Chapter 51 Prelude to the Wave

"What a depressing place," Richard said as he looked out of the window and saw the desolate roads of Manila. The roads that the military convoy was driving on were that of his old route to his school when he was in senior high.

The roads were normally packed with vehicles during rush hour, causing major traffic that would force anyone to walk on the street instead of getting stuck inside public transportation.

To see that the roads were clear in the apocalypse was surreal for him. He had expected the major roads leading back to base would be full of abandoned vehicles here and there, but he was wrong, it was eerily empty, as if there wasn't even an evacuation taking place.

Well, given the fact that the apocalypse occurred at six o'clock in the morning, most people were probably still at home, preparing for the day.

"Contact, two o'clock," the radio in his chest sounded and Richard looked at his two o'clock.

Zombies from inside buildings squirting out and charging at them mindlessly. They were swiftly taken down by the personnel manning the M2HB turret mounted on the JLTV Oshkosh and RG-31 Nyala. Its ear-piercing gunshots, complemented by the main rotors of the helicopters flying above reverberated through every alley, street, and road around them, attracting more zombies. But all were dealt with easily.

"Ten minutes out to the base," a familiar voice rang out in his voice. It was Mark.

"Ten minutes huh?" Richard muttered under his breath before peering up from where the Apaches, Blackhawks, Chinooks, and Pave Hawk were hovering. Such a sight would definitely send a chill down someone's spine. He wondered how the survivors would react should they see it from up close.


Ten minutes later, the military convoy arrived at the base.

Speaking of which, Richard hasn't given his base a name yet. He had been referring to it as a condominium or Blackwatch Headquarters. He had to give it a name.

He hummed aloud as he pondered for a name. He couldn't name Makati, because it's only the portion they have covered and a security risk especially when there are lawless groups roaming around neighboring cities. They can't call it Blackwatch because it's the literal name of the company.

Richard rubbed his chin and then an idea popped up. He would name it Oriental. Oriental is the condominium where this company originated and served as its main headquarters. It's a good name. He would announce it to everyone later.


Meanwhile, at Central Makati University, in one of the classrooms that have a clear view of the road, Lisa, her classmates, and some individuals were peering down from the window where their gaping mouths revealed how shocked they were at the convoy passing through the roads.

"What the—is that a tank?" One of the survivors exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise.

"More specifically, an M1A2 Abrams tank. How did this private company get one? Even the Philippine Army doesn't have one," said another.

"This means the owner of this private military company is rich! They even have helico—what the fuck! Hey look at that!"

"No fucking way! That's an Apache helicopter!"

Lisa, who had been puzzled as to why they were getting excited approached them and asked.

"Uhm…you know the names of the military aircraft and vehicles my brother possessed?"

The men turned their heads toward the source of the feminine voice and saw Lisa. Their eyes widened slightly as they took in her beautiful appearance. Some let out a suppressed whistle while others simply scanned her up and down with their eyes.

"Don't even think about it," said Angela, stepping forward. "Her brother is the head of the Blackwatch Private Military Company. Should you dare and try to get any funny ideas, he won't hesitate to—"

"Stop it—Angela," Lisa interrupted calmly. "I am just curious about their knowledge about the vehicles my brother is bringing in."

"But Lisa, you still remember the time when men are—"

"Geez Angela, they won't do such a thing not in the place controlled by my brother. So you can take it easy," Lisa said, realizing that Angela was being protective over her for what happened at their school.

The men's charmed expression turned into confusion. "What are you two talking about?"

"Oh nothing, don't worry about it," Lisa said, chuckling softly. "So, about the vehicles."

"Ah…you mean those on the roads? I know them. I may not look like it but I'm an avid military enthusiast," the young plump man in his twenties replied with a grin. "Your brother's convoy had an M1A2 Abrams tank, JLTV Oshkosh, RG-31 Nyala, M1117 Guardian, LAV-25, Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck, Apache, Blackhawk, Chinook, and Pave Hawk. Those vehicles are found mostly in the United States arsenal but not in the Philippine Army or Air Force, except for the Blackhawk of course."

"So you're saying that my brother has access to hardware from America?"

"Seems that way," the military enthusiast replied, admiration and curiosity in his eyes. "I mean, these aren't your run-of-the-mill vehicles and aircraft. It's not something you see every day, even in the military. Your brother must have some serious connections or resources to have gathered all this hardware.

Lisa lowered her head, downcast as she wondered the true identity of her brother again. She admits she knew nothing about the exact names of the vehicles Richard is using but having them just doesn't make any sense. He is being secretive to her about the origin of the company and that he is working secretly on this organization as its chief executive officer.

They have been together for long, too long that most of the day, they would spend their time inside the house minding their own business. Of course, she knew asking was futile, her brother would tell her to accept the way it is, leaving her in the dark.

Lisa sighed.

"You are his little sister, right? How come that you don't know about the business your brother is running?" the man probed.

"To be completely honest, my brother prefers to work in the shadows. He's always been a private person, even with me. Growing up, he'd disappear for days, sometimes weeks, and then come back as if nothing happened. He never shared much about his work or his connections. I suppose that's just his line of work?" Lisa chuckled as she told a lie.

"I see," the man nodded understandingly. "Oh miss, one thing, on behalf of my friends, please express our gratitude to your brother for rescuing us. Without him, we would have been turned into zombies."

Lisa nodded, her expression softening. "I will."

And then—a soldier entered the classroom.

"Everyone, gather in the courtyard for debriefing."


Thirty minutes later, every survivor Blackwatch rescued was gathered in the courtyard of the university.

At the podium, Richard addressed the survivors.

"To those of you who were wondering about the aircraft and vehicles outside, those are the reinforcements that would fortify the defenses of Oriental. That's right, Oriental would be the name of this base. This would be my final address to you people as my men and I prepare for whatever it is that will come tomorrow. Please, follow the instructions of the soldiers stationed in the university and should you need assistance, there'd be a dedicated team of personnel here to help you settle in and provide for your needs. That's all, thank you."

With that, Richard stepped back from the podium and left the courtyard. One of Richard's Chief of Staff approached him.

"Sir! You have to see this."

Sara held a tablet in her hand, her brow furrowing as she showed Richard the screen. On it was a live feed from one of the reconnaissance drones twelve kilometers northeast of the Oriental.

"What the—" Richard's eyes widened the moment he saw the creature displayed on the screen. "That's a fucking Goliath!"

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