Lin Feng in every way. She was a girl about the same age, her beauty ethereal and enchanting, with a presence that could capture the heart of any who laid eyes on her.

She had long, golden-blonde hair that shimmered like spun gold in the moonlight, cascading down her back in gentle waves. Her complexion was flawless, her angelic face framed by tendrils of hair that danced gracefully in the breeze. Dressed in a school uniform that seemed tailor-made to accentuate her perfect figure.

Lin Feng's twisted smile faded as he regarded her, his expression turning serious. "Su Xue, what kind of problem are we dealing with?"

"Your woman in the Philippines has been captured by a paramilitary organization known as Blackwatch," Su Xue reported.

"Blackwatch?" Lin Feng tilted his head to the side.

"I have never heard of that name operating in the world. I have scanned every piece of information, classified and unclassified, but there's no record of any organization called Blackwatch," Su Xue explained. She was a walking database of information, one of Lin Feng's important harem, and also a member with an ability to connect with other members Lin Feng had sowed in different parts of the world.

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed as he absorbed the information. "That doesn't make sense," he muttered to himself. "We have made sure that any military forces, private, militia, and an army would collapse at the day of the reckoning. How was she captured anyway?"

"Well, I have sent her simply to a location where the most infected culled in hours, and that was in a place called Makati City. Only a military force can call that number. It first confused me as we have already dealt with the Philippine Army."

"Is that so…Rose is okay right?" Ling Feng asked calmly but underneath his calm facade was a raging storm of anger.

Su Xue hesitated for a moment before answering, her expression softening. "She's alive for now. But she got killed once."

"Killed?" Lin Feng clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. His anger boiled over, his dark eyes flashing with a dangerous intensity. His harem members could only live twice thanks to his powers. If they get killed again, they are done for good.

"No one hurts what's mine and gets away with it!"

He opened his system and swiped through hundreds of databases of mutated creatures he had summoned. There, he found one asset.

"I'll send Goliath to that city! This will make them regret hurting my Rose," Lin Feng declared—and suddenly, he was interrupted by a repeating drumming noise from below.

Su Xue walked over next to Lin Feng and peered down below. "A rescue helicopter huh?"

"That noise…I want it to go away," Lin Feng demanded.

"Can I handle it, big brother?" A girl materialized next to Lin Feng, she had a height of about 1.3 meters and wore a gothic Lolita-style dress with lace and bows. Her hair was a vivid shade of purple, and her eyes glowed with an eerie crimson light. She was part of Lin Feng's harem, codenamed Violet.

Lin Feng nodded, his eyes never leaving the helicopter hovering nearby. "Do it, Violet. Show them the price of disturbing my moment."

With a mischievous grin, Violet raised her slender hand, her long, black-painted nails glinting in the moonlight. She unleashed a wave of destructive sound, a piercing, high-pitched noise that reverberated through the air. The sound was so intense that it shattered the helicopter's windows and sent it spiraling out of control.

The helicopter plummeted from the sky, a fiery explosion marking its descent as it crashed to the ground below, sending shockwaves through the chaos-ridden streets of Beijing.

Lin Feng stroked Violet's hair gently as a sign of approval, acknowledging her successful task.

"Ahh~! Master's hand is so soft and gentle," Violet purred, her eerie crimson eyes fixated adoringly on Lin Feng. She leaned into his touch, basking in his affection.

Su Xue, who was witnessing Lin Feng's intimate moment with Violet, pouted and hummed softly, feeling somewhat left out. She wasn't accustomed to sharing Lin Feng's attention with others, even though they were all part of his unique circle. Her jealousy simmered beneath the surface as she continued to observe the affectionate exchange between Lin Feng and Violet.

Lin Feng, sensing the tension, glanced back at Su Xue and gave her a reassuring smile.

"That's unfair…I want you to stroke me too," Su Xue Lin Feng's reassuring smile remained as he responded to Su Xue's request, understanding her need for affection. "Of course, Su Xue. Come here."

Su Xue's eyes lit up, and she moved closer to Lin Feng.

With a gentle touch, Lin Feng stroked her golden-blonde hair, his fingers gliding through the silky strands.

"Ah~!" Su Xue moaned as Lin Feng's fingers caressed her hair, a soft and contented sigh escaping her lips. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to fully immerse in the soothing sensation. Lin Feng's touch was like a balm to her emotions, dispelling the lingering traces of jealousy and replacing them with a warm sense of security.

Lin Feng pulled his hand back and shifted his attention to his system. Goliath is one of his powerful summons that is wreaking havoc in all parts of the world. Every country has one Goliath.

For the last two years, Lin Feng has painstakingly strengthened the system he received from a weird video game advertisement. He planted seeds in every country on the planet to ensure a simultaneous outbreak that would take the world by surprise. He wanted to dominate this world as he felt deep hatred towards it. It was unfair that such a world had brought him so much suffering and pain in his earlier years. Now, he intended to reshape it in his image, where there shall be no suffering.


Meanwhile, in the Philippines, the Goliath, who had been dormant for a few days, woke up as it received a providence from Lin Feng. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and the towering, monstrous creature turned its head southwest, where Makati City lay. With each thunderous step, the ground trembled beneath its colossal form.

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